Delusions versus ideotypies

Not all “delusions” are delusions. This is why.

Ideotypy is a word I coined for a type of belief that is halfway to being a delusion but is not a delusion. It is rather a stereotyped belief or set of beliefs that is pervasively affecting a consciousness’s interpretation of reality and life on a subconscious degree. Think of it as a “narrow reality theme”, as in a tonality of perspective that can lead to tunnel vision. Negative sets of ideotypy can lead to an existential crisis. Delusions are the product of various ideotypies or reality themes being polarized in the mind of said consciousness to form points of view that are so dissonant with the global consciousness of reality that they can be deemed as unreal.

Ideotypies are made of ideo-atypicalities and para-ideologies, and so are delusions but add identity and metacognitive impairment to the melange.

Ideo-atypicalities are unusual interpretations of situations and factual events or factoids. Example; “my dad looks Russian so I must be Russian”. Para-ideologies are subconscious sets of beliefs that pervasively influence all other beliefs; example: “the world is bad”.

Delusions all contain ideotypies, but not all ideotypies are delusions, but all ideotypy have the potential to exaggerate themselves.

Ideotypies may exist because they become satisfying to the individual to have a frequency of reality set their way, or on the other end it can be extremely painful to believe in. People can also have repetitive, stereotyped mannerisms concerning the way they speak about things, and inject their own narratives into situations and events, and facts, because of ideotypy. Such as always recirculating any topic to the same association with the same belief system or conceptualization pattern. “Clouds look like ducks. People look like ducks. so I must also look like a duck. Reality is duck-shaped” Ideotypies can be a form of obsessive beliefs as well.

Ideotypy: “I am experiencing solely as myself, so all of reality is revolving around me. I am a singular point of attention in which reality entirely responds to on all levels, so I am technically the king of the world”

Delusion: “I am the president of Armenia!”

The difference between an ideotypy and a delusion is that delusions have a basis in extremes; ideotypies can become more adaptable into grey zones, they somewhat coherently based on reality and logic, but warped to suit someone’s own perceptions.

Ideotypies reflect more on the current character of things, delusions are more extremes of what COULD be.

I Keep Running Into Byronic People

I once knew a dude named Max. He was rather emotionally difficult as a child, but he learned to make it more covert as he grew up.

I’ll call him Max for short because I do not want to reveal his fuller surname. Max was very edgy. He would constantly boast about making his teachers cry, and created false stories about witnessing serious events, as well as stating very strange political things only to try to recruit me and my friends into his hacktivism group. He could only make friends to fool them into joining his little club. He asked me and my friends to doxx ourselves, and obviously I refused. He harrassed my mother’s friend on Messenger, and he would treat people like crap usually.

I also met another person I will call Ruben. Ruben first contacted me on a Q&A website after I commented on a few of his posts stating he was a survivor of MK-Ultra and collective Munchausen by proxy, his mother and the doctors had convinced him he was autistic, and it turned out to be false. Upon googling his name, I found several people making rants about this individual because he was harassing the autistic community just as a way to release his profound anger and resentment for what happened to him as a child. And I was the only person he wasn’t openly aggressive towards. Disgusted, I eventually stopped talking to him. He also revealed he had BPD.

Max was also diagnosed with autism.

This year, I met yet another Ruben, who I will call Al. Al and I related to each other well upon first encountering each other, because we were both MK-Ultra survivors and had similar neurodivision agenda experiences. Eventually I was told he was freaking out in the Discord voice chat and accusing people of having evil intentions covered as trying to help him, and that he was harassing people on two servers so he got banned from both of them. Al was also diagnosed with BPD. He even told me we should have been friends long ago, but he is beyond help, his mother supports him getting assisted suicide and so does he, so all of this is a big “Max red flag” for me, I do not know if I should keep talking to him.

I wonder why and how I keep attracting BPD-ed out MK-Ultra’d bullies who are interested in me for some strange reason? That must signal to me that I am truly a MK-ultra survivor, and perhaps they are reflecting an externalized, egotistically bloated version of my internal shadow, even though I usually do not go out of my way to harass others like this – but I did bully people as a child before, even though I apologized later on for it – and let’s not even mention “C”,. the girl who was the manifestation of my opposite self. She was the worst of them all.

I have to be wary of C’s and Maxes because they are a pattern of dark manifestations in my life, and the core one. They all seemed to treat me more kindly than other people, who they treated as garbage. And I have no idea how. The people who I looked up to as Lightworkers, have sometimes done things towards me that I felt betrayed by, like, cutting off communication because I said or did something minor. So I have to walk on a tight rope when it comes to both sides.

I have a name for the dark manifestations I keep attracting: byronism. It is EXACTLY what byronism is about. Being a severely mentally unstable, BPD-like, politically compromised MK-Ultra’d victim who looks up to people relating to them, and have a pattern of being edgelords and bullies. There i also a bit of a pattern of ideological instability. I also have “Jordan” in mind, but he is a bit different, it seems like he has some brain damage and indoctrinated himself, and was neglected.

Trauma does cause brain damage.

The Maxes, Jordans, C’s, and even Rubens I keep running into really sadden me. It’s like they are all delusional, angsty, angry, depressed, heavily damaged people. In short – dysfunctional and misanthropic. I think they all have some traits of byronism in one form or another, please check the Byronism pages on my website to know more. But I am not a clinician so I cannot diagnose them. I wish I could so they would gather more insight on what their original patterns of wounding truly are.

I think these types of personalities are a profile I will have to deal with once I run residential havens for HSPs and I am being prepared for it. It holds something important that I’ll have to observe more.

The problem is, people with high byronic traits may seem perfectly sound at first, but when they get triggered or have a bad day, their delusions completely spiral in, especially when they want to recruit others for their own experimentation.

You sometimes can’t tell they are delusional because their narratives seem to be coherent and oftentimes they are just programmed by implants and MK-ultra style psychotronic content.

Jordan and C were the most outrageous ones I can think of. I do not know Jordan in person, only by witness accounts and photos, but he sure seems very compromised from what I am told. I even long ago made a joke about C being a “byronic type 2”. She was very aggressive, very bratty. Police had to transfer her away someplace else!

If you know someone with high Byronic tendencies, I highly suggest you minimize contact with them, especially if you’re their “person they treat nicely” because their double life is not worth it – it’s ethically irresponsible!

Byronism Red Flags

Byronism subtypes

Archange Michael semaine 56 avec Sharon Stewart

Encore une fois, un rappel, les amis, que la méditation mondiale de COBRA doit avoir lieu demain. Les horaires sont sur notre site Web sous la page du groupe angélique de l’archange Michel.
Je suis l’Archange Michael avec un message pour notre groupe angélique mondial. Au fur et à mesure que les anges gagnent en compétence, ils commencent à voir davantage, à expérimenter davantage les autres dimensions et grandissent en unité, en compétence, en intention bienveillante. Travaillez avec votre famille et vos amis et souvenez-vous si vous ne pouvez pas méditer, dire une prière ou simplement envoyer l’intention d’aimer la bonté à la cible en question.
Quant à l’objectif de cette semaine, c’est un peu différent. Nous souhaitons purifier l’entité connue sous le nom de Volodymyr Zelensky car son rôle dans le drame ukrainien est important.
S’il vous plaît, envoyez-lui des énergies de flamme violette purificatrices. Nous vous demandons de vous asseoir tranquillement et d’apporter de l’énergie à travers le chakra de la couronne. Ce faisant, demandez que ces énergies se séparent dans la flamme violette et voyez-vous assis purifié par cette flamme. Alors ayez l’intention d’envoyer cette énergie de flamme violette à M. Zelensky.
M. Zelensky doit se tourner afin de poursuivre les progrès des forces de la Lumière là-bas. Nous nous concentrons tous sur cela et vous demandons de le faire également.

Je suis l’Archange Michael. Je suis votre Lumière. Je suis ton âme. Nous sommes Légion.

Traduit par Teiuliyn Hin, original écrit par Sharon Stewart en anglais

Demotivational Gaslighting

One of the worst things one can say to a teenager or young adult is the phrase “You’re gonna go nowhere in life if you don’t do XYZ”. It comes from a misled intention of motivating an individual based on your idea of their future every time they have to be next to you or express their feelings of boredom and disillusionment. Saying such things only worsens these and lastly their demotivation.

Please, let us figure out by ourselves. I do have a friend who is 21 years old, still lives with their family and has no job.

It doesn’t make us bums, lazy or bad. That’s the deep st4te matrix talking.

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