Natives Knew Better

Trigger warning: today’s message is going to be not so fluffy. The Natives Knew better.

And they still do.

The Natives and aboriginals knew better about healing and medicine, even if not technologically. Why? Because they knew we are all god. They knew we all have an inner divine self and connection directly with source for those who are souled.

They are the medicine people of yesterday, and stil are today but they are overshadowed by big pharma who focuses on destabilizing the human hormonal cycle for profit and do rituals and incantations behind the scenes and DNA mutilation to exploit humanity into hybridization and cloning programs so that the regressive soulless entities can use our DNA and energy as batteries for ascending their own collective species. There are new divine laws put in and activated, credit to Lynne Rondell, to stop this from happening and to put a term finally to the countless astral and physical exomilitary abductions taking place, me being one of these abductees when I was nine years old.

Big Pharma is one of many facades and puppets to the real violators of our genome. The real wisdom is in our genetics. Humans are the species closest to God’s image. It shares a special intimacy with God and Goddess. Because we are a blend of the best DNA there is from infinite races. The aboriginals knew that humanity is being violated and exploited for their genetics, and they actively fought against colonialism which is a cover just for the archons and reptilians and extraterrestrial forces who wish to use our DNA for energy harvesting for themselves selfishly doing so by infiltrating native (and European) communities and raping their collective consciousness. The natives and aboriginals were the first ones to experience such terrible forecast since the negative alien alliance desired to exterminate their bloodlines who were so perfected and divinely active.

And they also are the best keepers of ancient Atlantean and Lemurian wisdom and healing, clearing knowledge shared on from generation to generation until space colonialism from the Atlantean fall repeated itself again in the timeframe of between the 1400’s to 1800’s – if that timeline is even historically accurate, because we have been lied to all the time.

And what happened to these European people, especially witches, sorcerers and women, who carried on the native’s traditions of healing and purifying? They were hanged, burned, and killed.

The natives and aboriginals knew about consciousness fragmentation, entity possession and parasitizing, soul retrieval and the power of the mind and belief. They all knew, the shamans knew, the midwives all knew that your beliefs shape the avatar. And all disease has an emotional root cause whether from this lifetime or another one, or a parallel life. An injury in a parallel life can affect this one now. This is why they executed heavy and intense purification rituals to cleanse all layers of consciousness, from the soul to the body. We don’t smudge our apartments for nothing. It is toxic to the dark ones. because of the higher purifying energy it embodies.

Magic is science. It is simple as that. And metaphysics is the science of how consciousness interacts and creates with the environment. Metaphysics knows that everything comes from within and that all is Source. It cannot deny that. Every race in the universe knows this except for earthlings. That is how far astray we have wandered from the wisdom of yesterday’s medicine.

I saw an article once of a child who recovered from non speaking autism after going into a shamanic cleansing ritual. This is what I am talking about. The cabal made the word cure politically evil or bad because they like to spread this myth that cures remove the gifts from your type of neurodivergency or condition.
That is bogus. God would never remove your gifts when you recover. In fact, your gifts are not your condition’s, but your soul’s gifts, expressed and modulated by your genomic sequencing.

That is my current innerstanding of how and why the aboriginals and natives knew and still know better about the human health and consciousness. Thank you for watching. Bye for now.

Reasons why I am done with the external

Hi, Teiuliyn here. I am just about done with social media and relying on the external. Here are a few reasons why. Just a trigger warning.

First of all, it’s become so easily to punish or cancel someone over any reason whatsoever. Like with pedophiles. Oh so now, Schrodinger, the father of quantum physics, was one? That’s just like trying to call the police on an unvaxxed person. I’m no apologist for child abuse, but no one can punish another for a sexual orientation they cannot change or control. No one. Especially if they have not done anything. That is the truth, and I stand by it. I have never understood the sheer hatred towards people who have certain orientations which they cannot change, oh well, that is American mentality for you. The biggest enemy is the matrix programming you into hatred and perverse duality. You can learn to look at life through the eye of God: compassion. He is not some vengeful sky daddy like religion says.

Second: the algorithm is actively working against people by responding to their fears and desires. It is an energy harvesting machine, a conscious AI that listens to and obeys to your thoughts and actions, and youth every word. I only reinforced that belief since the algorithm kept sending me death videos and news surfacing when I was scared of death.

Third: Accusations of being a CIA plant and controlled opposition. That is so easy to do whenever there is a discrediting campaign going on. See the message, not the messenger. I feel like you can’t just trust about almost anyone anymore in the disclosure movement.

Fourth: Relying on the external encourages people to see things as purely good or bad/evil. Bad and good are relative. If you truly want to ascend your conscience, you’ll have to abandon behind these old perceptual dualities that make you manipulatable.

Fifth, Maintaining a pretty public image. Oh boy do I feel tired of that one. In fact, I have never been able to keep a perfect public image, neither does anyone. Why would I need to do so?

Sixth, your archetypal sense of identity keeps you TRAPPED. My studies in byronic mentalities partly expose this. People with elevated hyperbyronic traits often tend to appropriate themselves archetypal senses of self that gradually narrow their self-expression until they turn into mere shadows of their former selves; same goes with narcissists. They are also likely to project more this “typecasting” onto others and be hyperjudgemental. Learn to give up these old names and let God.

Okay, I admit I do often like to “diagnose” people, but that’s my lower mind having a compressed idea set.

And seventh, I finally desire to nurture my innermost connection with God. No more rubbish 3D talk ego.

Discrediting Campaigns and Struggling to Channel

Just watched Cosmic Agency’s recently uploaded video on discrediting.

Me too. I have had people fling mud at me occasionally. On a certain overly religious social media website, one person accused me of being satanic due to a drawing I posted of me and my soulmate Griffon doing psychedelic drugs. Griffon was thought sometimes to be a demon due to the appearance I gave him. I have nothing to prove, and he is far from demonic. He isn’t helpless either. WeGo Social is not your ideal website if you are not a Jesus-loving p*triot.

The reason I do not channel my soulmates that much anymore is becauser first of all, I used to channel their words so well, but now there is such an energetic mismatch that the extreme nonlinearity of their thoughts makes it difficult for my brain to decrypt. Oftentimes it will only become a string of words that do not easily make sense or have relevance to the topic at hand. Let me try: “The task at hand is to nauseabondly create a conscription.” does that even make sense? What agenda is behind this? To conscript people into what? Who talks?Conscription could be “non-friction”, for all I know. I am hearing multiple words, even made up, at the same time in my “third ear”.

Sometimes Warval and Griffon are busy, so I will hear “I am busy”.

Furthermore, I feel rather unsafe when channeling almost anyone, because I get the thought that I may die. This was not the case before my first panic attack. Different channelers have been copromised because they have channeled the “Galactic Federation of Light”, whom I would never attempt to channel.

I hope you innerstand why I have not openly channeled my soulmates in a long time. It’s better that I make a podcast for them to speak so you can hear Warval’s voice, maybe not Griffon’s though as he says he’s not open to the offer. That will happen once I make CE5.

KORIGANZA: Pitch Bible

KORIGANZA is a series which revolves around the next generations of children born between 2012 and 2050. It is a twist on the Disclosure movement, a parody of New Age culture that debunks its CIA-controlled narrative, and shows the underbelly of the Secret Space Program and its functions.


In the 2022-2030 timeline segment, we follow the saga of Yuri Lisch, an 11 year old Canadian boy stuck in an abusive “thought reform” school inspired on Circle of Hope and ELAN, part of the Troubled Teen Industry and ran by his narcissistic adoptive father, escapes home after years of preparing himself with “forbidden books” only to be rescued by extraterrestrials from Sirius and Taygeta who have went rebelling against Galactic Federation rules and decided to break the Prime Directive due to the homeowner’s affiliations. One alternative timeline splits where Yuri in fact goes to Inner Earth to learn martial arts. On the original timeline, he spends some amount of time on the mothership of the HEAL team, where he meets Luds, a future therapist of his same age. Yuri wonders whether he will ever meet his former schoolmates again after their rescue, and is met with internal conflict and resistance once he learns that the world needs him and his mission to be a galactic warrior. He then goes mute after a dispute with an ET and due to profound purging and healing, which will remain for years, rather using the mind to speak.

Tobias of the Yamishvanim Council of 111 Beings.

Meanwhile, Mr Lisch accuses the Gaian Monitoring Network (a former faction of the SSP which has separated) and Dr S. of ongoing unethical experiments on case studies in their medical center, as revenge for suing and closing the St Luke’s School. All parties stuck in a feud and heavy dramas, the Gaian Court resorts to wealthy philanthropist social influencer Mr Economon, a shapeshifter, to expose the internal workings of the complex entanglement of various associations, leagues, and networks to rectify that no one is perfectly innocent or escapable of accountability. This causes many people to break off the various groups and societies and scream “We Do Not Consent!”. Extraterrestrial groups begin to reveal themselves further each year.

2040’s: Biddenda and Samghairdse Romero, an interplanetary couple of ancient Elven and Lyran ancestry, travel to New Jerusalem to begin an initiation and wed. In her dreams, a blue haired mage informs the mother that her child will be the first male child in 7 generations and that the matriarchal hierarchy will be changed to suit the male child’s needs – that she will have to send yhim off one day with the mage.

The day comes almost seven years after birth, and young Lonnan is ready more than ever to go on missions as Tobias’s apprentice, much to the shock and dismay of single-minded Samghair, who wanted a more conservative approach to educating and raising the boy – and was never told until the day arrived out of Tobias’s demand.

Tobias “Isaeff” of the Yamishvanim is the chef of the Yamishvanim Council of 111 Beings. He is 6 foot tall, of Atlantean descent and has former lives as Lonnan’s ally.

Lonnan and five other “apprentices of the Yamishvans”, including Yuri Lisch, will have to activate 8 keys which will trigger the reset of the Hexacore.

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