Health = Responsibility

If you have spent a long time researching the cure for autism, like me, you’re actually closer to the truth than you may ever know. Nope, I’m not speaking of those Karen bleach cures, this is highly toxic, and ignorant. Scientists everyday think they have found a potential solution, much to the fear of the neurodivergent population since they assume it is a form of eugenics. Let me tell you, your Soul gives you your gifts, not your condition. Certain genes will modulate your gifts.

Do you think God would heal you and remove your “gifts”?


With technology, you also have the gift of knowing if your baby will have Down’s syndrome in the first trimester of pregnancy so you can actively choose to terminate the pregnancy. Abortion is a touchy issue, but personally, I know that the baby’s Soul just leaves, and I would not abort a baby once they have nociceptive neurons active can feel pain.

Another example, my grandfather is the fittest Starseed I know. He does bike rides every now and then. He had his own biking club in the nineties and 2000’s. He has a black belt, and did karate for 25 years, learning and passing it on. Karate these days is a rip off, all you do is this multi level marketing campaign to get a black belt after 7 years and you’re done. I have seen a little child with a high up belt. I have heard of a six year old with a black belt. No. No. Martial arts is for a lifetime if you want to practice it. Karate is a lifelong commitment, and martial arts are not learned in one night. It is an ongoing practice! If humans had a little more sense of responsibility for their health, they would all realize it! Aang took an entire life to learn airbending, so did Naruto with his jutsu mastery.

We are fortunate enough to grow with more conscience of all of the things thsat compromise our health today: injections, nanotechnology, chemtrailing, and toxic chemicals. As well as lack of solar exposure. The sun is not dangerous, for it is only a Living entity of plasma emitting solar radiation and various energy types, it is not fire or heat emitting!

We have to learn to stop cutting down trees as well. They are conscious and scream when they are harmed, some clairaudients can hear it, but scientists have managed to extract a chemical “audio” of a plant screaming in pain.
It takes intuition and research, discernment to judge what is good and what’s not for your body, mind and spiritual development.

Physically: Taking responsibility for your health means you don’t just lay low on the couch eating Reese’s after a 45 minute workout. It means not injecting yourself with substances that the government says is good for you yet you do not even know what it contains actually is deadly. It means not overdoing it despite having POTS and MS. It means putting a stop to believing you are disease-filled or can have all these diseases, and taking hold of the energy that you embody as a conscious, spiritual full being and a God.
Mentally and Emotionally: Taking responsibility for your health means surrounding yourself with people who don’t have toxic mindsets of putting you down at every chance they get and hovering then discarding and devaluing you and your family. It means also cutting beliefs that do not serve you anymore, cutting cords with people who do not serve you longer, and allowing yourself to be reborn in a higher power. It as well, means stop exposing yourself to vibrationally lowering contents like videos, hollywoodian movies mirroring the satanic culture of the media and anything similar.

Spiritually: Taking responsibility for your health means recovering from your trauma every single day without cessation and it takes a lot of work. It means adopting a more self-conscious outlook on life, and by that I mean taking consciousness of the power of your thinking and its manifestation capacity.
Thank you for listening.

How I Realized I Was Not Autistic

First of all, this post is not an attack on autistic people or autism. It describes a personal experience about following your gut instincts, and some dark consequences of misdiagnosis. It will be a little long so bear with me as I type.

  1. When I was a child, I have been hypersensitive to life since birth. I could not stand wet grass, I was sensitive of loud noises, could not stand blasting crowds, fireworks and loud sirens, but most of all, my more special sensitivity was psychological. I was a good mindreader and could feel other people’s emotions quickly, so much so that it was painful to even watch movies. I disliked watching movies because of constant anticipatory stress from overly relating to the characters in detail, and this is why I could not watch Toy Story because I was too scared that the toys will be discovered moving by humans. The only exception was horror films which I liked. I still experience a truckload of emotions from watching movies so I am not a movie buff. Autistic people often have strong emotional empathy, but struggle with cognitive empathy. I’d rather say I was not below average on both empathy types.
    Some anecdotal experiences
  2. When I was at a summer camp at age 10, the camp I was in encouraged toxic war activity for children.. which consisted of a fake roleplay villain in a suit. I felt extremely angsty simply because I was so, I did not have the word for that, but, empathic for the fake roleplay villain that the camp had to track down and defeat by the end of summer that I occasionally bawled in tears out of pity and I even went out of my way to help the villain “turn good”. So I did a mock therapy session with the roleplayed villain with a staff member and I was good at it. I knew it was a game, but I disliked the fact that children were brainwashed into war. I even remember crying over a flagpole catching battle game in winter camp. Look at that, I was already a therapist for pretend sociopaths at 10 years old. Doing this feat that young requires a good amount of cognitive empathy abilities. I am the only person I know who purposefully enacted a fake therapy session at age 10 on someone. At the end of the summer I did a quick short speech on forgiveness and left all children speechless. I highly doubt any autistic person that young would have the cognitive empathy to do so let alone a neurotypical child. Because of these signs, I was often seen as a gifted child, although the word ‘gifted’ is not ideal to say.
    I remember having the cognitive capacity to roleplay with puppets in kindergarten, and correct me if I’m wrong but this is a rarity in autistic children. In the same era, I recall hearing a literal sentence metaphorically – not that I was a literal thinker,. In fact, I did the opposite. We spoke French. I saw a pond with my grandparents and they told me to “make a wish”. “A tes souhaits” in French means literally “To your wishes”, and it’s the phrase that means “bless you” after sneezing. I faked a sneeze, which my grandparent corrected, and said that they meant that I had to litterally make a wish then throw a coin in the waterpond. So I did and that’s that.
  3. I have created and managed social groups on Google Hangouts and Facebook for a couple of years and was good at it. Mostly because of roleplay accounts. There was a lot of roleplaying in my life. I have a good social imagination, like with cartoons (I want to make an anime) but it is substantially easier visually and I get examples of this in my dreams. It is harder for me to think of verbal scripts, because it takes time to really come up with something interesting and of quality. I remember in 4th grade, I literally copied word for word the first pilot of South Park where they get attacked by a snowman, in French class for an assignment of writing a story because I knew it was too obscure for the teachers to notice and I wanted a lazy way out of original inspiration because I could not think up of anything and I was a really bad student at the time. Troublemaking, bullying and all.
  4. Indeed, I was severely targeted/bullied from grades 1 to 3 because I had a weird vibe people disliked about me, but I attribute that to being an empath in general with trauma and not being autistic. I also know there are reasons for my targeting that are exopolitical that I shall not mention.
    What is an empath? An empath is a type of highly sensitive person with strong affective empathy, and they can often tell easily what other people think because they have done it all before as they are frequently old souls. They can excel at detecting lies and manipulation, and I learned to become good at detecting deception. But first of all I knew that society had a huge lie at an early age. I was sensitive to justice very much. I disliked all kinds of violence, and had “sympathy for the villain”.
    No, I’m not talking about the New Age disclosure movements although that is one aspect that pushed me to a greater conscience of myself.
    Now, some say empaths just have poor emotional boundaries and are a type of narcissist since they experience narcissistic abuse. This is not true, and gaslighting, and a victim blaming game. Like saying people who get r**ed are r**ists themselves. Empaths are born empaths, Trauma does never cause that personality trait by itself.
  5. I was and still am too self-aware to really be on the spectrum myself. Like I said, pretend therapist at age 10.
  6. I realized I have psychic abilities. I did practice applying energy onto some people remotely and have done sessions, I can sense things when they occur in the Earth’s energy field nearby but only when it’s something relevant. I get premonitions and intuitions. Do not ask me to tell what your crush thinks of you or when you’re going to get married because I cannot tell you. I also was trained independently to read the “soul” of autism.
  7. Stimming and hypersensitivity are the only criteria I apply, but empaths sometimes self-regulate in strange ways. However, I also always struggled to understand local cultural humor that comedians use and their obscure cultural references when I was younger, because I grew up on the internet in a predominantly English speaking virtual universe. The humor always felt too much forced and boring. Like the audience was forced to laugh. I could not get why all my classmates, same age as me, were in hysterics while watching “Babine”. Especially since it is in Canadian French (although I get the jargon well). My sense of humor is at the level of Youtube Poop parodies, intellectual jokes, and dark humor pretty much.
    Also, I had trouble explaining my feelings when I was a child because they were too complex. I knew what they were, but I had to make a visual chart with memes to point as how I was feeling because I relied more on cues and signals than words which doesn’t amount to alexithymia because AT is when you don’t recognize your emotions despite having them all.
    I once went on WrongPlanet forums during my identity crisis to find out how people thought about my questioning of my diagnoses, not being aware of my empath side, and all I got was gaslighting, such as “you need to accept you are autistic, it will come”. Trust me, I got gaslighted with this thinking constantly and it triggered me having to split from all my family and friends, all I have ever known for one entire year. I still refuse to identify as autistic and it’s unlikely to shift as I have too much intuitive and retrospective evidence. It harms my mental state otherwise and I’m back into old behaviors that were learned due to reasons that I would rather not mention here but they have to do with what some remote psychic viewers and energy healers saw in my body.
    So I would like constructive thoughts rather than the usual gaslighting response. I bet many of you have been gaslit over and over by people. What if I told you you don’t look autistic. Same thing!
    Don’t get me wrong, I love autistic people. I have been (due to school and medically forced segregation) commuting with neurodivergent and all sorts of autistic people growing up, including my brother, and I saw every form of autism imaginable. From female mild autism, to autistics who struggle even walking without having 2 people support them in case they fall or have seizures or just flat out refuse to walk.
    My brother has severe autism. I also sense a third are misdiagnosed. Such could be the case with a friend of mine I attended the same “autism classroom” with for 3 years, I know him well enough to tell he’s not autistic otherwise I would not be saying such BS. I always refused to answer when autistics ask me if they look autistic because to me it would interfere with their self-image and I’m not qualified to diagnose people, plus you can’t dx autism with a mere glance at physical body.
    It’s just that.. they have a special thing that is in them which I do not really have. That special thing is apparent from infancy and, subtle it can seem. My path included red flags and signs that autism just cannot explain away. Like me becoming a fake therapist as a child!
    Also, I am not neurotypical by any means.
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