Educating People on the Byronic Personality Syndrome

What is real life Byronism?

Byronism is a personality trait, an energetic pattern present in ~1.7% of the Earth population by 2020 (source: channeler Mundaeon, Teiuliyn, Umblam, the Arcturian Council, et al.). This means that you are anearly as likely to develop a form of byronism than having autism: approximately 1 in 60. Tha’s a lot! About 130 million humans on Earth suffer from a strong byronic propensity or have a byronic episode. Especially in teenagers and I intuit the 60+ crowd for some reason.

It is mostly related to persons who anchor high Light, and want to carry missions benevolently yet do so destructively toward obscurity due to a war between the Soul who attempts to seek unity, yet the personality, is met with a dilemna: either to suffer in a mental and cultural prison, or live in a heavenly pallace with an overpowered expression of themself, and cannot decide which to go, programmed in its ways and from inherited earthly ancestral trauma, runs away in escapisnm, as Soul DNA and earthly DNA are in friction and barely compatible. It is mostly a counteradjustment reactive pattern. It is named from a 19th century British writer, Lord George Byron, and is especially relatable to his character Child Harolde.

Indoctrination and ideologically chaotic environments are especially one of the factors in developing byronism, althought this indoctrination is not usually a malevolent intention but a misguided, well intentioned act.

The Life of a Byronic

(This is written from a Byronic’s perspective, not the writer’s real life situations)

I do not post this to abuse the Law of Manifestation or participate in the cabal’s medicalizing of life machine, as this is based on actual, real observations. Had they not been seen, this theiry would be insignificant and I would not take such a quantum risk.

Traits and symptomatology of ByrEDS/ByS

First of all, this is not a “disorder”, just for the sake of the title and clarity, but rather a theoretical dark spiritual trait that I actually observed and studied in a few teenagers. “Empath” is not a registered ICD/DSM dx nor is it even an illness, yet so many Souls relate to it. Someone found a word for their super-connected empathy and spread it around in a “Do You Relate to This?” manner. Byronism is similar for me in observations and purpose. Representing a real personality trait. I vehemently do not approve the term ‘disordered’ for anything and, I do not have a psychology, psychiatry or pharmaceutical license, what-so-never will be the case, due to the Mariana deep cabalistic saturations of these industries who have sabotaged, desynchronized and trapped countless brains, including mine in childhood. However, I love various sciences to eternity, including swifting and downloading the documents and blueprints of behavioral and thought information from the human matrix to analyze and reveal. I just happened to cross this curious, highly unusual energetic template. Do I think this theory could entertain a possible link with *incel culture, Elliot Rodgers and whomaybe? YES, Definitely positive. So, here is the Byronic’s “baseline” story.

I am a little Soul who was born into a family of oppressed people, victimized by the burden of living beyond their years reliving the dark past of their ancestry as its ignited flame evercandling, non-perishable. We grow up in a heated political background, stretching the tarry mark if an unfinishing apocryph, a mournful unsung maiden of libresse.

I am a little Soul who discovered that I grew to become crippled in a wounded, fallen eagle’s personality by oversaturating the salty bruises of my heritage and my tribe of atrophied wings, without developing sufficiently strong transmutation skills or epigenetic immunity to the bewitched hex that was cast upon the first settlers’ descendants many mothers ago. My gene pool is fractured with internal war, darkened empaths, spiritual loops and persecution.

I discovered that I developed the Byronic Engrammic Distortion Syndrome which affects my entire way of relating, introscoping, discriminating and feeling energy, processing cultural information on this turtle planet. The primary characteristic traits of a Dark Byronic, or Byrotype character can be adjuncted in the mnemonic INCELS.

• Indoctrinated responses of social discrimination, secularity and radicalization.
• Nefarious traumatic experiences concerning death or loss, spiritual experiences or/and an unstable kundalini awakening.
• Crystallization of extreme ancestral inherited trauma exclusively in bloodlines of a high Light/spiritual quotient, forming rigid, pervasive psychocellular ideas, perceptions, ideologies and personas overlaying the Soul’s sense of purpose.
• Ethicality hypertonia and existential doom.
• Lack of thought groundedness, hyperpoliticized and victimized communication and agendas, low social boundaries and/or openness.
• Sustained reexperience of a wounded or failed innocence, anxiodepressive and megalomania tendencies.

I can barely feel truly happy because of this spiritual condition and chronically feel miserable and trapped in a restrictive universe, feeling doomed to avenge a grand dishonoring. I feel profoundly betrayed and failed by some subjectively superior, supremacist race or intelligence. I breathe in Nietzsche, live in a post-apocalyptic anti-orwellian warrior mindset and seek attention by emanating a scorpionic, mysterious, hostile aura that I obsessively fetishize and *simp thereof. I seethe with an abyssal resentment a bent, lonely artistic cave of mystic dangers in my mind, which simply ruminates unspoken languages. I never bow to anything or anyone. I justify questionable acts and ethics with nihilism or some lovecraftian-esque philosophy. My super empathy absorbs the wails of society without barriers. I addictively spend my molorn existence fearing the corruption of my puritan wishes to the fallen matrix of humankind’s hierarchical standards of anarchy. Worshipping my perceived imperfections in a destructive end. I enormously feel an inner irritated beast shy from the exposure to forced social interaction and mingling with those that I consider triggering or impure in vibe or affiliations. I constantly complain and sink into a puddle of jadedness, loner energy and militantism.

My sex life is mediocre and I feel an urge to punish the supremacist, subjectively superior genetic privileges of my species for making me an inferior, undesirable beta while simultaneously enjoying some benefits. I could even gather sympathizers round and target or eliminate them if I dared to walk far enough in the false Light.

People like me often develop strong passions and intuitive gravitations and skills for any sociopolitical warriorship, the sense of pride and justice for a group, and technological interface that allows certain operations concerning politics; social media is easily mastered, is one of our favorite tools because of our tendency for isolation and loneliness from spiting humanity and their draining energetic vampirism. We can never (most of the time) really trust or feel safe beside any human and we create grossly dramatized hostile, edgy or queer façades as a protection shield. Nonethewiser, the mere internet is actually dangerous for our forlorn wild imaginations and persecuted warrior complexes.
We may seem rare in numbers because we usually interact with humanity in parasocial or technological media, and some of us go out in public only to stir mayhem and rioting, and whatever we do, it will inevitably transform in an anarchist torpedos and trigger our every insecurity and ancestral wound. We could even randomly attack or harass strangers with a superficial, arbitrary feature that reminds of the triggers who see deep symbolism. The theme of symbolism seduces us into forbidden knowledge that we repeatedly misuse for our own false liberation agendas.

Lastly, Byronism is not just a fiction trope. It has a darker, real aspect, unheard till now. We want to remind you that Byronism does not intrinsically, on its own self, equal a type of Narcissism even if it has some traits. It is not NPD. Not Borderline, neither anything like Asperger’s, but it could have a couple of aspected energies. Asperger’s and BPD tendency seems to have higher prevalence in a fraction of Byronic consciousness people or for relatives of Aspies and Borderlines due to possible epigenetic vulnerabilities. Byron’s syndrome may or may not be subjectively a so called disease, but rather close to some trait, form of consciousness and a karmic spiritual energy. Narcissism is not a personality disorder, it is a spiritual illness from fallen angelic consciousness, and if you are spiritually perceptive somewhat, you may interpret, like the author, that it is transmitted by possession and narcissistic abuse from narcissist to narcissist, and they all act so similar, all on the same playbook with several small variations.

Even Byronics are slightly more diverse but still act connected. Some act more extroverted and overtly, spontaneously hostile. Various minor (social, executive, communal, perceptual/coordinative, emotional and self-care) neurodevelopmental discrepancies or latencies compared to intellectual growth are not uncommon for various causes like indoctrination, narcissistic abuse, emotional neglect, cortisol saturation, sheltering, impoverished modeling, diet, karmic play and genetic baggage. Possibilities are high to meet a potentially recognizable Byronic with a case in ND or mental health (may be misdiagnosed, or whimsically self-diagnose with few to no “ethical” reconsiderations because it’s a weaponized political ID sympathization asset).

Video (like it’s even a caption)

The author does not self-diagnose, hides no psychiatric agenda and merely presents this article as spiritual science educational entertainment. The first person narrative is based on a character used for the sake of perspective, telling a story.

If anyone reading this recognizes themselves or someone, you can let me know. Thanks.

  • incel = “involuntary celibate”. A dark, extremely controversial culture of sexually angsty and frustrated men who for some “genetic” and cynicality fueled hierarchical reason feel absolutely convinced they are cursed to eternal virginity and female rejection (betacuckism) either by physique, smarts or both. In general they are composed of pure war of the genders material, and “untouchable” men who descent in further separatism, deep misogyny that perpetuates a continuous bloodstream of hate crime. Elliot Rodgers, so young as he was, is noteworthy for posting YT vlogs about his complex downward spiral into bloodthirsty hatred before in one day killing a bunch of girls, family members, and then cancelling his own incarnation on the spot (murder-suicide). Hey, buddy. Better chance next lives.. also, this is not to ve confused with MGTOW (Men who go theur own way) although there are many incels roaming in these subs and that community. “Nice guys” and “nice girls” (reddit: r/niceguys and r/nicegirls {BEWARE: CHERNOBYL LEVEL TOXIC MEMELANDS, BARELY RECOMMENDED FOR EMPATHS unless you dare lol}) vibe close with the ibcel subject, but even the concept of a femcel is quite debated, and even claimed as impossible because the male incels have flocked to femcel claims. But as for anything that radioactively intoxicates and spillls in memeworld, I travel with no permanent expectations. Besides, does a guy end incelhood when he loses virginity? I think not. This does not even make sense? He can still go on hating the ladies because “she happened to have low standards and real ladies ignore my existence”. If there are no femcels, there are no incels because they would match anyway to some extent, so there is mininally one girl out there who can end all incelhood. (worst joke of the month goes to…)
  • Sometimes I thank God I prefer men (androsexual, not gay as I do not identify on Earth in my vessel as cis male anymore). Heterosexuality seems so complicated since the archons put these implants in humanity. But even I stopped dating earthly men, I’d rather date an ET and I have my two lovely companions. Reasons not necessary to explain but it goes also with social standards, plus energy. (saying this sounds a bit incely soI cringed)
  • simping = mindlessly sexually obsessing / lusting on some person, ship (couple) or object, rather unmodestly. Mildly derogatory slang in some contexts and comes from “simpleton”.

Edit: The realization of the likely “maladaptive” reflex of Byronism dawned upon my string of hypotheses. Maladaptation mechanisms are a strong canditate for explaining the roots.

The Purpose of Byronism

This is a personal take on the philosophical goal of Byronism.

This “trope” appeared in the 18th century fiction culture and had it not been noticed, we would not have seen a literal deep change in the awareness of antiheroic values, and without a touch of it in our Earth population, we would not have had the forerunners of the rebellion against the matrix. Not as strong role exemplaries. We would have missed the presence of Edgar Allan Poe. Yes, I think he likely developed mild traits of Byron’s syndrome. His life events and adult mental health terifyingly coincidate with the classic befamed antiheroic pattern. He wrote literature and poetry, exactly like Lord George Byron himself, who first “discovered” Byronism.

It is also a powerful temporary humanity tool and life experience to expose the corruption and spiral of sociopolitical privileges/indoctrination and openly share what it can create in a vulnerable mind.

Fears of a byronic consciousness

  • Fear of being seen as normal
  • Fear of elitism
  • Fear of being oppressive or discriminatory while paradoxically doing the opposite due to their misanthropic views intertwining a deep concern for humanity
  • Fear of societal chaos and failure (which in turn attarcts them tothe chaos because it is all they have known before)
  • Fear of cultural theft
  • Fear of ladies psychology, masculinism, or any social groups
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