Everyone Has a Voice, even the Mute

Source: Virily.com. Description: A woman signs the word “help” in American sign Language in front of a blackboard with the word HELP in all caps written in white chalk on her left. The semi-transparent image of a throat chakra in superposed on this layer.

My brother turned 17 physically, right on the 2/2 portal day.

I have never gotten the opportunity to know my brother like with the rest of my family because he was institutionalized at 5 “for life”, going around the CRDI’s foster care network. I know of him mostly by ear and not by eye that much. Only occasional outings, which were dominated by his insistence to only go to McDonald’s and he would get super pissy every time or do some typical autistic resistance behavior like just drooping on the floor and refusing to go anywhere, running off in the parking lot or on the street, or inadvertently hurt a child in the playground. Wail and throw his toys when he gets mad.

The visual info I have from him, is everything we’ve done together before he left. I’ve talked to his OT about our childhood memories – does he remember them? Would he recognize me after so long?

All his moves had to be strictly monitored and dare you turn an eye on him, he’s be likely soon gone. Doesn’t cognitively see the death traps around him.

My brother was developmentally arrested by genetic predisposition, chemical poisoning and va***nations at the age of 18 months, and earlier even, but 18mo was the MMR blow. He made only very little growth since then.

“He can’t consent to anything” they thought. All of them.

This is actually very disempowering.

Possibly around 2022 when I’m well sorted out with the LemuHubs already, I want my brother to have protégé guardianship with me if I can get to his legal custody. Well, “legal”, in galactic terms. There’s not any quantic distanciation but you can still have a protégé cord from a distance whatever happens – is soul has to consent though. I can’t blindly do guesswork knowing that he has awareness and consciousness like all of us, and I think he can consent more than we may think. If he refuses my protégé liaison I cannot intervene. We have free will. Well, kinda. It’s complicated. Placing a frequency fence around Earth so we can’t hit someone, that compromises our free will – freedom is the granted right to do ANYTHING. Remove one thing and you have not your 100% freedom.

The reason that I plan to wait until 2022 is that, it’s going to be next year is his legal age, and it’s convenient as he won’t stay on his lower timeline too long and I’ll have time to build and organize my plans and bases. Actually, I want him to stay in higher 4D or 5D because of his innocence and defenselessness. I miss him so much. But the biggest reason is that his social worker would cause a conflict of interest with me. And ETs have to allow the population to get used to them in each timeline they do. I hear that someone’s starting a TV station for the GFL and Hollow Earth soon.

He just gets thrown around like he doesn’t get anything because of his cognitive limitations – which we BELIEVE are severe on the mental level – but do we see what he really thinks, what his soul sees and knows within? – and thus is assumed to have no ability to make his own decisions. I beg to differ a hundred times. If I can ask plants permission to be eaten or used, or plucked, he can have this level of consent too, not that I call him a vegetable.. it’s all at the soul level. This is only one aspect fractal of his consciousness and oversoul. You have to converse with his higher self to know what he really wants. All communicatively limited or mentally disabled people get treated like this. Their own ignorance, and perceived ignorance, taken for advantage in so many ways because we don’t think or believe ourselves to have the ability to speak and read their soul consciousness so there’s only guessing for only this specific aspect.

This has to stop. Like animal hunting. I don’t like when these people are said to have no voice, nor children. They do. They very much do. Their aspects even do. But we don’t listen! We forgot how reality works! our telepathic skills were atrophied by the 3D phantom matrix!
Even the spirit of tobacco was channeled recently by Mads Lundager!

They are not to be infantilized, nor the mute (nonverbal) ones!

Well, except soulless ones. They do not have a throat chakra functioning or even present – only ego and sometimes the 4D heart chakra. They may have an ego voice but no spiritual voice. The soul is defined by presence of heart and post-heart chakras. If you only have a heart, you may have a “proto-soul essence”. An incomplete soul. Heart is the root of the soul, and the Soul Star its Seat.

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