
L’expression “perdre son innocence”

Je la trouve remarquablement blasphémique et cruelle.

La société confond innocence avec naïveté et purisme.

On a tous une “Innocence” de l’Enfant Divin intérieur. Elle est inextractible.

Elle est plus grande que le mot y convient.

Innocence signifie Liberté, Paix, et Laisser Vivre dans la Joie. La Lumière intérieure.

Dire que l’on “perd son innocence”, est nier le droit de la joie à son Âme et nier sa Divinité Inaliénable.

On la dit souvent lorsque l’on apprend des thèmes sombres, que l’on apprend la noirceur de ce monde, l’on apprend des thèmes sexuels/explicites, ou que l’on subit un événement tragique ou un apprentissage douloureux de la réalité qui change totalement nos perceptions “simplistes”.

Ou bien dans le système juridique lorsque l’on est pas responsable d’un geste.

Oui, on peut garder son Innocence même en acquiéscant ces aspects co-créés dans notre collectif. Nous leur donnons permission à ces événements et déséquilibres d’exister.

CKD scryes my Arcturian aspect

Hi Tei,
I am so awestruck by you. You are so brilliant and light comes out of you. You even photographed it in your eyes.
I sent you a large jpeg Illustration for printing on fine paper or canvas. There are many companies that provide this service. I sent a small jpeg and watermarked jpg for the internet.
with love

Meditation Notes
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The planets and stars that you are associated with the constellation of Boötes. Within this constellation is Acturus.


The coding within your DNA is very remarkable and it appears to me as lights within you eyes. I also see the extraterrestrial association with your father, and the avian ET, “Teiullyn Hin” as Aucturian.

The vision that comes through is your Soul Source is primarily layered with the lifetimes of the Light Air Beings of the Aucturians. They call themselves Auramuri. The beings are imbedded with light energy that can be seen running through the skin, eyes and wings. They can transform themselves into energy to enter into other dimensions and consciousness. This is in you and your DNA. Astral visions are very real and what you experienced is another dimension.

I do feel a mate, as you say, with you within you on a subatomic level. Understanding this is so very complicated but essentially it is an energetic bonding on a cellular level. It is a bonding that communicates through the body’s cells stimulating the nerves.

By feeling certain feelings a language is happening. In the Astral plane this contact can be less abstracted into feeling. For the bonding is within the astral body, a layer of energy that is a part of your physical body here on Earth. I suppose you already know all of this though.

It is interesting to know that the energy bodies are interdimensional. You’re astral and light bodies can manifest themselves through the physical planes. In the photograph you sent me I see your energy body projecting from the eyes.
This tells me that you are very anchored to your Soul Source and can manifest many wonderful things on Earth.
I heard your father’s name for a moment, it was a distant muttering. Pharoliynin is the channeled typing. Does this resonate?

What an important entity he is. Very much like you. In your lifetimes you generate a kind of solarium of light that ignites Planetary dimensional energy bodies. You really don’t have to do anything but live to do this. You are automatically triggering the energetic matrix around you.

I see you going out and looking into the stars, and collecting information and energy from Aucturus. The Auramuri send you energy and are very much a part of your matrix of energy. All of you are connected within the 8th dimension.

Water is a good focus and can provide healing and ways to meditate with your family and Auramurians. Water is in the air so breathing exercises with meditation of Prana can also unite you with this amazing communion.

There are light ships that are around you also. Very large ships that phase in and out of dimensions. The water vibrates when they come around. The vision of them can be seen by your “Astral Eyes”. How you know you are seeing with your astral eyes is when you close your eyes you can still see what is around you. Yes you can utilize your Astral body while you are awake. You may even be able to see the energy bodies of life around you.

I myself can see flying bug auras. Lol
But you are so amazing once you start to learn how to harness all of this light within you. A good practice is to just know you will achieve this eventually by just relaxing and let it be. The Divine light in your Soul is so supreme you can send out love and who ever receives it does change. Your energy is transformational.

Live life well and walk the lighted path with knowledge you already have. It may come in feelings and unspoken languages not familiar but in time you will be able to understand this fascinating communication. You are light and love blessing us all.

  • Christine Kesara Dennett does psychic art since 1989.


Note for context: during a regression session with two mediums, we all went to Saturn and it was revealed to me that my Soul’s birthplace is the core of Saturn, the home of my babyhood as a Soul, and rejoined my original mother, a lot realer to my eyes than the so temporary karmic teacher on earth that somewhat only knows my earthling body aspect.

I also have native connections within the Avian collective who all have Saturn boldly in their ener-genes.

I also have the revelation of incarnations after Saturn and a blue planet comes to mind. Now is the confirmation. I likely feel very familiarized with the Arthurian energies that are recorded in its history.
I have an Avian depiction of myself, and this Auramurian channeling is just one aspect of my consciousness amongst a myriad.

Byrotypes: The “Dark Empath”

Are there “narcempaths”?

Interestingly, there exists a sort of uncommon hybrid breed. I have encountered very rare cases of “darkened empaths”, with some BPD and narc-like traits but not on the extreme of narcissists, although they were extremely angsty and severely lacked any motivation to help society’s activism in affirmative or balanced ways. I repeat, they did not have the full blown narcissism. They had most likely a ton of ancestral trauma and a majority of their egotic issues were the absorption of sociopolitical pain in the world, and just feeling as if their soul and DNA are not compatible. Like some sort of jaded cursedness.

If you search up “Byronic archetype” it bears a similar pattern of behavioral configuration. It’s a trope, yes, but archetypal tropes share specs of truth IRL with more extreme or milder versions if traits. They also has overlapping traits with a bipolar mood. I do not have a masters in medical science or psychology but I analyse patterns everywhere.

Those are only hypotheses and I do not know 100% of their life, but they were very atypical. Both aged 15-18.

There was also overlap with a few autistic/Aspergers tendencies… regardless of their actual state. Developmental delays, and a fragile spirituality vulnerable to radicalization. I think transgenerational scapegoating and indoctrination played a role. Despite exploitativeness, they actually could be very blunt and brutally honest, flip flopped to becoming a misanthropic hermit to a public showoff or raider, but the rest is uncertain. Their social skills were poor. They dont manipulate as well as narcs. It just vibes unusual, idk yet. Regulation of anger and angst was close to zero. They likely have narcs and borderlines in their bloodline tho. This hybrid was only seen within bloodlines who have a strong spiritual openness, but were heavily oppressed.

These hybrids were really freaky to watch, nothing pejorative intended.

I only knew two of them in depth out of all the Earth. They share one thing: using social media is very dangerous for their wild imagination, and they mostly used it as a way to “bond” and hack their way into obscure communities and forums to troll. Their sensitive spiritual side lures them to draw very gullible conclusions and with no grey area. Narcissists easily side and plot with them as they have a dark side and an inflated ego, but the narc is the real conniving one. Only two in all the world I Iikely identified, compared to narcs, borderlines and sociopaths everywhere. They seem to be a rarity because theyre all hating human interaction, in overlooked parts of the world, raging and acting edgy on their keyboard or talking to no one, or God knows.

Byrotypes still have some Soul contact. They do not want to put up a false image because they HATE conventionalities and were raised to mistrust society almost entirely in culturally/ politically unstable backgrounds. But this gets unhealthy and they withdraw in their cave with no adequate basic socials, sort of, to come out when they get sensationalistic.

They may be one of the depressed edgy loners at your local high school. I would speak to them. Just to remain very careful about the political victim manipulation. No studies about therapy, holistics or prognostic are manifested yet. Byrotypes is so poorly innerstoid becayse veey few have tried to make a similar analysis except I can think of one guy but where’s his video?

Warval and Griffon (channeled) talk about The New Reality of Bio-artificially Controlled Homes

Part 2 transcript:

Warval: Controlling your Home Part 2
My wolf guide Warval somehow was able to pave a direct access to talk to me as I was daydreaming about his dream to create an Island.
Warval: You see, just like Griffon’s home, I also control my island.
Me: Wow. I didn’t think of that.
Warval: Yes. This is exactly why I showed you the scene where I ask my island, whom I call my womb, to rain cashews down my mouth. I can feel all that happens in it. You also like to ask permission to collect fruits or do anything with nature telepathically. Let me formulate a better example why. Imagine you reap off the fruits of what is an extension of my body of control without asking our united consciousness. I always know everything one does on my Island. A real home is intelligent like an organic program with a core host heart, like Gaia’s planetary form and Gaia the goddess who controls it and senses all that happens on Earth. Not like the artificial mortgaged limited homes you buy now. What I talk about is what is to me the real, divine design of a house. The legit stuff, as you earthlings say. They are glued together. You cannot cut Gaia from her shell planet but I can cut my Island’s connection to me if I want to and it would vanish or cease to function. Anywhere I go me and the Island are always one and connected beyond the illusion of location. This is what some of your homes in your near biotechnological future will look like. You will be the life force that controls it with your minds. Same for Gaia. Griffon got it right.
Me: Everything is now so clear. This is what true abundance means
Warval: Part of it. If everyone knew to do this, no one would live homeless or justify a lack and poverty mindset welcome you.
Me: So my residences built by me and the GFL could work like that.
Warval: If you wish to, certainly. I’ll come around to congratulate and help you as a hologram from a fractal of our united consciousness. You will also see me on New Lemuria, which vibes deeply with my Light.

Me: I want my homes to minimally have certain automatic tasks. The Pleiadian technology is fully automated.

Warval: Sure, you can.

Griffon: I concur and agree. See, my genius comes from someplace!

Me: Your engineerism reminds me of my grandfather, Griffon! I feel blessed!! I can picture the whole image of my current mission contract now. Also, I notice you always make sure to give me info at its ideal rhythm. You both never rush your mouth.

Écoles yourtes: des alternative pour détourner les “écoles covid” et l’Agenda 2030 / la”Gatespocalypse”

Je me sens comme Wall-E en ce moment.

Moi, Teiuliyn, a tendance à prendre la sécurité spirituelle des enfants que je protège très sérieusement puisque j’ai traversé cette jeunesse volée moi-même en apprenant à survivre la quarantaine d’une oppression spirituelle extrême graduelle, en vagues, qui avait fabriqué une profonde cicatrice dans l’ego juvénile fragile en développement. Apparemment, la mafia pro-Bill Gates veut faire tester la famille entière pour chaque écolier à la “nouvelle” rentrée scolaire pour un rhume et dire qu’on a tous le coronavirus pour forcer notre puçage/vaccination. Ça commence au primaire déjà.

Et les tests deviennent de plus en plus invasifs, du vaccin RFID “nanotatouage” détectant les infrarouges pour vérifier la vaccination, la désensibilisation d’un ciblage à la tête, jusqu’à la cavité du nasopharynx où se situerait une zone muqueuse fragile proche de la barrière sang-cerveau (les deux derniers se dirigent vers la glande pinéale).

Les signes avant-coureurs étaient sous nos yeux avant même Guy Fawkes.

Quand les “fact checkers” essaient de s’en prendre au vrai narratif et supposer qu’on propage des “fake news”, ils parlent d’eux-mêmes et leurs mensonges scientifiques. Un contrôlleur narcissique a souvent un fétiche pour consamment ruminer des indices et des signes de ce quoi il détient la responsabilité (projette sa propre culpabilité).

Encore des faux chiffres; même pour la manifestation pacifique de Montréal, on a en grand fil marché le 8/8, dont j’y marchait sur place.

Ben tsé quoi, on ouvre des écoles alternatives dans des yourtes. Y’en a une qui va ouvrir bientot, celle d’une chere amie. On est hyper réveillés donc jamais on va saisir les kit de test truqués parce qu’on a pas la corporation, la corruption ni l’agenda pour le permettre. Masque ou pas de masque, tu peux rentrer. Une yourte qui tient debout au milieu de la nature, rebelle aux institutions et nous deux nous ne pouvons plus retourner dans le vieux systeme.

Source: https://www.rastundruh.at/jurtenprojekte/waldschule-goppisberg-schweiz/

C’est f i n i!!

On en avait deja a boute bien avant la plandémie. J’ai meme pas de DES et jirai jamais le chercher. Je veux pas de grosse job prestige universitaire qui me complique trop la vie a me coincer dans le 3D. Meme elle ne pouvait plus nier sa sensibilité donc elle a quitté ses etudes. L’école institutionnelle est devenue trop risquée merci aux images dystopiques futuristes mediatisées si abondemment dans les films et fictions qui deviennent réalité depuis les années 1990. Y’a toujours un problème mais faut trouver quelques solutions. C’est ça!! Vraiment tout ce qu’on a besoin cest de batir des grosses tentes et des yourtes, puis rassembler des parents locaux en réveil à y inscrire leurs enfants pour qu’ils puissent apprendre librement! En tout cas pour le primaire et le secondaire ça pourrait fonctionner jusqu’à un certain point parce que c’est pas tout le monde qui peut completement changer son programme scolaire si facilement. Continuez vous à dépendre du systeme de programmation de l’enfance institutionnel meme post co-rire-19? À votre niveau de conscience je pense que vous méritez bien mieux. Vous pouvez vous le permettre de tourner les tables.

Ça réglerait aussi le phénomène de dénaturalisation des connaissances géo/écologique qui se produit dans certaines zones chez les plus jeunes à force de rester trop sur un écran en métropole. Comme s’ils négligeaient, manquaient de l’information des diversités biolocale et géographique dont les générations précédentes connaissent depuis leur âge et y sont habitués. Imagine ne pas reconnaître le nom de la montagne près de ta municipalité ni des sortes les plus communes d’arbres comme des pins et chênes?.. parce que tu regarde un nombre limité de choses et sort un nombre très limité d’endroits. Tu deviens accro à l’artificialisé et ça envahi tout ce que tu connais. J’ai déjà lu un article blog sur ce sujet. Faudrait me le trouver. Une école à meme déjà eu recours à un programme nature pour étudier ce phénomène. C’est si triste de penser que les écoliers auront juste des sorties virtuelles.. ça crée une forme négative de nostalgie. Tant qu’à ne pas sortir et rester “encadré”, l’obésité, des déficiences vitaminales aigues (particulièrement la vit D) et d’autres problèmes de santé vont devenir extra envahissants (plus que maintenant) si ça continue vers le pire scénario, parce que s’exercer à l’intérieur n’apporte pas le bénéfice entier du sport dehors et ça devient aussi fatigant. Hypoxie, absence d’affection sociale tactile (le sens social le plus important, génère de l’oxytocine et la sérotonine et de l’énergie positive), stress aigu chronique de tomber malade, affaiblissement general de la santé, vaccinations RFID micropuce et deficience de soleil.. recette suicidaire idéale.

Le co-rire ne s’arrête pas de rire ici. Je crois que cette alternative diminura drastiquement le harcèlement scolaire puisque c’est un comportement modelé, qui est selon moi encouragé et causé par le système et son environnement institutionnel, victimiste et contrôllant qui punit narcissiquement celui qui a subit le harcèlement. les abuseurs se comportent toujours en victimes quand on les expose et nient leur abus. Le vieux mouvement de “intimidation tolérance zéro” a t-il pris en compte que cest le systeme qui cause ça? je pense que non. . y’a 1000+ ecoliers et plus dans un grand bloc ouvert venant de tous les coins, stressés chroniquement, suppressant leurs emotions par des addictions et des superficialités, et bourré de toxines qui trouvent si facilement des martyrs pour projeter leur négativité et propager le narcissisme social et la division, surtout envers leurs profs puisque leur estime de soi est victimiste et ils se sentent existentiellement compromis. Du survivalisme classique du plus fort et du pouvoir et le contrôle ou tous se sentent menacés chaque jour à prouver sa valeur, fuir, ou révolter et causer un drame. la recette matrix multi-instititionnelle qui propage et stock tellement de négativité si tôt qu’ils trouvent des moyens de projection par les mecanismes dysfonctionnels transmis et éduqués et le mind control en général. le narcissisme sociétal comme j’ai expliqué joue avec ça.

Dans l’alternative la communauté se communique beaucoup plus près et la toxicité de l’énergie devient proche de zéro. on respire. ya aussi moins d’élèves en paquet donc la surveillance est plus stable.

Bref.. la plandémie va tout briser si on ne reprend pas nos droits et libertés et zéro solutions. la moralité, le bonheur, la nature et la santé deviendront des mythes dans un extremisme de dictature orwélienne technocratique.

Le terme “bal masqué” vient de changer historiquement de contexte à un point que ça devient une sorte de septième degré démoralisateur.

Comic 003: Drake’s Second Equation: The Threshold of Galactic Disclosure

Image is allowed to be shared non commercially and commercially, with credit granted.

I hypothesized this equation as a followup to Drake’s probabilistic Equation of intelligent Extraterrestrial Life in the Cosmos. (I just learned there exists Seager’s equation as well).

Are we alone? In 2020 most of us know or feel convinced the answer is negative. We are never alone. Beyond your sight is tremendous activity in higher frequency realms, even on Earth.

So I stocked information from many different channelings and events of commander beings, Ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation and cosmic families but with no promise of absolute accuracy of truth.

So far, three big factors are plugged in this equation concerning exactly how much the galactic families will to disclose to humanity.


(Self-responsibility + Consciousness Frequency), substracting (lowering threshold) with the interference factor.

a. First variable is self-responsibility. The more humanity turns towards the Light, the Truth of who they are, rise their vibration enough in terms of compassion and will to take matters in their own hands, this positively influences the willingness of Light/neutral ETs and masters to more overtly work with us and establish more direct contact, progressively from the first prepared initiates to a collective level; reason: we align more with Love, their frequency and energies.

b. Second variable is the Interference Factor. All civilizations have free will that must not be compromised (Galactic Codex). Each being among us has conditions within their life contracts, risks of misuse and Divine/Soul permission that influence contact and the threshold of information revealable.

c. Lastly, although this likely sums just a simplistic equation and more influences beyond, is the Frequency of Consciousness. Individual and collective energies must attain certain checkpoints in their Hz level of consciousness frequency to open up more ET opportunities, and as the third eye opens and Universal Law taught, contact becomes more open, and this also relates to “pureness of heart”.

There is in this infographic an evolutive chart plotting rough data of ET contact from 1952 to 2020 and beyond. Barney Hill abductions, the 1952 hydrogen bomb intervention, the Starseed waves, possible higher/lower frequency alternate event horizons, and so on.

Substantial sources:




Discernment at your own discretion.

Comic #2


Artist’s context notes: So the prinSass goes out, fills their happiness bar by 1000% and forgets he didn’t even need Warval to feel satisfied or this occasion (but he missed him). The Island is stable even when the King travels on a vacation because all is interconnected.


Introduction du perso Yuri Lisz. Cette bd rédlète une mentalité “post-cynique” des enjeux de révolte et dévoilement par un perso qui se ressent forcé de supporter une cause. Il existe, comme dit, des gens qui causent des changements par des moyens internes. Il ne sert pratiquement à rien qu’aggraver les énergies plus bas dans la négativité de créer de l’inquiétude et l’anxiété existentielke. Certains sujets sombres rentrent sous nos yeux chaque jour; la pédophilie, les drogues, le viol, la marijuana, et un ouragan enragé infantile continue de manger tout ce qu’il voit comme monstrueux avec des conséquences diverses. Il faudraut donc, comme suggère ici Yuri, de prendre un retrait et reconnaître davantage son unicité avec l’univers et qu’élever sa vibration rend le changement plus gracieux. Notre société selon moi devrait grandir et cesser d’attaquer continuellement l’ombral de sa propre dualité. Personnellement, je vois pleins de réactions infantiles comme si c’était la 1ere fois qu’on voyait une injustice. Non, on ne pend pas les pédos et les violeurs que pour leur sexualité qu’ils n’ont pas contrôle, on ne tue pas les reptiliens, et ça ne veut pas dire que j’ai un agenda négatif! On ne peux réalistiquement que comprendre qu’on n’a aucun droit divin de contrôler leurs “préférences” et il suffit de renvoyer les énergies chez eux. Sinon, restez chez vous en quarantaine si vous avez si peur de ce monde. La dissonance cognitive et les traumatismes ancestraux en votre génôme sillonnent. Ce que je trouve horriblement pathétique, c’est cette conscience primitive qui se base sur le triangle Kerpman, victime et sauveur. Oui, des femmes et enfants se font martyriser. Et quoi? Il faut stopper ça oui, je comprends votre colère, mais les humains ont des tendances extrémistes. Shifter de la colère à la compassion est-t’il si difficile? Je roule mes yeux à chaque fois. Quand aura-t’on fini de riposter pour un rien? Punir pour des facteurs engrammiques et bioénergétiques que l’Âme a choisi de vivre avec sans que ses consciences sur Terre le sachent? Prochainement, mon Yuri élaborera l’univers du lien entre le “hacking” et le monde quantique.

Introduction of Yuri Lisz. This comic reflects some controversial opinions abput the extremism of society towards “injustices”. Who decided one day to “kill all pedos and rapists” (humans will most likely never accept them and I don’t truly care if that occurs), slay reptilians just for preferences they do not fully control even if the Soul chose? These topics like trafficking, abuse and “cancel culture power trips” act in our faces constantly. I innerstabd the anger but when will there be a shift to compassion while we are rehoming energy?

I am such an ancient Soul who feels too worn out by these basic, very old lessons. I empathize with Earth’s grievances but I do not enjoy the radicalistic violence and dualism.

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