Questions & Answers

For basic information about me, what I do, and where I head my path into the rippling infinity.

Who are You?

My roles represent in this life what you would call Planetary Grid Activator and Healer. I came here to hold the Light for the planet and help Starseeds ease their way out of suffering in 3D/4D, particularily those who live in the foster system or who could not find justice within the legislative cabal and were stolen their family, children, and/or roof, having no suppoort on the surface.

What do you do?

I ignite planetary grid energies simply by my mere existence. I emit a solarium that activates differentlines and points along the planetary grid and I function also as a thoughtform entry point that then spreads these ideas into the demographic of Terra. This Lightplayer also intends to create residential and intermediary facilities, a la ‘Aquarian‘, that offer healing and recovery programs based on Kylontic Sciences, Aquarian Alchemy and Universal Law, which resummon and innovate ancient healing methods used in the Lemurian and Atlantean eras as to blend with New Earth and Ascension principles; developing constantly technologies based on Light therapy, manipulation of the Sound, and multidimensional quantum physics, to an entire continuum of pro-Ascension techniques, including the assistance of realizing projects and dreams (pretty much like Make-A-Wish for all ages). The final goal is to see fragilized Starseeds able to use given tools to empower their Inner Guide and Savant Alchemist, progressively ground and realize their own motives by themselves and assert, make Terrans aware of their galactic traits and birthrights.

This way, Starseeds do not have a last option to go to three-dimensional healthcare services or whitecoats evermore, and we currrently run Class Action Lawsuits for CPS.

What is/are your favorite…

Seasons: Probably winter and spring. I do not focus on any particular season as wheather can be controlled by our minds, and it has been subjected to monitoring and control by the cabal for centuries, so I focus more on climate and astrological influences than mere seasonal cycles. But if there’s something I enjoy about winter, it is the absence of mosquitoes and a subtle feeling of hygge when you stay inside. Of course, this does not always apply, for the environment can freeze all over and not everyone can live in a warm, cozy environment.. I always wanted to visit Antarctica.

Spring was initially my favorite for the reason that my birthday on the gregorian calendar is May 1. But I now don’t really fixate on linear time, and I mostly live in a Now moment perspective. BUT, astrological cycles do have relevance, and every moment we go halfway in the cycle of Taurus, that’s when me and my twin soul celebrate another zodiac cycle together; like a significant portal. We were incarnated on the same ‘Day’.

Fauna/Animals: We are all animals in a way, but we are transitioning to Homo Universalis or Nova Gaians. I love all animals. Even chimeras and spiders. Even reptiles. Because Source is all about Love. I identify as part of the All and the Void, Source.

For a simpler answer, I would say felines, avians and some hybrids or idiosyncratic creations that do not necessarily have a terran name. Wolves as well (Warval!). I began the Soul Journey from the Avians and lived my “spiritual infancy” amongst their collectives, and so I imagine my first dad as some sort of Golden Falconid, which I saw in the astral.

Groups, music, anything media: There’s a lot of experimental or obscure artists I enjoy. Here’s a list:

Katyusha, Kalinka, Säkkijärven Polkka and many other traditional Eastern Bloc hymns and songs

Anything that plays backwards which I enjoy

KeyGen music

PPK, Sodzius, Carly Comando, Bonzai Records (the ones who did the ‘RAVE-O-LUTION’ CD’s), Elli Kokkinou, AFFINAGE/АФФИНАЖ (Russian group), Igor Rastersyaev, and many other ones I gotta look up..

More ‘popular’: Vince Guaraldi, Dschinghis Khan..

How old are you?

Earth age: Almost 19.

Soul: Ageless.

What gender is your Soul?

Soul by the Universal Principles has no such trait, but.. as for that “identity predominance”:

Predominantly feminine, but I do use my masculine side as well through programming and technical aspects of alchemy. My current humanoid body is masculine. I intentd to do a body swap to an ET body in 2021 and prepared my body for this transition for quite a while. Internally and by Higher Self I identify more with feminine pronouns. My Soul prefers to be seen in the womanly side. I was never a man, lol.

What were your (earth) childhood and adolescence like?

It was set up for targeting from day 1 and a catastrophic PTSD battleground, like many other Starseeds’. You can watch my videos or read my blogs to see some details. It did have some more stable periods, such as almost everything that happened subjectively before I turned 6.

Do you identify with furries, weebs, gamers, or any internet community?

I used to. I have a lot of experience with internet communities and mostly keeping away from most of them. But as for furries, yes and no. I don’t really pay attention to the furry aspect of a friend that much on Earth, but I do communicate and empathize easier with “furries”, and I always roamed within their sites, yes. I have never felt human and I mostly prefer to stick my intimacy with non-human anthropomorphs that are from the galaxies.

I barely watch what you call ‘anime’ and I don’t fan into it that much. My definition of anime is more broad than a Japanese cartoon.

I did however find my true family, the Lightworkers.

I mostly just enjoy sticking to my own name and I do not game that much either, but I have some childhood gamer training. :p I won’t really do gaming requests.

What Terran languages do you speak fluently?

French and English are both the first languages I learned. I think that both are natively learned. I grew up with English in the community and French in more local settings, and dI did start wwith French first but I don’t see a big difference because I always used them interchangeably by the time I started 1st/2nd grade and my English skills were developing. I speak English and French (Canadian French) both like home. Note, English is the world language because it is the closest to ancient Lemurian/Atlantean languages in its energetic patterns.

I do have a linguistic side and I can speak some level of Spanish. I can comprehend receptively some levels of Russian and Japanese anbd can link mutual intelligibility within similar languages like with Ukrainian and Russian, or Swedish and Norwegian. also can write in Japanese kana, a bunch of kanjis/Han characters, an Arabic script, Cyrillic script across Russian, Uktainian, the Inuktitut abugida, and an ever growing database of language knowledge that I use both my Higher Self’s innerstanding and my own intellectual acquisition.

But for casual conversation, French and English is best. You can speak in Spanish to me as well, I can usually do conversation in Spanish okay but still learning a lot of it. This is because Romance languages are so similar and I can swap Spanish and French common roots.

I channel Light Language too.

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