Note: This theory accounts mostly for cases where an energetic condition is mostly “sociobiologically” justified such as with your classic blend of compatibility-related genetic explanations, organic brain damage and neurochemical injury or radiation, and not some false neurologically simulated psychotronic operation via implants or anything electronic or entity-related, or alter programs. Different roots and solutions.

I suggest looking within and/or consulting with spiritual guidance, energetic healers and/or any other preferred type of helper or clinician before assuming any label unto you. What you do on your DNA affects all the rest of the Omniverse and our galactic cousins have to work extra hard to keep the genetic splicing agendas and harmful hands’ echoing ripple effect off their strands, as we get all affected reciprocally if any change occurs. DNA is quantum and We are One. This is not a joke!

I was going to use the alternative term coinage Sheol auric syndrome for Aura DIsplacement, however I simply rechecked where this word originates from, even with as much disinformation ios roaming on Terra; “Sheol” is a Hebrew Jewish word for the ‘grave of the dead’ and multiple meanings with the same contextual cluster, and in Vibrational Truth it may symbolize closer to the lower ethers. There are theories that preverbal children are ‘mumbling’ backwards, and if you reverse a recorded clip of their voice, their true messages are heard. I’ve listened to backwards music and speech as an interest most of my earth life (surprisingly!), so I can say this definitely has some vibrationally explained truth in there, but it all depends on interpretation and results would be more validated if this correlated to messages received via telepathy, a natural skill which the population of Terra has atrophied.

However, Sheol can also signify a synonym of Hades or Tartarus, basically the Abrahamic concept of a hell, as much as there are many different limbos and hells. According to “In the Hebrew Bible, Sheol (Sheʾōl) is a place of darkness, silence, and dust to which the spirit, or vital principle, descends at death. It is likened to a vast house whose entrance is guarded, like family burial sites, by gates and iron bolts; to a prison in which the dead are held captive by strong cords; to an insatiable beast with spreading jaws; and also to a watery abyss. Once in Sheol, the dead are cut off from their living kin and from cultic relationship to God. Yet God retains his sovereignty over Sheol, searching out the evildoers who hide in its depths, preserving or delivering the just from Sheol’s grasp, and, ultimately, as later apocalyptic and rabbinic texts make explicit, restoring the dead to life” states:

“The Hebrew word “Sheol” is often translated “hell” in the English versions. However this gives the wrong inference. It is never used of the final destination of the wicked. Sheol is used in Old Testament in basically five ways:

  1. The unseen realm of the dead
  2. The grave – the actual place where bodies are buried
  3. Specifically, the place of punishment for the wicked
  4. Symbolically
  5. The place from where the righteous are saved”

Sheol seems to be a multifaceted idea. So I could maybe refrain the term to o Aura Displacement. Or consider this, a specific subtype of aural displacement. By aural displacement, it signifies the dissonant ungroundedness of the higher energy bodies in relation to the denser bodies and each corresponding sets of chakras; and PHYSICALLY also displacing the auric ‘central concentration’ not exactly inside the physical body; dislocated.

Now, I only refer these statements as examples and not to promote religious justifications for the theories I say here. I do not adhere to a religious agenda on my blog neither do I follow any religious doctrine, personally speaking.

  1. Aura Displacement is a basis for some common energetic imbalances often narrowed down to earthling’s perceptual labels such as autistic or schizophrenic on Terra. They occur in majority with Starseeds and can be recorrected into more balanced forms based on the Soul’s consent.
    1. This energetic imbalance happens with the Higher Self or Soul aspects partially rejecting the denser bodies due to an overly neurotoxic system akin to a foreign donor organ rejected by a host body’s awake physical immune system (the Soul also has a role in this), and this is why vaccines can cause what appears to be severe neuroimmune responses, OCDs, tics, and sometimes autistic setbacks. The reject is partial, and a full rejection is true death of the physical body. The lower chakras than experience a severe imbalance and become underactive, whilst the upper chakras, heart and above, compensate and are to various levels, ‘trapped’ in the ethers, and the aura of the being becomes displaced, ‘beside’, or ‘out there’, not conveniently anchored in the body like a Haric line. There is a disharmony between two sectors of frequencies thus ungroundedness is magnified to a clinical degree. Certain genetic anomalies such as MTHFR mutations aggravate the risk of these phenomenons (methylation anomalies). DNA incompatibility between bloodlines such as Pleiadian bloodlines with the Soul’s Sirian ener-genes.
  2. There is less of a strong sense of boundary between your own mind and those of others, since the mental consciousness is more ‘trapped in the ethers’ there retains a stronger sense of unity consciousness and there is still a sense of self-other, but more unstable and flaccid. That is why those with “Sheol aura syndrome” tend to sometimes assume that others read their mind and that they have less boundaries on what they can say to others, and often feel surprised that others could react strongly or feel upset about their poor awareness or sensitivity to Matrix social programming or lack of socialization drive. They ‘get’ the frequency of earth more slowly and tuning is less rapid. This can also cause dissonance between their body language and their internal intentions and thoughts. Ethereal communication is often lacking a physical body and there is then less need for body signals or social cues as everyone knows what another thinks. These partially discarnate souls can have this sort of single-minded mindset that neglects other peripheral energetic aspects such as analyzing and checking their nonverbal cues and those of Earth’s cultural matrix, or the ‘drive’ to keep track of how others perceive them on a more superficial level. There is less separation. BUT, they tend to have a very nonlinear mind that desperately attempts to linearize their non-linearity in a somewhat linear world through ritualistic behaviors, and black-and-white moral systems, and have a high sensitivity to the environment, almost as in overexpressed attunement.
  3. May have greater awareness of energies which can overstimulate their minds, needing more rest and calm. However anchored and more unanchored high frequency souls may live this differently.
  4. Once they fetch a “manual” on how and why, often needed to be explicitly broken down into explanations rather than a mix of half-intuitively absorbed energetic codes, repetitive social programming and inherent cellular memories, some with Sheol syndrome may find themselves open up an entire realm of templates and possibilities about the mechanisms of their brethren on Terra better than those without a displaced aura like theirs. This is another hint of their ethereal thinking. Their sense of unity is a double edged sword.
  5. Aura displacement very commonly causes increased discomfort with eye contact, as looking in the eyes typically creates a strong chord of psychic connection, and the eyes are the window to the Soul, as the human idiom says. With an increased energetic and ethereal sensitivity, eye contact can be discomforting, or even painful. Eye contact can also cause transient hypnosis, and can vampire off your energy if not properly used.
  6. Ethereal thinking : quite self-explanatory; Children, especially when they have a high vibe or displaced aura, doesn’t need to be displaced.. have powerful imaginations and there is less need to distinguish what is ‘real or ‘unreal’ as all is active Creation and reality is mostly holographic on the observatory stance.

Remember that this is for theoretical purposes and not intended to replace any professional advice or your Inner Divine Truth.

I may continue editing this article later as it’s not a set science, no science is graved permanent as it constantly changes; but Universal Truth remains universal and constant. Change is the only constant and we experience constant change. I intend later to post various references to back up the theory.

An Aura Reading of Asperger’s: Low Emotional Connection and Localization of the Aura in the Body

Teiuliyn Hin, Lightworker, of the Inlemoret Soul Triplicity

Author: teiuliyn

Ancient Lightworker originally born in Saturn and from the Avian collective. I bring my contribution to Shan with all the active Starseeds.

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