Le CRDI, la “DPJ pour handicapés”, a autant de problèmes

Source photo: https://www.lavoixdelest.ca/actualites/transfert-vers-la-monteregie-cest-illogique-deplore-un-employe-en-readaptation-83495ea74381980bad6c2d6762eb7ec3 (Julie Catudal)

Le Centre de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle est l’ancien nom d’une subdivision du CISSS (Centre Intégré de Santé et Services Sociaux), une institution médicale québécoise qui doit énorméments d’explications. Le CRDI compte aussi des secteurs comme l’ARSDI (Association de la Rive-Sud pour la DI) ou le SRSOR (Services de Réadaptation du Sud Ouest et du Renfort). Nom plus long existe aussi, le CRDI-TED. (TED = Troubles Envahissants du Développement).

Je réalise que je n’ai jamais eu l’autisme ou n’importe quel des “diagnos” du dossier de mon identité “légale” fictive sous peu importe forme.. j’ai brûlé tous les contrats, et que mes fragmentations psychologiques furent causées par une interférence d’opération neuropsy style MK ULTRA durant une hospitalisation pédiatrique, et voilà que chaque jour, un pédiatre qui ne comprend peu de ces diagnostics et de la vraie nature de notre peuple, jette le sort du faux cas sur une proie de plus.. c’est sans cesse exactement comme la discrimination médicale de toutes les institutions psycho. Je les compare facilement aux institutions de culte comme SYNAGON, WAASPS (un groupe d’organismes américains, cultes baptistes croyant corriger des ados “corrompus” par la violence, les camps de concentration et l’indoctrination religieuse dans des foyers de groupe depuis les années 1960), et ce sont des territoires fertiles aux consciences narcissiques et sociopathiques de perpétuer leur essence virale et se produire des paradis personnels pour le pouvoir et l’adrénaline. Et quand je dit adrénaline, je dis aussi adrénochrome. Je suggère que l’on commence à regarder sous nos pieds plutôt qu’au ciel, sur les culs ou devant un cell

Le département pédagogique du CISSS

Dur pour la dyslexie, ça. Par expérience, les acronymes changent toujours. Quand j’allais au secondaire, les classes spécialisées avaient changé de TED à TSA, et en 2018 presque tous les acronymes ont changé dans certains secteurs et commissions sélectivement pour..

ESDSSC. Enseignement spécialisé pour le développement social et de communication. Ils ont aussi tenté de rendre “TC” moins direct et effrayant parce que ça donne une connotation de stérétype délinquant ou du genre “pat’nais de centre avec le chignon laite s’a tête qui fait du skate”, un stéréotype VRAIMENT Rive-Sud du Québec ou j’ai grandit ma vie. Mais ça faisait des décennies, années qu’on utilise ce terme créé par l’industrie psychiatrique. Troubles du Comportement.

What?? On dirait que ceux qui font les administrations ont un toc pour le culte de la revise sociopolitique du classisme socio-ergonomique, et la pédanterie des acronymes et des noms méticuleux… grosse big pédanterie.. j’ai déjà connu ce toc puisque j’étudies la biopsychologie, loule (ces programmes scolaires en entier, je les voyais presque solide comme des “séquestrations sociales pour l’attardement et le nonconformisme”)


Et je n’oublie pas le CFER, le FMS, le FPT, les FA, les TC, toute la gang que j’ai croisé malgré la gêne sociale adolescente puissante que je portais sur mes épaules. Des acronymes et des acronymes. Tout ce qye je voyais c’était encore un système de cultes et pédagogies qui ont plein de profs et idées la tête dans le sable.

Surtout les TCs. Dans mon livre de la vie, ce sont que du real people, qui ont vu trop vite au travers des lunettes “They Live” et sont nés des rebelles anarchistes. Super incompris et traumatisés grosso modo.

Résumé commentaire des programmes par expérience:

DI: Déficience intellectuelle. Probablement les plus “intelligents” de la gang, sans s’en rebdre compte.

TSA/TED/EITSKYSOGSKchepakoa: Programme adapté à l’autisme. Pur et simple. Tout ce qui parait “autistique”. Parce que je devrais dire que 1/4 des jeunes là dedans n’ont même pas assez de traits explicable, et leurs diagnos sont vraiment vieux et obsolètes mais encore utilisés, ou créés par une opération MK UKTRA neuropsychologique. Beaucoup de ces groupes sont un Hades cahuté collectif infernal à supporter et sont infantilisateur. Y’on beau réformer. Et l’inclusion est parfois controversée parmis les commissions au QC.. Pas leur forte. J’ai vu presque tout ce qui se passe sous le soleil des services z’otisste. Ou la lune, plutôt.

TC: Des anarchistes, du vrai monde, marginalisé à cause de leur désillusionnement radical face à l’autorité. Ils n’ont pas réussi à faire le processing de la rage et des feelings qu’ils ressentent face aux bêtises du système. Certains sont juste “encadrés” pour des riens, des motifs ouvertement conspiratoires du gouv. I

Ceux qu’on appelle “troublés” voient plus la matrice comme elle est réellement. Je ressentais vraiment un clic puisqu’ils mirroitaient une partie de mon ombre, mon “darker side”. Avec ma personnalité “indigo” c’est ce qui convoquait à m’ouvrir plus hormis cette timidité sociale lourde de l’adolescence. Je suis né rebelle face à la matrice. La différence est une question de colère face au contrôle, d’histoire de maltraitance (souvent narcissogène) et de rôles exemplaires, factions socio-économiqies, et l’énergie de leur ADN. Et de consommation. Une partie refoulée de moi rêvait même d’avoir été dans une classe de ce genre parce que c’est une énergie qui me touchait tellement, on dirait que j’ai reconnu une fam. On se comprennait plus sur un niveau émotionnel. Ce fut aussi en raison que j’ai été exposé à des environnements colériques trop longtemps pour les “transmuter” sans le savoir.

Je l’ai eu, mon wish. J’ai fréquenté l’école le Tremplin au centre jeunesse de Chambly pendant quelques semaines.

L’école le Tremplin, c’est l’une des rares places où je me sentais plus léger. Un peu. Mais on n’avais qu’une seule période ordi libre par semaine.

TRP: OK, what is it doing here? Je me demande ce qu’est ce nouveau acronyme. Est-ce un groupe de cas qui se retrouvent nulle part? On m’a parvenu que ce sont habituellement des “troubles anxieux” qui sont présents. À Polybel, mon groupe avait un “suivi parallèle” dans notre cubicule qui ressemblait à du mini-TRP isolé pour des élèves du régulier. Y’avait une fille qui venait souvent appeler sa mère parce qu’elle avait un problème de crises de panique sociale et elle ne se désincrivait même pas de ses cours de théâtre, LA chose qui lui causait de l’anxiété. La performance publique. et quand on lui refusait un appel, elle allait délarmer sa vie dans le cubicule d’isolement. C’est un autre exemple de mon point sur la coupure brutale des liens symbiotiques. Ça devait être dans son PIE.

FA: Apparemment c’est juste un programme de redoublure et rattrapage. Vraiment juste ce type là. Et ça faisait tellement de bruit.

FPT/FMS: Les vrais acronymes pour FPMT et FMSS. Avec leurs acronymes, ya de l’accro. What is going on? Eux-zaute, c’est quand t’as plusieurs années de rattrappage. Soit t’as pas encore finit son secondaire 1 ou 2 depuis belle lurette, ou t’as même pas terminé le primaire. Les deux programmes ont des cours de stage juste pour t’apprendre à te mettre sur le disability check pi te rendre un “asset productif pour le marché du travail”. Et ça rend heureux d’un maigre taux de revenu.

Le TRP, c’est la chose scolaire au Québec qui ressemble remotely à des adaptations pour hypersensibles autre que du TSA. Mais même là..

chez les TSA, un vrai empathe hypersensible s’écroule vite, TSA ou pas. Le drama est trop intense. Surtout un empathe anxieux et traumatisé. Voici la raison que j’ai créé le projet lemuryk: y’a rien d’autre sauf l’Association des Hypersensibles en France et je me lance pour la protection des droits souverains et libertés d’expression spirituelle de ma communauté au continent OPPOSÉ.

Mais évidemment, cette histoire de TC fut une passe dans mon processus de recherche d’identité adolescente.

Programme, programme après programme. Des tocs et de nouveaux tocs bureaucratiques. Et on nous demande pourquoi on décroche et tournons vers la débaucherie. À nos yeux ce n’est que de la prison, une asile, et des tentatives loufoques de nous briser puis nous ‘réparer’ et nous contrôler. La matrice 3D, ce fut une prison énergétique programmée.

J’ai déjà dis que “les patients sont les meilleurs investigateurs”.

La gestion des placements et l’organisation est si loufoque et démesurément inattentive que l’École Polybel avait réussi, vers 2018, de placer CINQ classes TSA/ESDSC collées dans une aile comme l’équivalent de deux 2 1/2 collés ensemble, des plus “légers” aux plus gros handibaveux hardcore qui n’ont aucune concrète auto-conscientisation et sont complètement gelés du monde externe. Un an et demi plus tard, j’ai appris qu’ils ont fermé mon ancienne classe 974 en raison d’inadaptation. Impossible de se concentrer parmis les stims et le drama des voisins ni celui avec “le scapegoat” de chaque groupe. J’étais dans le groupe le plus léger et juste à droite du groupe autistique le plus handicapé. Donc, même fermer la porte ne suffisait pas, ni avec les tics du scapegoat du groupe. Et par les bruits des voisins, toute l’année, nos oreilles ont mémorisé tout le vocabulaire utilisés par les talentueux écholaliques, la seule chose que qu’on a réellement “appris”. “ON EST AAAHA-AH-AH-AH-h!!” “CA VA PAH SE PASÉ COM SA!!” “OOOOOWWWHH!!” après trois ans, ces sons encores gravé dans ma mémoire. Et non si vividement les bases des maths ou de l’histoire du secondaire 3, peut être subconsciemment.. On a appris!! Ils devraient enseigner..

C’est la dernière fois que j’ai fréquenté l’école mainstream. À 16 ans, tu as la porte de l’éducation aux adultes ouverte. Mais j’ai eu des conflicts personnels avec la DPJ qui ont stoppé ma scolarisation à jamais. Les placements ont commencé. Tant mieux si je retourne plus dans ces prisons dégénérées qui ont failli tous avoir du 5G! Trois ans school-free!! J’ai déjà trouvé ma carrière permanente pour cette vie sur Terre: du caregiving, guérison holistique et admimistration/gestion de ressources humaines “indigo” et quelques projets exopolitiques. Oui, à 18 ans. Je fais du “travail de lumière”. Je contacte des intelligences galactiques. Aucun diplôme nécessaire.

Foyers et résidences en détresse perpétuelle: “ça dégénère”

Je trouve perso que l’interférence de la DPJ dans la CRDI, est la plus grande source des problèmes de son bord. J’ai vécu assez longtemps dans la martyrisation systématique de la DPJ et la CRDI et je réalise que les infrastructures et sécurité des centres jeunesse, comme le centre jeunesse de Chambly (allo les gars, Prologue été 2018), sont plus sécuritaires que la majorité des résidences intermédiaires de la CRDI qui eux ne sont que d’anciennes maisons pour personnes âgées dont les infrastructures ne sont pas conçues pour la violence de force d’un adolescent en pleine croissance qui a probablement déjà tabassé quelqu’un solide ou s’entraîne.

C’est notamment le cas avec la résidence du programme qui m’a donné “la nuit sombre” pendant 2 années consécutives. C’est là où, malgré la rigidité psychiatrique de ses intervenants, j’ai vu des horreurs que seuls ceux qui fréquentent des foyers de groupe chaotiques connaissent. D’où vient le scandale des “Résidence à assistance continue”. Le programme qu’on m’a inscrit j’y ai passé dans sa RAC de Longueuil originale un ~2-3 mois, un autre ~2 mois et un dernier un mois. Juste deux semaines c’est affolant. En 2019 la DPJ a réannexé les locaux et avant 2012, ce fut une RAC de la DPJ régulière avant d’être acheté par le CRDI. Tout le network est fragilisé et non que les RACs.

La majorité des intervenants avaient des intentions réelles de contribuer pour nous, mais les outils, les connaissances, et le côté “neurotypisme” de leur monde créait beaucoup de barrières de communication et compréhension, ainsi que l’envahissante emphase de racisme dans la DPJ et la CRDI. (je ne supporte pas le mot neurotypique.. ya pas de normal et je trouve ça extrêmement divisif)

Mais une fois que tu mets un pied dans la société du système de (dis)services sociaux, personne n’est 100% de confiance. Personne. Les recherches avant de jouer dans le sable et inscrire un prochain “martyr”, c’est plus important que jamais. Ce sont les idéologies et intentions de n’importe qui dont tu peux facilement trébucher dans un piège. Et c’est la tâche la plus difficile que j’ai appris de se démêler de ces noeuds et rendre justice. J’ai jamais eu de justice “directe” pour les opérations psychologiques criminelles de la part des intelligences “archoniennes” que l’on m’a fait. Ni en cour. Je m’y suis même présenté. Tout ce qui est justice, c’est notre unité et solidarité historique depuis le début de la pl4ndémie. Je ressends que c’est le cas pour énormément d’Âmes sur Gaia.

L’abandon parental arrive aussi dans la CRDI et pas seulement la DPJ. Mon frère, par exemple. Il ne voit plus sa mère depuis ce que j’ai vu la dernière fois. Et Je dis SA mère, parce que maintenant je sais qui est MA vraie momma.

Résumé des failles que j’ai vu chez le CRDI:

  • Les interventions des TS de la DPJ et les placements
  • Placements physiques (x1000) impulsifs, ils ne veulent juste pas te connaître assez bien avant de te placer même quand j’ai protesté mes traumatismes précédents. À l’école et en foyer/centre. Seul deux policiers ont écouté mon plead en Fév. 2020.
  • Le fait que les programmes peuvent punir en privant 100% le moindre contact familial même par appel quand c’est un outil crucial pour le développement émotionnel à moins qu’il y ait des abus par le parent et que le jeune DEMANDE un interdit de contact direct. selon moi, couper le lien symbiotique “parce que”, pour “donner une leçon”, sans mandat justifiable de gestion ou cause de contrat PROUVÉ de protection de contact dans leur PI (plan d’intervention) ni la connaissance de la conséquence affective à long terme sur l’attachement parent/gardien-enfant est inacceptable. Je connais des parents qui contestent cette méthode. Toute restriction de contact, je crois ça devrait être constaté et prouvé dans un PI et raisonnable, demandé par le gardien/parent et le sujet s’il peut y consenter à participer en la décision (parce qu’un enfant en bas de l’adolescence ou une personne qui a des facultés limitées peut pas toujours y choisir!..),. Mêmes concernant les contacts amicaux et les intérêts plus “romantiques”. Je connais aucun cas de coupure de contact symbiotique punitif de surface qui a “appris” à un jeune de quoi de confiant dans un environnement confiné par la DPJ où il vit sans sa famille. Même des adultes régresseraient.
  • L’organisation pauvre de nombreux programmes, surtout quand on change l’équipe entière, bravo pour avoir congédié une équipe déjà stricte et formée post-relocalisation
  • Les infrastructures et le pattern “elderly home real estate!”
  • La jolie discrimination médicale comme toutes les vieilles institutions médicales le font
  • Underfunded“, no really?
  • L’infantilisation
  • Les lacunes de ressources, ou mentir sur le nombre de ressources
  • Nous répéter qu’on a un problème quand le système de la matrice 3D nous casse par exprès et nous forcer de nous “réparer” par des méthodes de brainwashing, la culpabilité, le handicap illusoire ou exagéré, et par le conditionnement comportemental (beaucoup font semblant de changer juste pour quitter plus vite, mais ça peut durer a long while quand même)

Les raisons que je voit le CRDI aussi borné que la DPJ, la CPS et la DARPA sont tous inscrites sur cet article, mais y’en a plein de raisons non mentionnées. Presque rien ne change radicalement sauf les classifications.

Et je déconseille Polybel, école du Grand-Coteau, et les classes TSA si vous avez un enfant hypersensible qui veut rien savoir des étiquettes et de vivre dans une asile. Oui, je me permets de le dire à cause de ma lourde expérience. Le cycle est pareil chaque année dans chaque école. Le monde des programmes TSA c’est comme une asile psychiatrique. Mais l’école en entier, ça va limite dans cette ambience également. Des cas plus spéciaux existent. Avec le ségrégationnisme (non inclusivité) psychiatrique des groupes TSA et DI à l’école, les séquelles sociales sont handicapantes: des habiletés sociales moins développées, l’ignorance du monde autour de toi. Quand j’ai eu une chance d’aller en Anglais au régulier en cours de secondaire 5, un gars m’a nommé les noms des gars les plus populaires de l’école et je connaissait pas un seul. Pas un seul. J’avais déjà une asile partiellement isolée du reste du monde à supporter. On était en 40-taine même avant la cv. On a toujours été en 40-taine.

https://www.lesoleil.com/chroniques/mylene-moisan/je-ne-souhaite-ca-a-personne-b55caae4b8dcd25f306a8d9d57d279bb (problèmes de placements)



(attention à la désinfo)

LEMURYK PROJECT UPDATE 10/25/2020; 1 week pre-election

According to how many chances I got and my current checkpoint, I believe I may finally have found my ticket to the apartment I wanted after all these months of searching. Just visited the two leaving tenants. My Soul wanted to establish our base mission connections before taking this step. Now, I feel more ready than ever.

Hallelujah. Rest deserved.

The tick about my relocation is that I want to attract the relocation day before the American election day on 11/3. I’m moving to the town I’ve avoided to live in for so long: Montreal. I need to get off disability eventually. An okay side, but not telling you which district. I had to choose this because it’s a process of gradually relocating in a series of apartments or spots until I reach my ally’s house (maybe)

I’ll adopt this semi-nomadic mode until around March or April, and we’re going to visit Timmins by then. I also wanna learn to drive cars in a place where I don’t have to pay high taxes, or cost-free, someplace around an underground facility of Light, Agartha, Telos or whatever, a nice hi-fi vehicle that is convertible into invisible mide, flying mode, etc. just so I can get a “holographic” driving license for the remaining (faithfully last) period until I no longer require an earth car for the sake of not stirring suspicion, and officially transition, then begin living in my Avian ET body on Gaia.

The vehicle would have a veil when present in society in which it resembles a regular manufactured car with a license plate. And I do need my angels to protect it from targeting because the (remaining) archons know my contacts and plans.

I know I can get this on my life’s plate and even get a private escort to go there. It is possible. Absolutely. It’s bout the Now I want to learn driving.

Contacts are increasing both on the surface and astrally. I met a guy who I gave food to because I thought he had no roof or home, but he does, and lives in devastating poverty so he just begs. He even has an aggressive tumor disease which prevents walking, and lost all leg muscle tone..

He has twin babies… we had a stimulating conversation around the way. Mutually investigating how we view the covid situation, and I potentially attracted someone who I can start building my first “Lemuryk training” with before I “go home”, at least one on one.. talking about how we can improve living conditions for those with “restrictions” etcetera. If you who I just mentioned reads this, have a shoutout.

Post-election prep

“2021 won’t be a rosy year” – Ivo, channeled by Tiannia

I have prepped since January or Feb due to this knowledge, and realizing through the Godhead my true mission on Earth, and where I was destined to go. I had to perform extreme changes in my life’s path, affiliations and social surroundings. My inner health as well.

I have as much stock that can fit into a car, as it is easier in case of urgent full relocation. I don’t like to indulge in materialism beyond that..

We are getting so close to our privileged “final” destination, and I now have one ir two willing to go with me! Then the Lemuryk Hubs, the true ones, shall open. O, how I feel hyped for this event. The ultimate goal of all this project.

The context for this prepping is various reasons, and mostly foresight into “emergency” events, and anticipating the radical overall social and energetic weather of 2021. Crime rate already goes up, apparently. And I already know my destination, making the process more ample to manage, sorta. Sorta.

So, to my fellow guides and ETs, this is my current shifting of plans to get there.

If there’s no sign of any secret vehicle course inscription, I’d rather take off onto a plane or go by car with my ally.

Who wants to afford hundreds for a “mandatorily” minimum 10 to 12 month long driving school when I only have half a year remaining here? I could learn to operate a car under a cycle of the Earth around its own toroidal axis, and possibly download all the info about a basic spaceship in a flashbolt via telepathic radiation, which I have most likely done and mastered before in past lives in the Arcturus system and on Saturn! Looking at the questions given in tests, many answers are quite based! I support the cause of intraterrestrial (or just hidden 5D) schools and “sophisticated” shelters / bunkers (there already are, but I support opening some to more open surface access!)

Driving schools? Part of our old order education sysyem de facto, what a joke and waste to our true potential and intelligence. You can learn to fly a spacecraft in DAYS or less. In 1970 you could gain a license after… a much shorter period.

If you (inner earthers) open an opportunity, let me know! I realize you are purging the DUMBs, but you also have entire protected subterranean shelters and cities.

Plus, I will not have to wear a.. okay, I assume you get it.

Your Negative Experiences are Quantum Holographic Simulation – like all else

Your Trauma is Simulation – like All there exists and could be.

Teiuliyn here. I bring about my two friends Warval and Griffon, because I need their counseling.

Griffon: Heard. This subject is about a certain loop that some people experience when they are first ascending. And that is the fear of not being ascended enough. The worry of piling your problems on people and accidentally oversharing. You just manifested that. And you have got the door slammed again. I have to admit the reactions to your cycle were very 3D and it was rather unnecessary to ban your account from Reddit. This commenter told you to get a shrink to tell your life story and just overall, get a life. You felt ridiculed and deeply triggered too because of your dark MK ULTRA medical target memory. You have been repeating this cycle for the n-thieth time. You as always kept getting kicked out or blocked because you overstepped this energy boundary. As a result, you had your bi-monthly PTSD breakdown. A purge if emotions, a release of fury and tough love episode. Murder thoughts rush in your mind. Your shadow gets angry and hateful. Well,
You just gave up trying. And this internal critical voice degrading and instilling anxiety in you every time you share your feelings makes you think you are always either seen as a saint, targeted by the admins to ban you, or a monstruous failure every place you go to.

Teiuliyn: It was always like that. Alwayys. When it occurs, I just start to attack my social performance confidence, all of them trauma demons come again and I get a bit violent towards myself. Now, I prefer to just go yell in a pillow and allow the firey demons to be released, yet again. I always use the holy fires and violet flame, call upon Archangel Michael but I feel the need to do it so often that I get exhausted, just… need some sort of alternative relaxation… a break.

Then I realized I cannot internalize my feelings anymore. I’ve been in this double bind for years and years. Either you internalize and explode, or you share and express yourself then get horrible treatment. I also realized how terrible the internet really can be under Archonian influence more so than before. So this cycle was related to anxiety and internalization, plus dark attacks.

These lows always occur after I get a peak in my high frequencies. I live in a low vibe place and the isolation from me not having it easy to go outdoors energetically has been draining my mental health.. it’s abusive at this point. And I cannot even wait to move in with my friend anymore so I’m packing now. My demo is really done there.

Griffon: And I see that your inner warrior is ready to truly come out.

Teiuliyn: Yes. No more games of mind control and duality. I need to release it now. Really now. I won’t harm anyone. I just need to take action for myself because I now know the real answer the Universe says to me: you have to get out yourself. Even if I continue to pray. I feel like it did nothing sooner except for things not related to moving away from that place where I lived a lot of horrors. I do not desire to justify my own life or behavior. And I already have galactic counselors so joke’s on them.

Griffon: You realize that many of these sites are very 3D and toxic.

Teiuliyn: As most social media communities that have a lot of folks. I knew I should never had returned to Reddit. Just to make videos and blogs of personal stuff like that gives me uneasy feelings. I think I took the spiritual boundary lessons a bit too seriously and it backfails. Even if I rarely talk online on forums or go to this extent.

I truly ask your advice, Griffon and Warval. Moving away now alone is one thing. As I see how the communities are changing in regards to the ascension plandemic and the energies and mentalities of each area. But making sure you live in an environment where no one is letting the TV on constantly, talking all morning when I try to sleep, arguing in the same apartment dorm and inviting people to loiter over where a Lightworking introvert lives only feeds the cycle of throat chakra abuse.. and I have been wearing earplugs for an eternity that it’s become a survival tool. I want that to stop and change my environment just for once. I will just pick a quick short term dorm and stay there until I move with my Angelic ally. I don’t care any longer to stay here and anchor the Big L city as my work is done here.

Griffon: Now just to insert what actually needs to be heard in this channeling.

You may forget that you are omnipotent. Sublimation helps you go beyond the internalization externalization loop in extremes. And talking to your trauma verbally can help, sometimes more than talk to your higher selves or praying and visualizing Light. These cycles stop your throat chakra from stabilizing.
Teiuliyn: Yes. Saying that I am omnipotent as a mantra surprisingly helps. Singing helps too. Instead of isolating myself to go tantrum like a raging toddler and harming myself. Or I just go isolate and verbally state what I feel in me. “My hands want to do cruelty”, “My shadow wants to do the worst treatments in its bag, yet because of my conscience, it is inhibited and needs to go”. Now, that is so refreshing. Just stating the feeling to myself. I also speak to my shadow. I think I could do this exercise more often. It is a magic hack. Instead of vampiring myself I can just pretend I’m having a polite commentary on my negative feelings. I can even avoid cursing in the rant.

G&W: That is mature catharsis.
I left Griffon in suspense to process my moody bursts, and later came back to full circle the topic shut.

Griffon: However, remember that all of your negative memories are holographic illusions, experiences. It is all part of a simulation. You have no wrath to carry. The realness if these experiences is the illusion that traps you in this cycle.

It is all a hologram. And you know that. All if the harsh treatment was holographic. None of it was real like the context of your definition of realness.

Teiuliyn: That equates a total 180.

Warval: We however empathize, and somewhat agree, with your decision to move now.
I hear them both say that if my MK ULTRA consciousness virus was just simulated reality, all my traumas are simulated as well. But we are still affecting each other’s simulations. If my body is a hologram, my socially humiliating experiences were holographic. The veil gets so engrained as convincingly real by the matrix and we only see a tiny fractal if the true image. And arrogance is so easy to feel in this simulation because everything seems so real but none of it is. YA-h0o, I don’t have to screw up into breakdowns and get angry anymore!

Warval: All have to still learn their way to a harmonious simulation. The Light matrix.

Teiuliyn: Yes. No wonder after all these blogs a part of me begged for answers. I felt some piece was unanswered and missing. You provided the actual resonating with me kind of answer just now. Saying “negativity is unreal” was only a fractal of the whole.

I guess that even in a simulation we are always valid. Even sexual traumas are simulations but it feels so extremely real if you do not remember it’s a simulation. That does hurt.
Are my happy moments simulation as well?

Warval: There are different simulation levels, but simulation is the entire game. We are all part of a simulation on different levels of consciousness. So yes. Your joyful moments are simulations. But Love is real in all that simulation. Even the earth’s moon is a false simulation in the simulation.
Teiuliyn: Please explain it like you provided the hologram quote.

Griffon and Warval: Love is the absolute nature of the Source of this simulation.
There is no real or unreal.
The Law of Order is related to this simulation.
None can escape Source, nor the simulation. It’s all just a game. We all use holograms.

Teiuliyn: Silly moments; raging because of moments using the internet in the simulation, the most simulationy simulation. The internet is an AI. Great Simulation has both organic and artificial programming. And its spirit, the One Great Consciousness.

Teiuliym: I was glitching out and toying with the simulation with my light and my shadow!!
Higher Self: Gaia is however shifting to a higher level of the simulation. So glitches are supposed to happen in a sense as you all upgrade. Do not panic.

The oddity that was my troubled teen program and the CRDI

Posting here as a reddit post redirection because of text length.

In southern Quebec there is this troubled teen program home that’s been running since around 2012 and after relocating to St Hubert, lost a lot of organization ability bevause they changed all the old staff for new ones. Usually it was a really strict program and people would get groubded constantly even for reasons like cultural misunderstanding from foreign staff members. As a result the teens who came here would develop some kind of racist radar because 60% of the staff were Haitian or Ghanan and it was hard to relate to their version of discipline.

One time I remember the adjoint administrator handing me her phone plus the wired phone because she was calling 3 people at once.

No one who ever attended Nexus truly changed. We were all either faking or totally resistant.

Either you had too soft disciplines, or too much groundings, and the worst part was the huge hunger games style envy between teenagers.

There were also every year a handful of extremely disruptive teens who would get banned after a few months as they physically rapt the infrastructures.

You could almost never have any peace of sleep due to constant rages and meltdowns.

It was a home for “mildly autistic teens”, yet I was misdiagnosed for many reasons and some did appear misdiagnosed as well. I can sense their energy.

If you live in Montreal, Longueuil or somewhere in South Shore Quebec please do not send your child to Nexus if they have a mild Autism / Asperger’s dx/misdx. It only savagely ruins their peace of mind.

I think the people who work there really do have their hearts in their place and show genuine intentions to help. There is rarely any actual abuse from staff, but the organization of routine and nanagement is very lackluster, inconsistency is everywhere, and the chaos of teenagers is more pressuring than the staff themselves. I have seen a bare handed murder attempt in 2018.

And they have at least 8 bedrooms since I last checked. In the old CPS juvie style small facility there were up to 12 bedrooms. The new home is zero safe at all.

To get into Nexus, two requirements:

  • Your child had to have an autism or Aspergers dx
  • No ID, or mild
  • Behavioral/conduct issues / addiction. Usual troubled teen stuff.
  • Or some rare transfers were voluntary. I did wirh mine as a cry for help. I got back and forth mom/foster thrice. My family was an overmedicated codependent, narcissistic degenerate mess.

These homes and programs belong to the CRDI (Readaptation Centers for Intellectual Disability)
And they’ve basically been the doorway to constant mk ultra and medical munchausens style attacks on my being. My brother “lives” in a CRDI group home, and he’s been changing different homes and regressed in his childhood. He has never returned under parental custidy since age five and he is now soon 17. He is nonverbal. They apparently experience underfunding, although that happens in so many programs it doesn’t even need emphasis.

Also please refrain from gaslighting my belief of being misdiagnosed. It’s none of your business and conflict/control is the last thing my life needs right now. I lived narc abuse and gaslighting all my life, it’s very invalidating, controlling and unironically enmaddening.

I’ve been moved in an adult group home since May because I turned eighteen, and it’s the most peaceful GH that possibly ever exists except for constant music noise, the landlord inviting bunches of random people over, and only a single overt rage/violence incident EVER since it opened. These things get annoying for an introvert who meditates daily to keep anchored and not lose stability.

Note that it’s something I’ve always dealt with and I have my own playlist, otherwise I would drive me balls. I’m an HSP/empath and very picky on music can’t stand the rapper culture and low vibe industrial brainwave frequency manipulation music, brash metal, pedowood and NPC news poison it makes my pineal gland burn. I just can’t help it. So please respect that.

The system also always arbitrarily profiles you according to diagnoses to what program you go to. If you are somehow dx with autism or IDs, you are autonatucally cut off from the “neurotypical” world into inadequate programs. So if it were not for school or work your social skills freeze or decay. Special ed influenced me this way for years to the point of aggravating PTSD and fostering pychosis, and I got extremely fed up. No one truly listened. I was even once placed with nonverbals in my first home and it was a home for the complete spectrum and I have no cognitive, verbal communicative or intellectual shortcomings. I ran away after 3 days due to a neglected bloodcurling back pain. I could not solve it, for even basic on the counter muscle cream required a doctor’s prescription.

Some advice:

  • Do not place severe needs / nonverbals and verbals or milder needs together in the same homes. It creates a really awkward setting. Maybe the staff member would get bored from having only people with significant ID’s and “preverbals” and no child/teen to speak with if they really wanna keep them knit together and that’s part of the reason, but it just gets really awkward in a group home. Reverse inclusion school programs and sped camps can do that for you.
  • I would personally avoid making 11-14 yos and 15-17 yos live under the same roof because their worlds are so different. Half of the people who came in the Nexus home, you would never guess they have something “atypical” unless you have really experienced observation skills or have simply an inner “radar” of energy. Either because they use masking, their autism is really mild, or.. they were not even autistic in the first place and got misdx, like me. And I could easily tell because I’ve been amongst these people in sped all my youth.
  • If you eat vegan, keto or any special diet, good luck. Gooooood luuuckkk. Thankfully I saved the day and introduced them to how to understand veganism for two consecutive stays, and they even had diabetic cases. They already deal with special needs teens who have certain unique diets because of various medical and therapeutic reasons (complex health needs) or food sensitivity aversion, but they just had to really learn this big V thing.

Besides, the rest of the program was just “chores for a meager money income”, outings, hearing “GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED” all day, measuring your points for good behavior each evening, which if you got 16 out of 20 you would not get held back to level 1, the most restricted level, and besides, there’s a thing with foster homes that they can cut you from family contact if you’re punished or grounded. That’s the kind of thing causing reactive attachment issues. I remember they would not allow a girl to all her dad at 7 pm. Why do they support this punishment? I think punishment using deprivation of familial contact is exactly why foster homes can abuse people for so long behind doors, and how you kinda fail a patient. They NEED familial contact, even if they cannot be allowed to see them in person for a while like the quarantine stuff. It is NOT a privilege, but the child/teen can however demand No Contact or have a court ordered restraining order with an ex-custodian (but have to use their caseworkers as mediators). Some parents do temporarily ban their child from even phone contact if they are too unstable and harrassing the parent, and I cannot control this but I feel that it only causes harm in many scenarios, except if they are adults and truly beyond change. Some “parents” just have abandoned their children to the pit of foster care.

She regressed completely in her anger management to the point of police pinning her down and it wasn’t just her learning difficulties and autism creating this diwnward spiral. She had really improved in her former home because it was far more structured, well versed in more challenging needs, and actually an intensive last chance home thing. There were these homes that you deal with aggressive, chronic meltdown/anxiety preverbal autists there and they often do really have severe violence management challenges. Bless my bro’s Soul. If he could talk, he would prove he has seen far more than I did. I’m planning on getting partial custody after he turns 18 especially that our mom kinda started to abandon him a little over a year ago, maybe almost two even, and no longer gave monthly visits. I’m going to create a therapeutic program with group homes for HSPs/indigo children who are compromised or abused in all these foster scenarios, inadequate services, targeting, or plain abuse at home, so I already have decent backing, and I can somewhat read energies so having a helping brother who can read his thoughts more accurately is a blessing.

Also, I recommend that just because you saw me mentioning Nexus, diesn’t means you have to go and pull a complaint or threaten lawsuit on them. They are really actually benevolent people with often inadequate training and tools, or just unadapted attitudes and some annoying stubbornness. I have NEVER seen them hit, torture willingly or abusively screech at anyone like you often see in your unethical, zealous christian American programs, “child concentration camps” and etcetera and not just in the States of the fallen Eagle. I only heard of one incident where a teen got pushed by an angry staff member and that’s it. And I could imagine how it escalated to that point because staff were really, truly SUFFERING in the old facility and depression hit waves. I knew how these two were like in my first transfer so I wasn’t surprised. The worst 1000x thing is the behavior of the teens, not necessarily the staff.

But Nexus gave me doors. It was where I met a one time staff member in her early 20s who is literally my twin flame although we are now only on platonic terms like ever. That was summer 2019. We spent the summer in a temporary respite home before moving in the “unsafe” olds peoole home. They often seem to pick out non institutional old folks homes and repurpose them which causes unsafe, weak physical platforms not meant to be dealt with punches and kicks, and migrates tons of dementia people. The old facility was CPS built and actually had an isolation room where you could lash out all your 200 pound rage there and not leave one hole as the surfaces were purposefully highly fortified. There are programs and homes like this. It’s the CRDI system that is messing big time with their network. They are totally incompetent with transfer management and listening to teens, and favor brainwashing parents like what CPS always does.

CRDI is our CPS for special needs. Nost of the time it’s anything involving autism, intellectual disabilities, Down’s or whatever condition along the spectrum of brain damage or certain genetic conditions. But they can get very discriminatory, infantilizing the case’s skills and competence, and profiling, and just look at medical papers before even analysing the Being themself. $$$$ talk. I got betrayed so much.

Nexus is sus. They aren’t child abusers or narcissistic breeding grounds, they’re just struggling and need help. u contraire, the functioning of the program creates more “staff abusers”. These homes really need help. It even got on the news once but widely ignored by the general public. Things are crumbling apart more than ever. Although Nexus definitely saw far darker days before they moved, like stories of double r@pe attempts from a really mentally unwell girl. CPS retook hands upon managing the facility and sent an adult group home who had a water damaged ceiling.

Yes, I knooow aspergers was dropped but is still very much used in the ND community. Don’t tell me again.

So what’s your story? What’s your take?

Griffon: Niveaux de Travailleur de Lumière

Ici Teiuliyn. Griffon me parle déjà au moment ou je reviens dans la réalité vibratoire physique le matin.

J’entends qu’il me rappelle une idée qui m’a traversé l’esprit auparavant: les niveaux de travailleurs de Lumière.
Griffon, pourrait-tu élaborer sur ce concept?
Griffon: Allons-y. Préavis: ces concepts ne sont aucunement à hyperlittéraliser puisque des interinfluences et juxtapositions existent entre les niveaux. Pour ce spectre nous allons désigner les facteurs principaux comme le quotient de Lumière, le niveau de connection entre l’Âme-Source et l’intellect, le développement extrasensoriel et le pouvoir généré par les travaux et efforts de ce TdL.
Quoique nous pouvons vivre heureux sans devoir nous référencer à ce système théorique de niveaux.

Niveau 1: Ce niveau correspond aux enfants indigos et hyperrésonnants qui commencent à comprendre leur rôle, ou n’y comprennent pas encore pourquoi ils sont sur terre. Ils traversent une phase d’adaptation et d’observation sur une planète et un corps dont ils n’ont que très peu d’expérience à expérimenter et doivent tout réapprendre sur un monde incompréhensible. Ils se sentent fréquemment mal placés, seuls au monde, abandonnés, ridiculisés, et subissent des cycles de traumatismes à répétition. La plupart sont encore jeunes. Leurs sens extrasensoriels ne seraient pas toujours aussi élevés que ceux qui se situent à des niveaux plus avancés. Ce niveau représente des enfants indigos débutants. Une fraction de ces enfants choisissent une vie plus facile mais assez douloureuse que pour achever leur mission principale. Il est possible pour une Âme non terrienne d’être forcée sans son consentement dans une incarnation terrienne par la violence archonienne.

Niveau 2: Ces Âmes ont déjà étudié un minimum la planète Terre et ont un peu plus de capacité de transmutation et d’accès spirituel que le premier niveau. Ils gardent plus de souvenirs cellulaires intact, et ont des enfances très difficiles. C’est ici que nous retrouvons plus en plus des individus ciblés par de l’espionnage technologique par la cabale, ce qu’un niveau un serait complètement désemparé dans la même situation. Mais ils n’ont pas comme mission de devenir un grand shaman de la société, ou pas encore.

(La maturité spirituelle prend un peu plus de développement),

Niveau 3: Ici, tout devient plus intéressant. Le niveau trois est un niveau très sacré puisque le pouvoir de ta Lumière et ton quotient spirituel commence à grandir sa sphère d’influence et sa conscience vers des douzaines, voire centaine de gens, voire une communauté entière, qui est touchée directement ou indirectement par la transmutation et la Lumière dont tu radies. Beaucoup de canalisateurs, guérisseurs et Êtres qui ont eu beaucoup de vies à travailler avec l’énergie que tu vois sur les réseaux sociaux ainsi que tes coéquipiers actuels qui accompagnent ton but sont quelque part dans ce niveau. On dirait que dans la case trois, la renaissance de ton identité soulève le voile et guérit celle des autres. Vous marchez dans les premiers rangs de tous les enfants galactiques incarnés.

Niveau 4: Voici pratiquement le cercle des TdL les plus puissants sur Gaia. Ils sont souvent ce que l’on peut décrire figurativement comme des dieux incarnés même si on est tous des dieux puisque leur ADN et leurs travaux sont si avancés, et leur sphère d’influence est immense. Un bel exemple en est Tiannia, qui est une incarnation de la déesse Athéna. Son pouvoir lumineux est si élevé qu’elle a réussi à passer 60 ans de transmutation, est visitée depuis 4 ans par des vaisseaux spatial chaque soir, et construira une cité en Ontario l’année prochaine. Oui, une ville. Une cité de Lumière indépendante, non complacente au gouvernemaman.
D’autres exemples en sont Rick Jewers qui passe ses mois à aider les activations de chaque chakra de la planète Terre, Lisa Renee et son wikipédia de l’Ascension, et Christine Kesara Dennett avec une quarantaine d’années à dessiner ce que son troisième oeil voit pour des documentaires. Ces niveau 4 sont parfois des saints, artistes influentiels et politiciens de lumière de votre histoire, souvent assassinés.

Teiuliyn: Et toi, Griffon, tu penses me voir où?

Griffon: Tu avances très proche de ceux au niveau trois et quatre. On dirait que tu réussis à tous les retrouver et tu connais même les réincarnations de St-Germain et de Métatron. Tu a le but de créer ton espèce de projet Lemuryk et tu as influencé des milliers et milliers par internet, sans toujours par le meilleur médium, alors je te verrais quelque part entre 3 et 4.
Teiuliyn: Y’a t’il un niveau cinq?

Griffon: Si tu veux un niveau cinq, c’est un TdL qui a gradué son ascension et a repris la totalité de sa liberté à exercer sa nature multidimensionnelle, inclus la téléportation et tout le reste.

Teiuliyn: Je crois que mon cher confrère de Lumière Paulio l’Arcturien est proche du niveau cinq après ses 9000 vies, dont environ 600 sur Gaïa.

Griffon: Possiblement.

L’entraide entre TdL de tous niveaux et habiletés sans discrimination bénéfit autant de positif. A l’affut de garder sa stabilité et ancrer dans son centre, vous parvenez à vous surpasser.

(Nous évoluons au travers de ces niveaux)

His true role

Donald Trᑌmp’s true role is better comprehended day by day. He is an ambassador and mediator of energies. Big T acts as gateway, the big fish at the tip of a net, who canalizes the sum of the Lightworker’s empowerment energies to further anchor, align collective energies to more general consciousness of the population by Heyoka behavior. As if a million Souls were pressuring one man to press the last button to activate energies within the population to create energy shifts in conscience by their own interests plus their independent will. Trᑌmp is the tip or thumb of the core power in an arm duel. The core power is the Truth alignment, red pilling, and our Light quotient. Energy is your vote in 2020. The population was given a trickster representing empowerment over the dark by the Light itself, as a beacon of the galactic federation’s members, earth incarnated and astral. He follows a meticulous system of acts and tricks and talks in code, working from us, for us, and is not a mere savior. We are the saviors and Trᑌmp is the mediator anchor of this rising. So what the strongest collective ideas align with and who we support, influences Trump, and it has to become more than the minimum threshold to align with the Truth. However, the Spiritual Ascension process is now obligatory for all on Terra/Gaia on the main highest timeline spirals.

Scapegoating can be positive AND negative, while the key is to realize we are responsible for ALL our responses, unlike the illusion if reaction that is rooted in the beLIEf of separative causality from the projected accountability of the “external” object’s actions, which only creates guilt games. We have obly a true choice on our own response to life. The same logical flaw also can foster the mentality of wishful plea/beggar ideation to give away your energy to an expected savior figure, an act negating your inner divine teacher altogether, in the illusion of power over your neighbor, a pure fracture of the law of unity sown into duality and also has a factor of self-doubt, a false 3D phantom matrix mind control trigger.

Savior beliefs are found in religion but is a generic beLIEf found in this Old Order Matrix manipulation. To change your energy and mindset to a more vulnerable state, prone to being more easily manipulated from an undivine intent and low frequency creation. The true nature of our Souls is unable to harbor negative frequency ideas and thoughtforms, intentions, emotions, or gestures, this all is a product of the fallen draconian consciousness, the luciferian consciousness, and very prevalent amongst hostile reptilians. This consciousness cannot willingly “create” in the sense that us Souls of Light can do, so they have suppressed their own light awareness, and true power, to succumb to a state of sole capability to mimic, distort whatever is the Light manifests. Note that they do not represent all reptoids.

Many notice that OOWs (Old Order Workers), also known as greater narcissists and cabalist darkworkers, contradict their own government movie game as pseudo civilians, such as Bill G8tes not even vaccinating his own progeniture, but most of the Old Order clan, aka illuminati, NAA cabalists and freemasons are either archons, dracos or clones and fake their humanness via telepathic mind control commands to alter our perception via a cloaking hologram.

They shall never vaccinate incestuously intra-cabal, as they know of their own true nature as draconian and it is therefore futile to prescribe themselves the tools they brainstormed and fabricated TO the earthling population’s detriment. Why would you inject yourself the poison you concocted for your targeted individual? Their DNA has nothing in common to our gene pool.

And additionally, they would counteract against the fuel of the AI Warlord Death Battlestar, source of all antichrist consciousness, Old Order energy and AI warfare in this universe, by weakening their position, but it would fail as they can quickly resist such vials.

It is an Old Order Headquarter Object, a C.O.R.E. viler and greater than Nibiru or Wormwood. To permanently end the antichrist, or luciferian activity, this death star needs to be dissolved and its component energy returned, recycled back to Source, where all begins and ends, but whom has no start nor finish line.

Griffon’s Perspectives on Number Theory

Numeric decimals, no matter the base, are a form of information constancy representation and not an absolute value/unit. They are supposedly mutable ratio notation that quantifies the relation between each piece of life, and vibrate each with a note, tone and energy signature dependable on its dimensional model. So numerals are not only universally used, but also energosymbolically personalized.

The numeric denominator is a universal system, both cardinal and ordinal, and extended, but not a common “denominator” of relations and more like a gateway, a backdoor to symbolize fractions in an undividable reality much like an atom nucleus that almost cannot be split. You are the unit in the whole, yet you are simultaneously the whole and the unit.. perceived in a symphony chain of individual components, counted therefore “the human factor” uses its tangibility as dividable.

Exactly like the neurology of the encephalon build parallel systems for perspective insight (theory of mind) and affective empathy, yet both are often interpreted as one same concept: empathy. One needs minimal telepathy to intercommunicate, yet one is already intertwinned in the One Great Consciousness.

Zero, one, 1.1416, two, three, pi…

We may count and name our cats, yet these felines recognize each companion without the need of a vocative autograph. It is why some tribes avoid divulgating names as they are symbolically sacred and can be negatively used for dark witchcraft. We have long exclaimed “your identity is beyond an identification number!”

Can you count an absolute amount of snow? Can you measure an absolute count of empathy? You are interpreting and creating any construct with your mind to manipulate and analyse, measure it within the intellect, rooted in your solar plexus (root=1D anchor/body, sacral=2D emotion/creativity/libido, SP=3D intellectual cognition, Heart(h)=4D bridge to soul), because the intellect has this urge and seems to block when it cannot form any concept for its tangibility and measurement. Notice how barely avoidable this phenomena is! Well, all possible concepts in existence already coexist in source, within source, within Prime Source.. simultaneously, so you concretized it, nothing is truly novel creation but rather potentiality manifestation. Nothing is new under the RA-Sol.

TLDR; He explains how he sees that numbers are more abstract and tangible than we may beLIEve. “They might function closer to subjective relational and evolutionary themes or houses in an astrological wheel, and this is an aspect of my interpretation, which may continually ever change“, he adds. “Numbers are far more used as a memory function regarding data registries, numerate cycles and calculate associations than merely define concrete concepts

  • Griffon, ET cellularly bond mate, a higher personalized aspect of my masculine side consciousness, breathes in math and science, my best source of brainy content.

7 Universal Artist Bugs that Jeopardize Art (Teiuliyn edition)

Here are seven artist problems that I feel make every one of us cry over our perceived unsatisfied content. Every point is only representative of my personal opinions.

– The proportions are too equalized giving the impression of no distinctive spirit or fluidity, or too extremized, maybe find a smooth equilibrum between both ends.

– Too much detail everywhere, or too minimalistic, which give off a uniform visual puke effect. Instead of making proportioned ratios where some parts are simpler, and gradually get more complex or abstract.

– Narrow overfixation on one single aspect (too much single point focus) that you like to add to your art to make it more aesthetically pleasing, with the render, shade, colors, outline, etc. such an outline emphasis, smoothness, making dark hair all black, too much roundness, too much focus on facial expressions, compulsively adding a deep patterned extra detail, perpective, or a pattern of adding a quirk, element or shade, ignoring potential aspects that would counterfix the imbalances.

– Repetitive themes that drain place for original twists and gags.

– Only applying what you believe to know.

– Fearing to leave a few small “imperfections” here and there because you are your own worst critic. These muffs can occasionally save you from jeopardizing more fractals of your art and can save your energy. Sorry, perfectionists.

– FEARING THAT YOU ARE NOT EVEN IN ENOUGH CONTROL OF YOUR CREATIVITY, PENCIL AND ARTISTIC FLOW. This is exactly what kills art and room for potential. You Are. Always. More than you can expect. Even with a motor impairment, it is possible.

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