CRDI, CPS, caretakers and Lazy Fixes: oversheltering disempowers self-awareness for all

So I found a powerful insider about the Batshaw youth protection system and the Quebec youth system in general. She talks about the common baits and mind control used on the children to keep them inside to ‘behave’. Also, she pointed into the rent problem once you reach legal age in a residence or center. Mine is approx 800 and that’s a matrix thing. Over time I tend to not focus on the deeper meaning of such repetitive trivial tasks and get single-focused ontone subject like the implants.

Any adult or child does not need to pay for rent in their sovereign birthright and divinity. This is something that we at Lemuryk shall do: one of the first biggest non compliant communities up to date to not use currency or money internally. Sure, maybe do gem/tech trade, but that’s it.

I heard some people state convinced that to start up residences, governmental subventions based on studies and a college diploma are necessary. Okay, you say to me, how many social workers do I know that simply have a High School degree and nothing much beyond, sneaking into the system by enabling their poor skills? Many. Anyone can go into the youth protection headquarters and apply for a night shift or any group home or center, or play a night security role. Anyone can go and apply to these jobs, and turn on their power trip button full gear. The youth can sense it, by my experiences, quickly as a collective. It is set up to make the controlling poorly trained and backwashed staff win above the people by the cabal’s enabling systems and value propaganda, even if they finally were not fit for humanitarian jobs. Another source of the heavy racism in the DPJ/CPS system.

And it is especially true because of how nauseatingly open they open the pool to invite random immigrants that do not know the culture here which only has amplified racial issues, power abusers or MK-ULTRA brainwashed people all over the world with very little training or experience, and this only feeds the matrix fuel and creates more “booty”, deeper trafficking of anyone and anything desired. There are cases where the very darkworking social workers and the less matrixed ones work together side to side, exchanging dark spirits. TV has fooled them all with their cop and crime shows, and even before, when the Annunaki came down and ever since it cycles.

How many former system children became social workers or youth home staff themselves? “Former”, as I quote it, because they barely left the system. They only witnessed its holes. This insider that I just met has never left the prison and thus she wants to cancel it. The Lemuryk project will change the entire ethical system we learned as; so to holistically include Universal Law, actively train and help those who have a real interest in our projects and they HAVE to match a minimum spiritual frequency to join and work with us (as to cater for the clients), at least upper 4D.

But honestly these Souls that I meet have so many diverse energies with so much potential and usefulness, so much to exchange and give, that they may as well have one foot in 9D and one in lower 4D for all I care. Like at school, the teachers will vibrationally resonate closer to the student divinely guided to them, in this case the caseworker or staff and the client. There are differently vibrating Souls for every case and occasion. For example, a empath still anchoring a lot of 3D and lower 4D energies, who’s just starting to jump into 5D and feels very insecure and disturbed, still new to everything ‘Aquarian’, might attract at their disposal a personal teacher that has more anchored Light quotients in these octaves or has achieved a transition to the other side in 5D and has a lot more to offer about the process he already made (mostly) and can relate the feedback more accurately and profoundly, or has more experience at their levels, because otherwise the huge discrepancy potentially breaks the receiver’s free will and it’s too high or low for the client or the employee or coach to have the ‘spark’ that starts the healing process. Hints: shadow work, ascension process.

For example I may click more rapidly with someone that has 6D-8D energies and already innerstands a lot of Aquarian mysticism and has a similar amount of Soul connection, but when the soul vibration is higher than my predominant level of soul vibration (in my case, likely somewhere in 8D, as told by Christine Kesara Dennet during a reading), it becomes more ruggy or professional only, or when it is below 6D, as I then take the bigger student roles. If the Being’s overall frequency range is too low or high for me to directly resonate with more deeply, I might just do more passive or background roles that have ‘sidetracked’ purposes, or roles that have lower vibration such as some level of financial assistance, but I do not put myself in the spot of THE ones that will have the key role in the being’s healing process and do all the philosophizing and clearing with them; although I do believe there are more complex scenarios and someone, let’s take any advanced healer, like Lynn Rondell an Angelic Soul and a rare ‘astrally uncorrupt’ channeler for instance, can heal any wasted 4D empath for sure, although vibrations still have to magnetize in accordance to universal law. So you may not discover who she is or feel a resonance in the vibrational frequency ranges of the content if you two do not vibrationally match for whatever purpose. It is already programmed in the Multiverse this way. As for the ego and personality, it may be more ample because almost all of our personalities and egos vibrate on 3D or 4D perspective clusters anyway. I experienced severe Light quotient discrepancies in my relationships with almost everyone here like no tomorrow and I could just make a change of connection so it’s not as cliffhanging. But it’s a team. There’s not just one player; every level of Light has to be met, and we’re not all on the same timelines (except after the final global TL convergence point). And that’s why we have the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Mantis, and co. (Edit: We exist on all “dimensions” of life, while our conscious focus may fixate more on certain realities. As One, no “levels” exist)

On my blog I blend in all elements because no one agrees with everything.

Maaaatching and plaaaacements are a whole circus, hey?

I see a greater berth of peripheral wholeness about our mission each Now. The DPJ and the matrix do not ever do the ‘energy scan’ procedure, because it is set up to help shut down our psi’s. It constantly teaches parents, children and all under its draconarchy claw to sabotage and negate their entire sense of self-worth, when self-esteem originates from Soul. Never good enough as a child, never responsible or fit, never a good parent enough. The DPJ is not our authority, no one truly is. The education is solely based on intellect and not scanning energy. We scan the energy of all employee appliants (well, even better once we get physically altogether in 2021). Not for my business. I have the entire Galactic Federation ready to jump in.

Also they sometimes adjust too much to the more challenged ones instead of allowing them to gain more self-control and self-adaptation. Because of pitying their disability or perceived fake disability by mind control, they sorta baby and overshelter these children like how you would feel for your child who has cancer and they grow up totally incapable of self-awareness regardless of how many “reality checks” they receive. This is miserabilism with codependency, covertly ableist, and this is the issue of all the darkest Special Eddies and Forrests I’ve known. Their parents negligently enable their antisocial behavior and greed out of toxic sympathy, if their child even has cerebrally the cognition to learn from “no”. They all were on the spectrum. And yet their parents then feel guilty about not giving in. And these folks simply have zero social skills.

I highly suggest not oversheltering your baby because you see something that makes them ‘special’, to the point of letting them do whatever they want and have no serious consequences or lessons of teaching. Look at all the options available to heal you and your child! Outright victimhood education. Neither would you abandon your baby for the same reason, but there seem to be more abandoned babies than oversheltered ones. These are the same babies that end up in the CRDI with the worst cases of self-unawareness or violence, totally scapegoated and rejected by all! They have disempowerment that severe.

Imbalanced estimations and pity. Disabilities do not ask pity, but healing and love. Pitying is a low vibrational feeling.

I believe that it is crucial to cease the use of money after the QFS finishes its role. Especially for having a roof. Some folks willingly go homeless or squat in tents and abandoned infrastructures because of a desire to completely detach from the system. I have to admit I nearly did that multiple times. If I’d find an abandoned home, I would likely start renovating it into a Lemuryk base that welcomes the homeless.

No one told me I would have to pay my room after aging out and going to an adult residence. My brother won’t even have to pay rent because of his disabilities that left him mentally affected.

Besides, I will see if his Higher Self accepts to see my LemuHubs.

But yeah, I see that maybe, I could delve deeper into the precision and detail of the more ‘directly seen’ mind control used in psychiatric warfare like the cigarette example, socialist conditioning and military bootcamps, and deliberately provocating withdrawals, and not almost exlcusively talk about neurowarfare chips and V2K even if that’s more the central meal on my blog, channel and upcoming book, the entire fiasco of insider info and theory. This is a carrot on the stick trick, a basic codep manipulations. The game runs into every detail and facet of the Matrix it runs. I would never do that, let alone provoke someone’s drug addiction and supply of codependency if it is a simple object, except if these objects are mine. But I do not give my Beingness up. It is control and not exactly the right thing to do in my mind because I know what addiction means.

This system has so much holes that their workers would rather fix them with tape or plaster but not even bother to find the root cause and do real repairs. The root cause is the wall that predisposes and creates holes in the first place, but again, sometimes they just act in austerity, again and again, purposefully to steal our energy into anger and fear for our safety. But I think we failed CPS so bad we will need to completely change everything. The narcssists that run the illuminati would not even do this; only quick pseudo-repairs that fail completely or add gas to fires.

You do not do superficial, lazy ‘quick fixes’ with entire collectives of Divine Children of Light when most already want to escape your system but you trauma bonded their lower chakras.

Who wants the Crown?

THIS POST IS NOW PROTECTED FROM COVERT CENSORSHIP and in addition, energized with the intent of awakening readers about the corona and as well as ending the acrual sanitary propaganda and control. It is not my intent to command what each Soul does in their own way to handle the pandemic, but rather speak only my personal truths, and recommend suggestions. Masks or not, I do not want to control anything you do – and that intent is the whole point of 2020. A permanent resolution if we allow that to occur here. To cease controlling tactics and crumble the last remnants of the phantom matrix on Gaia. This year has been so enshrouded in ‘sheep vs truther’ duality and simultaneously a greater tapping into feeling the Unity consciousness.


Aaaah, masks. AH, the covid-19(84). Corona means crown in Latin and Spanish. 2020 has been such a transitional curve of unlearning and remembering the Truth of our divinity.

2021 is designed to bring higher such energies – of remniscience and Light, disclosure of anything that is controlling and deceptive.

The corona also means Crown chakra. The crown chakra is responsible for channeling in the heavenly energies, and steps our consciousness into far higher states of awareness than the HeartH – it is the whole picture chakra and send back the energy flow to Source again after it makes a full 8-loop. This chakra is seated at the pineal gland, one with the pituitary chakra, the Third Eye, and is the 8th primary chakra from the root (including the Alta Major or « cerebellar altitude » Mouth of Goddess chakra at the base of the skull, behind the neck)

The Lower and Higher Heart, with the hand and feet chakras, are secondary chakras.

What does corona have to dow ith the American presidency? Oh well, the Illuminati’s final brute force attempt to accomplish Agenda 2030. Depopulate most of the population and gradually shift them to accept slavery art the highest degree.

They are thankfully getting sent away from this realm.

The cabal wanted the crown. It is all about who gets the crown., We the humanoid species of Terra, or their archontic deception and narcissistic abuse?

In more exo/political news, Joe Biden lying about his electoral results is an indicator of « their » version of what the Crown signifies. We have allowed ourselves to succumb to rulership of tyrants for eons, but this is the final showdown.

And they key to our salvation is also related to the Crown, and also all the upper chakras including the Heart! The Crown chakra is our clearest awareness of Unity. It has the name of « the chakra of one. ». The Matrix is akin to the «green diamond » above a Sims character’s head, the famous logo of a «’plumbob’.

By using our metaphysical knowledge and abilities, we remember that the Mind is our greatest tool – it can be as beneficial than dangerous – and by giving our energy only to visdualizations and adreams we truly WANT to manifest, including lockdown cancellation collective meditation, which continue right now, we now have the ultimate antidote to all of the levels of control the last standing cabalists want to exerce humanity into. Switching from the media to my manifesting goals. The cabal cannot create, only deform and mimick. Copypaste. Now, using our minds is a quantic gesture that we constantly use in ignorance. We affect all dimensions doing so. This is the Law of Manifestation / Attraction. You are never weak.

The archons have hidden this knowledge from humanity in order to put our collective humanity of Earth to sleep. Descended in static awareness and blankslated in a lower ‘solid’ density and lost in duality perspective. Where all seems to become slow and not exactly natural in the views of our higher state. They do not want us to realize this metaphysical innate godgiven gift.

Hold up. Getting the corona also means ‘getting the crown’. By this definition, we the People all have the corona, hence the Crown. The false positive results, I imply, and not wearing masks also implies that I “have the corona” in the eyes of the Illuminatis. In this context, the crown, with the People, the ninety nine percentage. The corona may be very different than we get programmed to believe! It is a virus of awakening and Truth, or a virus of fear!

KORIGANZA(Non-Canon) 001 – 11-25-2020

Pharoli’ynin: You know, Teiuliyn, the Avians had and continue an energy role in building Linux.

Teiuliyn (self-insert, at the PC without even using a chair and uncomfortably hurting her knees): Dad. You know that I alwayys wanted an Antarctica expedition & waddle with penguins?

Pharol: En effet.

Teiu (on dreamed Antarctic visual landscape): They probably know about the Ice Goddess. At subzero temperatures, me still wanna go invoke her and receive the Ice blessings.

Atlantis = Antarctica!

Nearby spying penguin bot: She knows. Run C:/System/NSA.exe in 5…

KORIGANZA Art: The First Nine Yamishvanim

1: Master Tobias: a Mystic and Knowledgekeeper from Atlantis who incarnated to ambass for Lonnan, an architect student. Blue Ray – Commander of the omnipresentator faction of Higher Yamishvan Council.

2: Fragh Pygri: Twin Soul of Tobias’s soul. Lived many lives in Arcturus and on pre-fall Gaia. Toby and Fraghs moderately resemble Spock and Cap Kirk. Fire Phoenix complementing what Tobias chooses not to execute, sensing with her tacles, as she sweeps in her wing to lead her own devotee way. She and Toby have spiritually wed long ago. She has a whole horde of her own scouts and knighted birds, who are her ‘Lightworkers’. Some Lightworkers work with the two souls in one triangular dynamism.

3: Empyro: Mathematically creative, he is as straight sticked as logistics, or rather exploring the super divine aspects of logic. In his own personal relationship with Thoth and math-savant deities; he embodies a related framework to FP, and bears holographic analogs to Fragh in his visible forms.

4: Pachamaza – a solitary entity with an artistic predicament, high in the Orange Ray – sacral, raw creativity; he secludes his activity away from the socializing Yamishvanim energies, and so do a few other members. ALthough, he inspires many artists to create tall work.

5: Warvall (KORIGANZA Warval) ; inspired on my real oversoul source lupine ally in the ethers but NOT the same being! This Warvall has his name spelt with two L‘s, and is a slightly tweaked clone of his, and acts as benevolently and chariteously as the original – although adapted for the fic.

6: Ucaptek: a seer caprimorph the Eye of the HYC and navigating all sorts of technologies and plans. His most active chakra is the Ajna (Third Eye).

7: Igor – enigmatic, folklorically hippy awakened skelegiant Titan of the Forest. Children who attempt messing with his forestial Wallachia territories get unpreparedly scared of his activity and presence but then feel surprised by his kindness and gentleness of a giant. He was birthed and summoned by Pagans to create a new Nordic Titan protective entity before eventually going into his own direction and soul path, but promised to remember tuning into the young Pagans on Earth. The very life he incarnated as once, “Igor’s” temporary descended 3D self survived a permanently disfigurating and catastrophic object related burn incident, which left him with the memorabilic eye skin patch kept into his etheric image , as soft gore, and half-blinded. His post-mortem aftermath regave what is lost from the incarnation’s transformative diseased experience, and even regained twenty/twenty totally clear sight ability; then goes on to expand, naturally – beyond what his physical eyeballs saw in his earth sight field. His backstory is alike the story of a baby Ganesh getting struck in the face by a jealous paternal ‘Hindu’ god and thus wearing now an elephant mask to hide the differentiation.

8: AOS. Named after the AOSS wifi system of the Nintendo DS(i). They are actually an ‘ageless dwarved prince’ who decided to carry this child appearance as a hologram – a perfectly equilibrated fusion of grandpa wit and a Peter Pan in full spirit. A’oss already has a young-looking eternal partner.

9: Gutyan Majyus: o’erey, sagittarius of the Mountains, where is your Crown.. As the Crown is his most active chakra, he has a special role among the Yamishvanim; channel the entire Pegasusian and supra-angelic precious energies into the whole council and open/close particular portals. Laconic and giddy, he enjoys moving around like a true pegasus.


More Confirmation of the New Republic first female POTUS

This is a message from Mike Quinsey, who channels SaLuSa, an astral collective consciousness. I intuit that he has very legitimate information; at least, one of the few very reliable channelers.

Seeing the new lady be referenced both in the blogs of Zorra and Billie from Inner Earth, and from Mike Quinsey, implies that this information may be quite true after all!

Neither Donald nor Biden will get a 4 year term for this ascension stage. Big D did the best he could.

(The channelings with Zorra regularly include AUDIO recordings of actual beings from Inner Earth)

Hillary, the real one, who probably has been jailed somewhere in our universe by now by the galactic federation and replaced by a clone, shall see the rise of her better feminine contestant.

Note that this also may imply that the United States will not be exactly recognized as the United “States” INC because it is a corporation and not a country. With this New Republic (and not RepublicAN party, it dissolves any divisive old labels), it is designed to be a Government for and ran by Humanity. Prepare for complete overturn and major changes in our exopolitical system… we’re probably going to have our first female POTUS this time, and a Native American. The biggest twist ever.

There you go, Patriots. You got the constitutional republic you wanted.

I was born and raised in Canada but I do not define the self by imaginary 3D borders that do not exist in unity consciousness and on soul level.

I hope there’s going to be no more fascism, awkward egoic politics, infowars, division, hypnosis or childish elections in the Eagle’s land!

Now, here are questions in my mind:

Who is she?

Is she truly willing to the end, to keep loyalty and vow to the Light?

Her backstory, if shareable?

What does she do and want to instill?

A Letter of Compassion for Gypsy Blancharde and all MpB/MKULTRA medical psyop survivors

Dear Beloved Gypsy, how are you in this now. Is your family recovering? Is your healing doing well? On my side, I have is a message. Here it is from my heart that I send compassionate energies for you and everyone involved or affected by your story.

The first time I read what you have endured, I related on every point. The gaslighting. Being sorta probed in your brain to believe you have a complex genetic disability. Even if it’s feigned, eventually you start to believe these lies and they become a source of full control. I feel for you that you were deprived from simply being yourself, and that your so-called mother was controlled by this matrix system that is based on the power over others system. Gypsy, you currently may still live behind bars at moment of writing this message for you and your family, and I relate because my story is that the medical system used my trauma as a child to convince us I had Asperger’s and ADHD, then I believe I was abducted by (I may sound like a conspiracist but no cares given, it’s disclosure) reptilians in my sleep to place implants in my brain that create false, simulated disabilities and symptoms when I was 9. My life was cursed after that for years but now I feel just blessed to know what I know. I hope that you learn the rabbit hole about what is going in this world, Gypsy. Now that you are mostly grown it’s really the moment to share this. This world has for millenia been ran by satanists and voodoo practitioners to exerce fear to violate the sovereignty of human beings by controllers who do not have one “human” bone nor a soul in most.

Just look at the papacy, queen elizabeth, saudi leaders and whatnot. They are the darkworkers. The illuminati. The cabal. And they’re being tried for crimes against humanity.

You were deprived of a genuine childhood, or life, or true motherly love. Like I was to some extent. I know that I have metaphysical healing skills, and if you believe strong enough, you can recover from everything and do anything. I say this to you because I can only guess how you really see the depth if deception and the power of belief and how it affects reality. Kudos to you for overcoming this life experience and acting as an example, a whistleblower of a dark underbelly that is the munchausenian MK ultra mind control spider web that uses our families and parents as their bidding minions through all sorts of reprogramming and hypnosis. Secret technology is used to do that on all of us as well. Look at your wifi towers, social media and EMF devices all around. So much is purged from there and under your feet, above your head from sources invisible to most of our physical vision field. Your grandmother was subjected to this control as well. It’s a widespread cycle of narcissistic abuse that needs to be broken in our society as a whole and you broke your mother’s cycle. Congratulations, Gypsy. Not all of us can do that. Your life story is really not that rare or unique. Do you realize how we are uncountable beings to have been wounded by this psye op of abuse in the matrix’s name just from the schadenfreude, which means the sadistic fetishes and pleasures, of the illuminati? Have you heard of the Susanna Schofield scandal? We who felt for your story see a genuine being of light in your soul like all of us, although still scarred by the pain.

Almost everything you were taught to believe about your nature and this world, Gypsy, is a complete reversal of reality and a fabrication of these satanists. A lie. Theater.

And I hope that you can eventually forgive yourself for allowing this abuse unto you, this former absolute secrecy unto you, and that you can let go of your deceased mother’s abuse. She simply was brainwashed so early, and brainwashed you along until you snapped the link in a rather bloody way using a boyfriend..I can relate to manipulating someone you have a crush on to do your bidding. It’s codependency. You did not know better. The matrix is based on codependent relational dynamics. Codependency is neediness, subordination; the concept of having to rely on someone or something else to meet your needs or do things for you when you can do them on your own and decide your life path independently. It’s basically submission, this form of control in a way.

No one is a victim. We just survived and learned from the abuses. The victim and victimizer mentality has to be broken as well. The matrix creates victimhood. And we can only truly save ourselves.

I can give you a few suggestions to speed up your shadow work and trauma. But these are just suggestions. I meditate everyday and work with energies and visualizations to manifest what I want and I always use this for the greater benefit and my well being. I started a blog to advocate for my story and for all of those in my communities and tribes. Because we are one. There is no separation, Gypsy. We are all connected as one great collective. When you harm or heal, or help something or someone, all the rest of the multiverse feels it. Even if it’s merely a thought, everything begins in our thoughts. It is our most powerful tool; our minds. I feel certain you understand this deeply. How many times have you been deceived to the point of believing in the lies? Prayed or wished something and you start to see signs of an answer? I hope you see how much love wins over hate and apathy, Gypsy. And this message is for all of the ones who have received so long or shortly the energy of this munchausenian psychological operation as well. I want to consider the whole from this law of unity and from my compassion.

And no one is a poster child unless they want to. You were tricked into impersonating this narrow concept of an empty poster child, Gypsy, like multitudes of us munchausenian and/or narcissistic abuse survivors. What is a “poster child” to you, Gypsy.

Saying hi to Jani and Bodhi among y’all. Jani, I heard you made the decision now that you aged out of the system to go back to your mother’s house. I respect your decision, but I want you to realize that maybe you could gain some vigilance and boundaries. With your current neurological and developmental stunting this is hard, you maybe do not see the whole picture yet, but you are surrounded by an entire community of loving people who readily can help you go wherever you want to go. My soul feels for you and the exaggerated attention and fame you have endured which placed your fate in very dangerous spots for reaosns I don’t want to go in detail here. How do you really feel about the fame, if it’s okay to ask that?

I suggest that you start looking into your Heart and trusting what your instincts, your aspirations and goals really want. Do you feel like living back with mom and maybe some potential members of your extended family really aligns with what your Heart tells you? Do you fear your mom? Do you have a willingness to try compromise? Do you want more independence? I think most of us do anyway, but you are still Jani. It is all just your path. I know that feeling separated from mom is hard, but sometimes stricter boundaries need to be placed. You can still love form a distance after all. If anyone tries to force you to do decisions that are not resonating with what your heart and intuition feel, or messes with your mom contact without your agreement, remembers that you always have a right to say NO. You may see some resistance from certain people, but no one is your authority and despite your disabilities, people with disabilities, especially when they’re mild, defy expectations all the time. I feel happy that you had a whole year to take a break and thrive for yourself with Bodhi.

I send all of you Love, wisdom, power and light, all equilibrated. To Nicholas too. I pray for your freedoms that you will get somewhen. He walked extremely ungrounded and most likely very PTSD’ed from his past. May you regain grounding in your life. May you all get second chances at life and love. I forgive your mother and grandmother, Gypsy. I forgive your family for not fully seeing or responding sooner, I forgive Nick for his murder, I forgive you for your agreement to slavery and complicity to murder. The soul is immortal, Gypsy. I forgive all that is which disaligns from the original source of love, God, which is just part of my belief system, because I forgive all, at least that’s my goal and I want to keep sticking my feet in this energy of pure love. I forgive the Schofields too.

Sincerely, Teiuliyn Hin, a Lightworker

Misconceptions about Starseeds Part 1

Teiuliyn here. For this blog post I want to upload some reflections I intuited about certain beliefs that seem to vary and be widespread amongst the borders of the Starseed community (we all come from the stars, but let me explain the mere concept) and those are excerpts from a Discord chat I had just now.

Belief 1: Starseeds are all of the Light or only spoken of in a positive context.

My opinions:

Some aliens do enjoy darkness and suffering but as far as I know, I don’t.

It’s like a big sacrifice to transmute for all of humanity and there needs a special amount of bravery to accept the challenge. But we made a choice and we had to come and stop the dark aliens who already incarnated, that’s why and we knew it would be variably horrid. And lightwork is no game still

Well, unless you realize this is all a game, but I take my job seriously. No offense taken though.

Also, not all starseeds come to transmute the whole planet so in short we all have starseed DNA because of the first settlers, however, I interpret that.. there is a speck of truth in what the “we come here to enjoy suffering” sbelief says, only in certain parts of the entire collective. Yes it does happen.

Archons and certain groups of humanoid draconians are not for Earth’s benefit at all and many are technically.. starseeds, as they came from areas not of Earth or this solar system.

But I do feel there are Starseeds who enjoy suffering, and it’s especially true in those who had a lot of painful earth lives that reincarnate and carry on this masochistic complex, or the ‘Dark ones’ as much as I do not actually like calling them in such a 3D way but for the sake of simplicity here I say it.
It depends how consensual it is and how self-generated.

Belief 2: A life with minimal to no suffering is devoid of interesting stuff or passion

Okay, this one seems important for my essay.

I doubt that my past lives were necessarily boring, but I can’t speak for all of us. Earth felt far more boring, and I couldn’t stand being here. Some of us have hundreds of lives, so it gets complex, and it becomes sort of a habit to reincarnate everywhere and have a few less interesting lives.

There’s also this belief that a life with minimal to no suffering is devoid of interesting stuff or passion, and that’s not necessarily true in all cases, but pain is necessary for certain experiences where we require a lot of important growth;

As cheesy as it sounds ∼

How Earth has operated in the last 26000 years with those who experienced multiple painful lives in the matrix, versus us that became adjusted in different worlds of pure ‘love’ then come here first or second life and become all confused and depressed, I see how those who come on earth would eventually not remember any difference between a duality based life that demands a lot of pressure, versus a higher vibratory life where your needs are always catered for and joy is permeating all around.

We become programmed to think all this trauma on Earth is normal, but it is far from the norm in all the universe and actually was never a natural matrix or “natural” way of living since the archons invaded terranborne humanity, and I don’t feel there’s a “normal” ever anyway. Everything has been inverted. There doesn’t seem to be an official consensus, because we nearly all forgot our past lives anyhow.

Maybe once we remember our past lives we figure out our own truth about this
However I can tell we maybe all feel nostalgic to a degree for something we mostly forgot in our conscious memory but not our cells Akash. There probably are souls who want to come here because the experience seems interesting and the soul just wants to know how true pain feels like just for the sake of the experience. If there is any self destructive intent behind that, it depends. But this sort of experience has not happened only on Earth. We universally were born with this inner drive to dare things, and experience a sense of individuality from the Source, and want to go back to it (or not, for some beings). So we all were created from Source to experience “separation” in some experiences amongst many other experiences. Just for the sake of learning.

What sorcery is this?

I had an intuition.

I know that I possibly interacted with my homeland’s Earth settlers in my Arcturian life. Yes, I didn’t just have a Saturn avian life, although it came after my Saturnian life. This explains why I always felt a strong resonance to Eastern Euopean energies and Russian energies in general.

Lyrans settled in the the Middle East, Arcturians in eastern Europe and Eurasia, Andromedans in the Maghreb, Sirians in most of Africa, Alpha Centurians in South America, Pleiadians on Arctic land and regions in central Europe including France, the UK and Wales, and the Lemurians lived their legion all across the Pacific and most of Asia, including the Hindustan area.

Source: Manuel Pineda

Now imagine that you breed there, you cross over (die, in 3D words) and many generations later, you reincarnate in an Earth body from the very direct lineage you created. You would become, genetically, your own descendant in DNA terms. Your Soul inhabited the body of your ancestor, and you two are the same Soul.

Does that count as a type of selfcest?

The thing is, a lot of Souls reincarnate from their grandparents as the same Soul, and reexperience life through their own grandchild shortly after crossing over. We see this really often. “When you were a baby, I used to change your diaper!”

That really puts a “new” perspective…

Carnivory (meat consumption) began on Earth as an Annunaki occult trend

Enki holding a trophy, likely a slaughtered lion..

Multiple galactic sources inform us that

Earth humanoids were originally all designed to eat vegetables, plants, seeds and nuts and so were earth’s fauna.

Then the Annunaki came, reprogrammed our DNA through satanism lure cults worshipping violence and sacrifice as holy, then Constantine changed it to the crucifixion of Jesus/Sananda which was actually a form of SRA.

I respect whatever your eating style is, and it seems so old to argue about meat consumption, but here’s a reason more for me to stay on the green V.

Honestly I would change some foods in the higher vibe section as there are toxic species, but hey. This is simplified. And our bodies are upgrading so fast the average human diet may entirely change when ~50%+ of earthwalkers are anchored in the 5th dimension. At least those who shall upgrade, jump the quantum leap to Homo divinicus/universalis. Our galactic brethren who do eat, take foods up to their own frequency that can start as high as 4000hz (possibly).

I believe that meat is very low vibrational to consume. And the stress felt by the slaughtered animal before passing over is retained in the flesh.


The New Republic?

Full transcript:

I SHARE INFORMATION ON THE WALL Era Dorada ZORRA CALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 (Excerpt) DR. TOM: Good morning. Well, we have a “situation” that is happening and I think everyone knows what is happening in this country with 2 candidates, so in the meantime let’s move forward … Regarding our blessings or currencies that we want to redeem, the process has been delayed . We have to work on this situation that is happening in the United States with this election. The whole focus is on that now and it is not great news but the good news is that it is going to happen but we are probably 4-5 weeks away for the process to start again but the good news is that it is going to happen.

JANE: Oh wow! You are not even saying 3-4 weeks … and I know from the last time we spoke, that was the biggest focus: in the political arena but we also know that there is “a strategic operation” that is in effect and until everything calms down. and let’s get the real numbers (count), this all impacts the situation with the RV and the GCR, right?

DR. TOM: Right. What has happened is that we have those who have been in control of this country for many years and this goes back to when the Federal Reserve was created where people started using their Fiat money to create their power and they managed to buy all the media … so this country has been run forever by criminals and unfortunately we have a candidate, and I think everyone knows who he is … although it is somewhat sad but the Light and the vibrational frequencies are going to change and Trump is going to be the president. We don’t want Biden to win because he wouldn’t allow us to have our blessings if he gets elected president, somehow. That’s not good but the good news is that RV is going to happen. Stay focused, don’t watch the news that is shown every day. Do other things that inspire you, look for ways to do something for yourself and improve, try to meditate, take care of your health by eating well so that you are not part of the fear and negativity that this creates bad things. That’s right, that’s where we find ourselves. We are going to receive it, it is going to happen, and the only thing is that we must go through these challenging times now.

JANE: Thank you and I would like to add, Pay no attention to the news and we have said this for many years. The news can lower your vibes. They have given us a lot of disinformation and we have reached the point that the mass media have not been on our side giving us disinformation. Now when Zorra comes, she will tell us that the Truth must come to light and this is part of the evolution and transition where evil and everything wrong and control must come to light and the people who have been responsible must be exposed. All of this must be known so that we can progress in our ascension. Thank you Dr. Tom for joining us today and have a great day. Now I will ask Zaraya to bring her Father.

ZARAYA: Before I bring my father I wanted to make a comment about the possible president-elect. Understand that during the Clinton campaign there was a lot of crime where many things were discovered about the Clintons that were not good about human trafficking and pedophilia in that family that extends to the Biden family. This is something to think about since he was involved in that situation as well. And this is my point of view: why would you want pedophilia in the White House?

JANE: Thank you Zaraya and we must also understand when we speak that we are all ONE, remember that we were all in those situations, we were all villains at some point in our past lives and that we have been playing a role because this is really just an illusion. That is why we must understand as 5D beings that we all are, that this is a learning process, that it is a process of evolution where each one has a role to play within this illusion. So let’s send a lot of love to both parties: Democrats and Republicans to separate us and get out of 3D. It does not matter which party they are from because people will understand that there are no longer going to be two sides. Let’s support those who want our freedom. Ok, now let’s bring your Father, thank you Zaraya.

ZORRA: Hello loving Gods and Goddesses, how are you on this difficult day? Many of you are disappointed but understand, as I see that your government works, that the new president cannot take office until he takes the oath, which would be sometime in January, until the inauguration. So Trump will be there until then. Also understand that it doesn’t matter who is in the White House because they will be there for a short period of time because the New Republic will take effect and when it does, whoever is in the White House must leave. It does not matter if it is Trump or Biden … although everything points to this new president, he will also have a “visit” from what is known as the Galactic Federation and when that happens, and if it happens, he will be confronted with the existence of the Galactic Federation that could turn it in other directions (attitude change). Anyway and to get out of that, his blessings have not “gone” as they say, they have only been put on hold until this fiasco is over. Put your currencies in a safe place where they are safe and there is no reason to throw them away or discard them because they are going to be revalued no matter who is in the White House. This is how it should happen. The blessings were AN ORDER for you to receive even before all this election trouble has started. Understand that it is not contingent on the elections, IT WAS ALREADY ORDERED AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO REMOVE THEM. So, they must calm down. This has been put on hold for a short period of time due to this political situation; things have happened this way and you must accept it that way. It’s just a temporary wait.

JANE: Excuse me Zorra, I have some questions: since we are talking about blessings and that they do not depend on political things happening, why then do we have a delay? Is it that people are not focused on that or what?

ZORRA: Because people are just thinking in dismay about who is going to take the presidency. Minds are on something else and not RV. They are thinking about the political instability and not the RV.

JANE: Ok, and in reference to the political situation, what do you see happening after the person takes office? How do you see the impact, from your understanding, that this is going to have on the rest of the world?

ZORRA: From my understanding, the date of the official galactic announcement has not changed, at least for now. Just because of this situation that arose, it is still going to happen no matter what and it is also predicted to happen before the end of this year. So take a closer look at your skies because you will see more ships during the day than at night and you will not be hiding behind a cloud. People will see them in their entirety, they will not be hidden in lenticular clouds. This information was secured by the Ashtar Command. So from TODAY and during the light of day in all countries the ships are going to manifest physically.

JANE: Ok, well I’m sure people will have a lot of questions for you just like I have a lot of questions. Regarding the elections, everything is in “the air” and we are talking about good and evil, so the result must be that Good always wins over evil, right?

FOX: Right, Good will always be above evil.

JANE: OK, let’s say whoever the president is, and assuming Trump wins, what would happen? And what if Biden wins? What benefit would it bring us for the official galactic announcement and ascension? Do Trump and Biden know about the New Republic?

ZORRA: The New Republic that, in a short period of time will be announced, regardless of who is in the White House at that time, it will face the reality that it will no longer be in power and that the New President, who is going To be a Native American woman, she will take office and she is preparing to take office.

JANE: My question is: Does Trump and Biden know about this?

ZORRA: Trump does know and Biden will find out, if he takes the job, he will be informed. You may not like what they tell you, but you will have no choice but to accept what is planned. He also understands that when the New Republic is announced, there will no longer be Republicans or Democrats. Because the new republic has nothing to do with political parties, it is for THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE.

JANE: And do you see this happening before or after January?

ZORRA: I would say that the New Republic will be announced possibly before the inauguration.

JANE: Right?

ZORRA: That’s right … that would be the ideal time to do it. JANE: That’s what you would like to happen, but it could happen a little later, right? ZORRA: mmm-uh … but you also understand that we are pushing that before the end of this year, the official Galactic announcement happens JANE: Oh yeah, that’s true!

ZORRA: That’s right and that SHOULD HAPPEN BEFORE THE MONTH OF JANUARY. And it should happen before your Christmas celebration.

JANE: That’s interesting and thanks Zorra for the clarification since it helps us not to stress so much with what is happening since if we have the Republic, it would eliminate the two groups (Republicans and Democrats) because it has the support of the Constitution. where it protects us from our freedom and rights.

ZORRA: That’s right and remember that when the Constitution was written it had nothing to do with Republicans and Democrats. When the Constitution was created it was for the people, not for the government. In 1776, at that time there were neither Republicans nor Democrats, it was a young nation and it was only later that the groups were formed. The “Fathers” of this nation didn’t have a party at all.

JANE: Ok, very good Fox, thank you! FOX: I’ll say one last thing, if I can. Understand that the situation between Trump and Biden and all this fiasco happening now, will bring many secrets to light about Biden like human trafficking, for example and once that happens, it will bring many changes in the government. I am not going to mention what they are but they will be for the benefit of the people and not for the benefit of governments.

JANE: That information is already starting to come out. Ok, now I’m going to bring up this topic: we have, on the one hand, information that comes from Charlie Ward, Freak and Colleen and the people who are close to Trump and especially regarding when you mentioned the SQV (quantum voting system) that is It was put into operation before the elections are held and we know it is part of this special operation. So, with all the information about corruption that is known but that the media did not announce, do you think all this will come to light before the final verdict is known and who will be the president is announced?

FOX: Yes

JANE: Ok, we’ve already talked about politics and what’s going on and you talked a bit more about RV and we know EVERYTHING is going according to the BIG PLAN, right?

ZORRA: That’s right Q&A section: Q: You mentioned in the last call that the ballots have “watermarks” and now the military is trying to “discover” the real ones. What can you tell us about those brands?

ZORRA: Understand that the special operation and the markings on the ballots and the military counting them in various states, will be going on for a few days. The military will be in charge of that and as you know, all the military supports Trump for all that he has done for them. The process of this operation will continue and all the hidden secrets about the Biden family will be brought to light and exposed and from there a final decision will be made. The investigation will continue until it is finished and will be before the inauguration is made. Especially in the key states Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona … all of them will be under investigation by the Court and the truth will be shown in one way or another and in the precise time. But he also understands that there are prominent families in the government who are satanic, who practice pedophilia and human trafficking and unfortunately the Biden family is in this too and all that truth will be exposed. All of this will be shown before the opening. The secrets that the media are not showing is because they are persuaded by the Democrats and that is why you do not know the truth. And the truth is that there is corruption everywhere in the government on both sides; in the republicans and in the democrats. Everything will be revealed because evil cannot continue because in a 5D world it cannot exist at all, negativity will no longer be tolerated. Once the New Republic is announced, all of that is going to be exposed and this is for Republicans and Democrats. All of them will be investigated because they are all connected to evil and will be fully exposed. Everything that has been hidden from the people and may be from Biden or Trump will be brought to the Light, fully exposed. So Biden can enjoy his “Victory,” as they say, but it will be for a short time. Q: With all the corruption in government and in the media, who will be exposing all this? Only in alternative media such as the internet is where we find the truth and those who find it are only those who are awake, so who will expose the truth? Who can we trust? ZORRA: It will not be exposed in the common media, it will be in the alternative and another part will come from the “special operation” of the Trump group that is happening at this time. And understand that when the Galactics announce themselves, all the corruption will be exposed. There are also investigations being carried out within the electoral college because there is corruption there too. In Pennsylvania and especially in Philadelphia because they are hiding when they count the votes, they put a cardboard in front of it so that it is not seen, in addition those who are doing the counting are all Democrats, there is not one who is a Republican. Also Biden said in one of the last debates that if he was elected, the use of masks would be mandatory. It would be mandatory for all people to wear masks while outside their homes. Q: Do you see that Trump, with all this operation going on, is appointed the president for the next term? ZORRA: Yes, but remember that whoever is in power will be for a short time because when the New Republic is announced, whoever is in must go. This would be at the beginning of 2021. The new president will be for 2021. She also understands that the president, according to the constitution, can stay in her post until the day of the inauguration and if Biden leaves, she cannot go to the White House until she is sworn in. Q: Can you explain what the Twin Flame is? ZORRA: They are 2 people who have been together through incarnation after incarnation and then they get together and become one. A soulmate, on the other hand, is different. It is not necessary that they have been together incarnation after incarnation and can make the decision to be together as soul mates in this incarnation. Q: What I feel and see and that is why I have watched every political act, energetically I have seen that millions of people have awakened not only in this country but in the whole world because I watch news from other places. This is between the light and the dark and it seems that the more this spreads with the arrears and I am not just talking about the RV, the darkness wants us to have a civil war and the people who are with Trump are peaceful and this Zorra cannot continue. There are people who are just surviving and are on the brink. With all the documentation against the corruption committed by Biden, we cannot continue with this for months and months… you understand what I’m saying?

ZORRA: I understand and it won’t happen like this. But let’s say hypothetically Biden wins, his economy would worsen and with the obligation to wear masks, that’s not good for his health either … Q: I would like to know regarding the information coming out of Fleming, Charlie Ward and others where they say that the RV is still in process no matter what is happening with the elections. Can you tell us how long it was put on hold?

FOX: For a short period of time, it can be a few days, maybe 1 week to 2 weeks, no more than that.

JANE: Ok, we don’t have any more people online for questions. Zaraya wanted to read an article and I am going to ask Zorra to send us a pulse of energy to heal.

FOX: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Get it!

JANE: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 We get! And the intention for today is that the entire process of the elections moves forward guided by the High Kingdoms in perfect Peace, Joy and Harmony and that the world becomes Light no matter what country or political party they are from. Everything is fine and perfect and everything is in process based on the Divine Plan and we are all healthy. Ok Zorra, is there anything else you want to add before Zaraya returns? Thanks Zorra

ZORRA: No, I’m going to bring my beloved daughter Zaraya

JANE: Before you read, I’d like to know where you were all this time?

ZARAYA: I was in my Father’s ship that was over Washington

JANE: I knew it! Ok you can read us your article, you have 5 minutes

ZARAYA: You read a passage from Dianne Robbins’ book about the Library of Porthologos

JANE: Thank you very much and with that we finished the program. Much love to everyone and do you have something to say?

ZARAYA: No, we’re done

JANE: Ok, have a wonderful week and do something that makes you happy and we’ll see you all very soon.


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