My Story

My name is Teiuliyn hin, Teiu for short, an I am a My Lab and potentially MK-Ultra experiencer since the age of eight. I have no memory of being in the secret space program whatsoever, but I have written a book on how to differentiate organic versus My Lab induced neurological infirmity.
When I was seven years old, I was severely bullied at school, which I believe was a precursor of mind control onto the matrix to traumatize and lower my frequency enough in order to purposefully misdiagnose me with Asperger’s, and two years later with A.D.H.D. as a comorbidity. Fact is, two psychics years later saw I had a removed implant in my back which was activated by negative E.T’s, which was activated by having experienced trauma severe enough to create an artificial neurosimulation of an autistic state with my fearful frequency.
This Neurodiversity Mind Grid Frequency was actually a hivemind that connected me to an MK-Ultra beacon and walking portal named Christine Weston Chandler along with other diagnosed or misdiagnosed, or undiagnosed people with autism.
The neurodivision agenda is created in order to divide people into cliques based on their neurological tribes, and neurotypes, and this is what it’s all about, creating MILAB abductees with implants that make them behave accordingly to a psychiatric disorder after having experienced severe trauma, so their freq makes them compatible with the reprogramming.
They may use plasmic hologram replicas of your body and mind complex, and probe it like voodoo; harp; some remote frequencies, etcetera. the technology is so advanced and beyond what you can think of.
They can do anything, insert false memories, which they did for two years when I was nine after my implant, I literally thought I was in a false past life a video game character related to Sonic the Hedgehog (which is an M.K.-Ultra autism symbol) and I got feared because of that. I also believed I had a sort of semi-alter named Asik, and he had a demon aside that would come occasionally to possess me and I’d just drop and act out possessed on the floor, at school even. In front of everyone. It was the cringiest time of my incarnation.
The voodoo can make you do extremely humiliating things, reveal openly some scary thoughts and imaginations you would never usually have, then afterwards you realize what you’ve done is irreversible and you end up crying for hours, and being scarred for life with that traumatic incident. I still have many of those incidents playing in my head every minute.
It is trauma after trauma. I even have evidence that I was hospitalized for depression at age nine despite me not remembering I was depressed at all. I do not remember what happened in summer of 2011.
Then came a long trial of medications that made me from aggressive to tired all the time.
I was put in special ed in order to segregate me from the rest of society and my social skills were corrupt because of this move. It took me three years to finally convince my teachers to mainstream me until my repeated 10th grade year, and I was only mainstreamed in English; it was the best.

Shortly after I left school, child protection, or D.Y.P, in Canada, completely turned my life upside down because I threw away my medications and would often run away. I had a lot of family issues, including around me discovering my diagnosis was false.

I also once began to hallucinate Grey E.T’s for two weeks or three. I also purposefully did an astral mating with a reptilian when I was around 14 or 15. For years, demons molested me whenever I went to shower.

One time, I asked my social worker, which I disliked, why there wasn’t any residences for empaths. She was just pissed I had asked. So I chose to create one myself as a life goals thing.
I was barricaded from group home to group home, and I eventually had enough and stepped up in court to be put into a mainstream youth center because the CRDI for special needs was too dangerous and traumatizing for myself already Just the mere thought of being associated with autism services triggered my My lab residue and shame, all of the memories so badly that they thought I made it worse than it actually is, but because I could see right through the BS, I protested and manipulated them every chance I could.

I secretly had a revelation of my life plan, that I had to create safehouses in the next 3 to 4 years or everyone will be screwed for. There you go in 2021 onward, the Chinese communist party is already hunting for the unvaxxed in Canada! I told you so!
My guides had downloaded for the steps in order to do so and it was risky business. I could not tell anyone I would visit extraterrestrials on the surface and underground in my plan so I had to omit info and do half truths. I wasn’t into carefully doing step by step procedures for my independence and more special needs B.S. My 17 year old self’s mentality was “let’s freaking go”.
A few more residences later and I’m there. Yes, I did have my struggles trying to help people and wake them up. So, that is my story.


You DID choose to be born before you came down here, but you do not owe your parents ANYTHING on a transactional or materialistic level.

Parent-child transactional relationships are very damaging. Parents who constantly ask you for money, who ask you huge money favors, and keep telling you “you’ll thank us later” or who use you as some kind of name for a retirement fund plan.

Your one responsibility as a parent is, or as a caregiver or guardian, to be responsible for how this child develops to be. I’m not a guilt tripper, but this is my truth.

If you make your child believe they have a clause in a contractual, transactional relationship that is spoken, and scripted, even years in advance, of compassion and support in exchange of transactional resources, you have a problem. It severely undermines the sense of dignity of the child, and this is a very egocentric approach. You are not a 401k plan.

Find negotiations to find common ground and balance if all else fails, otherwise, go no contact.

Byronic Tendencies Red Flags

Byronism Red Flags

  • Attempting to recruit you to a cult or group and telling you extravagant stories
  • Not listening to you and talking nonstop
  • Asking you for personal information such as passwords, secrets, etc.
  • Using their depression for attention, acting depressed to be validated
  • Acting powerless and needing you to fix their issues concerning being heard or seen
  • Projecting their grudges against those who have abused or mistreated them unto everyone
  • Edgelordery
  • Splitting and off-kilter ideological prejudice
  • Being highly reactive or defensive to political opinions, and being easily offended
  • Extremely sensitive to sociopolitical and cultural affairs
  • Constantly provoking and mocking their own species, to an unhealthy point
  • Attributing themselves trendy identities and labels without further research
  • Listen more to their emotions than logic
  • Defines themselves as an anarchist or does violent rebellions

When the term ‘Lightworker’ becomes problematic

There is this wariness that the term Lightworker denotes a New Age trap, of someone who shows off their ego in spiritual and esoteric affairs, tending to seek appeal on their spiritual works while not dealing with their shadow.
I am often encountered with wariness whenever I present myself as one; it just happened to me today. Upon the person asking me why I personally did resonate with the concept of a Lightworker, I replied that it is about helping others reminisce their own inner lost Light, and not necessarily a way to egotize my spiritual work.

The whole time I have been doing blogs, talking to you and describing to you my life, I was here mostly to help people, and on Discord attempt to seek solutions for my personal problems

There is a difference between having profit from doing personal sessions in order to survive, versus ripping off people’s wallets and ignorance in the esoteric world.

There is also a difference between saying “Look at me, I am of the Light, I do all these good things” and simply saying “Here is what I can help you with”
I believe the term Lightworker has also been distorted from its original meaning. As in the path of the Jedi, we all balance between dark and light. So Lightworkers, are in fact, working to transmute all of the loosh and dark reigns, and send darkness back home.

It is no surprise that Star Wars had understood this about the Grey Jedi.
And so, I empathize for any misunderstandings, I claiming to be a Lightworker has planted in your mind.

Lemuryk Project Update Dec 21 2021

More than 165,000 signatures have been signed for the Planetary Liberation NOW petition created by COBRA ( on Dec 19, and the December 21st collective meditation has been successfully a remedy.

I’m also seeing, feeling, hearing things that put more faith in my path and will keep me up to eventually go on Arcturian and ET ships in 2022 perhaps.

Yesterday night, something reactivated within my crown chakra, I believe I had a download of massive energies which cracked my clairvoyance open.

I’m going to go see my family on Xmas Eve, and will come back to update you after that.

The Neurodivision Agenda: The Deep Dark End

I just- can’t anymore.

That is EXACTLY what the Neurodivision Agenda wants to make of you.

People are claiming “factives”, alters based on REAL PEOPLE and YOUTUBERS like Dream for views.

And count how many have done so.

I foresaw that the NDA would go to this self-diagnosing extent long ago.

Now excuse me while I barf over the page.

Could Byronism be a Personality Disorder?

I say no.

I did not discover Byronic thinking. In fact, I “rediscovered” what appears to be a forgotten 19th century personality trope found mostly in fictive works and confused writers of the era.

Byronism, with its symptoms such as ideological narrowing of social perspectives of self and others, pseudo-dysphoria and antisocial impressionism, is nothing more than a social program. It is a mind control program with very specific criteria of behaviors and symptoms, and it is observed often amongst teenagers and young adults.

Narcissism is simply an extrenme of the Service to Self mindset. BPD is a natural response to abuse and abandonment. Byronism, on the other hand, is a warped extreme of the “my parents will never understand me” edgy teenage phase. Its melancholic and personfiied angstiness, is an existential nightmare.

Byronism is no more no less than an urban, self-made definition or redefinition of something that has already been studied, but little else is known. Such as the word empath, it is NOT a diagnosis, but a personality trait.

I am not a doctor or professional and don’t diagnose people. I can just only speculate based on my personal observations of the collective consciousness.

And mostly, I do NOT want byronism to fall in the wrong hands, and become a tool for the neurodivison agenda to use. Ironically, youth will begin to self-diagnose as something that has compulsive self-diagnosing as a behavior in the condition.

Pseudo-dysphoria: BPD vs Byronism

Pseudo-dysphoria is a deliberate radical shift of identity/persona out of a need for sympathy, belongingness and other dysfunctional behaviors related to a sense of self-marginality. Unlike dysphoria, pseudo-dysphoria is not genuinely felt internally nor are they true experiences of an identity change, and only serve as a form of attention seeking in order to feel validated socially and existentially,

How does this relate to Byronism? Some people use this constantly and may personify as certain emotional themes, such as depression or angst, and worse, mental disorders. This form of Munchausen behavior is an auxiliary symptom found in pathological byronic tendencies. The tendency to personify as emotional themes and mental labels can be seriously damaging to one’s mind. It will also mirror itself unto the central symptom of “progressive ideological narrowing of social dynamic perspectives of self and others” – your worldview becomes tilted into a black and white mold.

The common ground between BPD and Byronism is a poor sense of identity. But the differencve is, byronism has a strongly defined pattern or attachment to certain identity groups or ideas, while BPD becomes more fluid and malleable in this respect, and rarely has any fixated sense of identity. People with BPD struggle to have a clear idea of who they are. Persons with a more byronic spectrum of thought BECOME what they are inspired by, literally, to the point it becomes their identity and become extremistic in this respect. Once the Byronic person sets into an identity theory, their entire worldview and persona tends to become rigidified by itself onto this ideological attachment, and many of their supposed metacognitive and intellectual faculties become rigid equally. People with borderline patterning typically will frequently fluctuate between suggested ideas about their identity and perhaps, to my knowledge, not typically fixate on one or two ideas to a radical extreme. Byronically minded persons have a defined set perception of their sense of self despite being highly influenceable, and influenceable indeed by social and ideological trends – they do not lose sight of their core unlike those with BPD, but lose track of the more peripheral aspects of their identity.

The core difference between BPD and Byronism is that one is more ideological, the other is more emotionally central.

Suzie does not feel like she knows who she is, so she tends to mimick easily her peers, and is suggestible regarding social influences. It was taught out of her at a young age, and she desperately tries to seek meaning about her true self, which is very complicated to figure out. She seeks external markers to find out what she is inside.

Shawn has a firm sense that he is a rebel and an outcast, and has a rather stereotyped, generalized idea of what his place is in society, but he has overly attached his identity to an archetypal cluster of ideas (e.g. rebellious anarchist loner, and handicapped). He lives only through the lens of these archetypal labels and ideas, and he doesn’t want to realize, or realizes, he is just Shawn, and that he does not need ultimately such archetypal persona ideas to “survive”.

Suzie is at a loss about what she believes in. Shawn KNOWS what he wants to believe in, but the connexion between his beliefs and his identity is crystallized. He is extremely single-minded and has lost sight of the more expanded self, as his ideological beliefs have placed walls.

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