Griffon and Warval: Autism and its root cause

Griffon, what caues autism?
Griffon: A genetic manipulation. It is part of the epiphany of the Goddess to awaken the population at a maximal degree about retrieving goddess-god soul fragments of its collective. The Orions are involved into this as well. It is like a veil of sorts, and it trickels down the ceberal liquid and matter, changing certain parameters within the brain and CNS of the baby, and making it autistic-brained.
The spine is akey to understanding the origins of neurological epilepsies.
Me: Aha. This is why many people with old Sirian and Pleiadian DNA have DNA issues.
Griffon: Females are more susceptible to autism than males, contrary to popular belief. (!) The extreme female brain theory is correct, and the male brain one is right too.
Me: Why so? Is it because of the mitochondrial Lyran DNA?
Warval: Not so much than it is Orionic. the heart is also an important organ for understanding autism. Unlock certain genes by therapies and you will believe your eyes; there is no autism, only changes that function on a certain priority basis of allowing or blocking certain alchemical enzymes to function within the CNS and epiphery.
Me: Why are you denying ASD?
Warval: Because we see knowledge that you do not. Let me explain, you know the SHANK3 gene, and the MeCP2 gene right.
Me: Sure. Why not.
Griffon: Well, imagine that these genes, along with UBE3A and UBE3B, create fragments of your personality and behavior, and neurophysiology that regulate your emotions, brain, and even your feet. There is an element of customizability within the genetic code. And by allowing autism to overtake you you learn to master and overtake it, this is why yourself have chosen to work with an MK-Ultra artifical implant program functions.
Me: What is the very core cause of autism that underlies all cases?
Griffon: Violence that is generationally karmic. Hospitality and compassion will also come in play. Emotional repression and loneliness in the parents life.
The child will inherit a fragment of its parents “soul” DNA and it will corrupt its connection with the child’s starseed soul DNA Engramic, dimming down certain capacities and leaving some enhanced.
The child’s brain will also favor one sex over the other.
Information is downloaded very rapidly in a baby, and it already knows everything. (!!)

So in resume:

  • Incestuous inheritance between the parent’s non-inherited engramic template into the child’s incompatible structure, certain codes are either overclocked or the downloading speed damages the brain. This does not however explain the rapid brain growth in the first 2 years of an autistic person.
  • Loneliness, violence and emotional problems in the parents.
  • Severe emotional neglect and trauma, which creates traumagenic autistic withdrawal – there is a truth that sometimes the baby is so fragile to the overwhelming environment after birth that their nervous systems reacts by withdrawal into a shell.
  • In Aspergers, the cause seems to be in the way the brain processes certain frequencies and chakras, and there is lower energy in the lower chakras.
    Me: What about artifical cases and symptoms of autism?
    Griffon: In resume,
  • Electronic dissolution of memory, and mind wiping or mental age regression trigger programs from etheric ET implants, often in the back or brain. They targeted your spine, yes.
  • Plasmic hologram replica of the brain where tampering and voodoo is executed on.
    Warval: Let’s not forget, the mother having radioactive eggs.
    Me: Thank you, both. Namaste and Peace Be Upon You All.
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