The New Stage of ET Contact: 3 Elements to Consider

Hello. This is Tayoo. I am here to speak about possibilities that should considered whenever we place the intent to create a new stage of ET contact as I stated in one of my videos.

After talking to some people, I arrived to three key elements that we could potentially find useful, as in, no contactee has ever done that before.

One: Become one of the extraterrestrials. This is difficult at first sight but when you achieve the manifested scenario of going onboard a ship, you will be able to perhaps even have a second avatar and use it for the greater good and use the full extent of your abilities. This is useful if your mission has to happen really fast, fast as in the next few years, like me, and you don’t have enough time to change everything. Some of you may even have to change species entirely, without dying, like me. However, what many of you might first have to achieve is at least a practice of changing your DNA with your intentions and purifying your mind. We go from 2 strands to 12 and more strands. This begins by using your consciousness as you learn to level up so-called densities and adapt. I am sure most of you who were drawn to my videos already are aware of the DNA upgrade phenomenon. With a better DNA, you will be able to adjust to your new avatar deeply.

Second key element, publish a DNA sample of a full extraterrestrial. Not a hybrid, not a Starseed, but an extraterrestrial race. This will be followed with the third element explaining why. I know that someone in the SSP community has already done this and sent a sample to an ancestry website. When you finally meet someone face to face from above, or below, you will be able to obtain a sample of a, let’s say, Pleiadian, Sirian, reptilian, and so on. I know they were already able to get their hands on countless lower frequency races DNA to conduct unethical hybrid programs but these samples have never, ever been made public. Not the data. If you want to go on the Next stage, we have to publish at least one sample of several races that are authorized to publish a sample and this DNA must go in the hands of trustworthy people who know not to abuse their morphogenetic knowledge or splice DNA to cause harm. People that know the fact that these races are highly united in consciousness and making one big mistake could make them all feel it. Then also, part of the plan is to release a public sample of a 24-chromosome human. If the Taygetans were able to publish a vaxx study to Earth, why not us?

Third key element: conduct a Starseed DNA comparison study. A study should be published in mainstream science about the comparison of hybrid DNA with ET DNA. I would gladly be a participant myself. I sense my real family may have some willing volunteers too, perhaps. This study may shock the world of science and rock the base foundations. It will be the first of its kind.

What we must remember is that these studies and samples could get stolen and tampered with at any moment. So we have to find very trustworthy, safe people.

Another sub-element here is that we may have to contact more rebellious races, like the Taygetans, already in contact, who do not necessarily approve of the rules of the Galactic Federation, even if they are members. But we should not get in contact with regressive ones.
There could be more key elements, but they have not come across my mind yet.

That’s all for today.

Why I Understand Neurotypicals

Even though I’m neurodivergent, personally, I have the neurotypical ability to feel complex social and spiritual emotions, feelings and sensations that accompany whatever social or cultural scenario I might be in, or imagine, and even when I do things alone.

For example, try to imagine what “cool” feels like.
Or what “Tokyo cybercafe ambience” evokes to you.
Do you feel that your imagination taps into the collective mind, or do you see something very idiosyncratic, or nothing at all?

Some people just lack the ability to do that in an intuitively efficient manner, even to the point some can’t figure out why two people sit together or why loss of a loved one results in crying.

And believe me, it goes all the way down to the smallest subtleties of tone, manner, etc.

There are people who do it even better than me concerning writing and stories. They observe every single detail. I see the bigger picture, but I am not as spontaneous as I’d like to be.

People who have that feeling to an extreme and develop anxiety over it become socially anxious or may develop some form of OCPD or narcissism.

The New Phase of ET Contact for 2023 and Beyond

There is so much discrediting in the ET experiencer and SSP community, it’s unbelievable.

I could always claim to have online contact with an extraterrestrial when no one really knows who is behind that account.

I could always try bringing a ship down and going in it.

I could always try channeling, when there are so many impersonators.

And for sure, I don’t waste my life discrediting other people for no reason.

But there are better options.

In fact, I want to go beyond that. I want to do something new that no contactee has ever done before. Not exactly channeling, direct contact, or written contact. Sure, I AM going to have direct contact, but I want to have a positive experience that no contactee has ever had before. One that doesn’t harm me or my body. I am not sure what this “act” will be or what this mode of contact will be, but I imagine it will be grand. I already have the first piece. They are ALREADY there. Through various means.

No fake invasion. No ex-contactee infiltration drama BS. No fake channelings or fake ascended masters. No Bashar, Kryon, Swaruu, or Ashtar infowars circlejerk, blah blah blah. But of course, they are valid and can talk all they wish. No more following characters. No Enki. Definitely no Enki. No Elena Danaan, Corey Goode and Michael Salla circlejerk BS. No SSP drama. No waiting for savior. No more gullibly listening to outside sources. We are now our own followers.

For that, we have to establish a few ground rules: We could break Federation rules. It will have solid direct evidence, evidence like never before, that will make discreditors frail. We will go beyond the traditional ways of contact. We will create something entirely new. This is a new phase of contact I propose. It is NOT a contract.

Screw contracts.

It’s not just about the Starseeds only anymore. We (mostly) have already woken up. It’s 2023. We’ve almost all woken up.

The general population needs more.

I can give you a hint: becoming the extraterrestrial myself is part of it. Whoever wants to contact me from space or Inner Earth should keep this in mind.

– Teiuliyn

Myth 1: Humans are closer to God

First of all, I don’t feel that this is inherently true. Lyrans were not the first ever species created by Source. In fact, it was the Articulaeha according to Dante Santori. That’s right, they even predate the EL race.

Lyrans, according to Swaruu, were the first HUMANOID beings on this universe. But who can tell whether their predecessors looked humanoid? I hear, no they didn’t.

Being human has almost nothing to do with being closer to Source. Because you ARE it.

This belief tends to discriminate against reptilians, grays and other races which may have more or less of a direct soul connection, or even have a soul. Because “humans were made in God’s image”.

Well guess what, so is everything else. I disagree that they have less Source connection, because they ARE Source, too, but oftentimes their biology requires that they ingest on soul energy to survive because their energetic blueprint is different from the native blueprint that designs species. This is why they are called vampiric or parasitic beings. Don’t worry, there are reptiles and greys who do have a stable soul connection.

Look at the atrocities Earthlings and NPCs cause daily. Then tell me we are closer to God. It is all generated by your own thoughts because you are the convergence of all. You are the writer of theatre.

Things that even Avians make are beautiful. I have Avian spiritual DNA.

God Sends You Signs

Hello, Teiu here. I’m posting here because I think this post is important.

God is always sending you signs. No, not those fake OCD signs that your death is impending. I’m talking about real signs.

God lately has asked me to stop going to school and focus on financing myself and focus more on my mission.

God’s telling me, Teiu, you don’t need to go to school anymore despite the fact you dropped out in 10th grade. This was made apparent by the fact that the time in September I attended a local high school, in sped, I quit after 2 weeks. My psychosomatic disability made it so that PE was extremely anguishing and almost unmanageable. Everyone always talked about the same topics. Imagine a 20 year old confronted by a bunch of teens everywhere and the few 18-19 year olds, you have no one to speak to because they have a different culture and are all too young. Not only this, but also, I did not want to abuse my disability for an entire year, 2 out of 9 days, and the structure, regime and routine were not suited for me. Homework was too much, and everything was draining, just like how it felt when I was younger. You’re constantly scared that someone will react to your age and imagine you’re some kind of intruder or sex offender.

A 20 year old’s brain and stamina differ greatly from a 16 year old’s.

Recently, I hopped into an adult school, and every time I walked into the classroom, I felt gradually weak and faint, and it was not because of stress. Actually, I believe it’s a sort of EMF signal near. As I exit the class, I feel instantly better. The teacher isn’t there until December 18.

God has been telling me for 5 years to stop going to school and get to work. Every time I try, something stops it. I need to focus on my real work and stop being indoctrinated.

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