My Angels and Guides

The notion that angels never incarnate, to me, is not entirely true. Neither for the Jinn or demons. I’ve heard stories of incarnated demons showing their darkened eyes, shapeshifting at church, and some legends tell of a 13th born demon baby and other lore, I wonder how much false flag rumor and truth is engrained to these so-called “folklore myths”. There are incarnated demons everyday on TV fake news in humanoid forms, I think they can’t create by themselves their own body hologram as pseudo-creators so they have to possess one. Maybe it is a yes and no answer. But as far as I know, in my own Truth, I know beings on Earth, especially my friend Miss Enjoy, who are incarnated angelic souls. Or at least souls with strong Angelic essence because we’re a mix of energies but I speak of your first ever origin. Your soul’s birthplace. I am not an angelic soul ( I? lol), I was born in Saturn with Avian and Arcturian consciousness. But I am a seeker of Light and Truth. I AM Light. I resonate well with angelic energies. But I have a different native consciousness archetypal essence – the animal anthropomorphic kind – the Avian and Arcturian energies. I have never felt human.

To be frank, I’ll show all of the full profile of my other lives and transmit all the concrete information when I get my new body, and/or when I have enough memory retrieved.

There are many “Earth Angels” walking upon Earth -angels are showcased in many different idioms in Terran culture. A fallen angel. “Did it hurt when you fell from the sky?”, she is such an angel. An angelic soothing voice. The angelic creature is associated with idyllic, paradisiac energies – messengers and loyal servants to the Divine. “Messenger” is the meaning behind angel.

Often choosing “merciful” missions and incarnating as the most pure of consciousness and heart forms of life – they have been associated with children who have special needs, may incarnate often in depraved socioeconomic areas and/or developing significant limitations to overcome, and to express a message of compassion.

However, what I sense is that, angels have an oversoul like we all do (God matrix souls), and send fractalized aspects of them to incarnate. That is how consciousness works. Your oversoul is mostly still watching and guiding, but this lower vibrational aspect, you, incarnated. At least in 3D to 4D. We are mostly part of different soul groups, and all have an oversoul. The Godhead is the united root fractal expression of you and your twin soul. As you go up in vibrations, you end up merging completely with your Higher Self, an aspect of the oversoul, and many, many other aspects of you that make YOU.

Angel Guide Halabi

Halabi showed their presence to me a while ago, this winter, and he appears as an Arab male figure wearing a sheikh.

Me: What kind of work you do?

Halabi: I simply guard and counsel you. You have spoken to me in your night outings.

Used the stock photo to bring a realistic lookalike of Halabi.

Heard an “Inchallah” in the background of my psychic field while meditating/channeling.

Ascended Masters

Buddha and Kuan Yin (Avalokiteshvara)

Principal Archangel Protectors

Gabriel, Raphael and as a side guide, Zadkiel.

I knew Gabby was one of my principal Archangels, as I have met a lot of Gabriel’s who left significant memories. I was once with three Gabs in a certain year of HS in a group of 8 students. Mostly negative memories come from my school years (who hasn’t?) but one of them left a very positive energy. I also have a lot of communication-centered missions in this life, and Gabriel adopts a role of messenger (like Michael, but Big Mike has a more Warrior/Guardian side and embodies the Will of God).

I initially resonated with Raphael because he resonates to a color that is an important part of my aura: Green, or “emerald”. My month birthstone is also Emerald. However my Soul ray is likely Gold/Yellow and the two fit nicely. There is also a tinge of violet in my aura as well.

I strongly resonate with Archangel Zadkiel, and feel elated when I see him and his glorious violet energy fire.

Other guides and angels:

Freyja (I met someone named Freyja before but here this is not the same being at all)

Georges Bernier (great-grandfather and part of my soul family. Passed circa 1966)

(possibly) Frimsy, domestic feline 2014-2018


Ostatata (apparently my top angel)

Known Soul Family Incarnates

Georges Bernier (great-grandfather)

Paul (grandfather); ran a company for 3 decades

My earth mother

Miss Enjoy the Angel

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