Transmuting Transmitter

Two very deep polarities in psychology are as follows: Transmutation and Transmission.

We are polarizing, transmuting transmitters.

Empaths realize very early how they can transmit energies or “contaminate” others and be contaminated or receive certain energies into their field and template.

I just received an intuition that seems to confirm a bigger picture.
When I was very young in this body, I already had that sense, as many people do, and because of this, I developed obsessive fears over: broadcasting my thoughts to holographic areas so that people can see them, and the fear of being infected by the energies of others and losing my source connection or having some kind of possession (which is also transmitssion related).

Archonic psyops and implants of the dark will create disturbing scenarios based on your potentials; I also have a higher telepathic sense than many people do, just saying, and I do gridworking. I ignite planetary field energies just by existing and thinking the merest thought. It happens constantly, and I think I knew it as a child but only saw it as a fear of broadcasting and being contaminated by thoughtforms and personality energies of others around me.
The global collective has been tried throughout various tests of the fear of being contaminated (transmission) and as always, there is a humanoid sector who are chosen or have chosen to be the transmuters of collective human behavior. We all transmute. Transmuting is the alchemizing process of energy by a consciousness: such as turning water into wine, or fear into love and calmness. Enzymes catabolizing is an example of alchemy, which is the domain of transmutations and the root of chemistry.

Transmission is easier to develop obsessions over, and have implanted thoughts about, but the reality of many Starseeds is that we are both transmuters of energies and also effective transmitters. It turns out that I can indeed broadcast some of my own thoughts into the skies: I can communicate and control the clouds and I do nebulomancy. I even got my Christ self’s name with this technique. You can also develop these skills. what are your core fears, and what scenarios seem to have happened as a mirror of these fears? Do you fear most being vulnerable and exposed for crimes you did not commit? Shunned? Ridiculed? Do you fear large, terrifying monsters?

Do you fear demons? Do you fear the dark, in general? Do you fear for all that is bacteria and dis-ease?, and have WebMD emphhasize the worst hypotheses for you? (God bless you if thats the case, with the plandemic and everything)

but also, are you good at drawing attention and entertaining people? Are you an animal activist? Do you have an affinity for softness? Are you fiercely loyal and ambitious? Do you have a flirtatious side? Look into these fears and what they tell you about yourself. It does not mean that they are telling you they are part of you or that their messages are true; I am saying that they might tell you the reverse of something part of your essence or behavior. Yes I know, every therapist that was in my munchausen psyop used that cliché philosophy of things being “part of us”.

Perhaps your limited DNA is processing higher alchemizing complexes at a more 3D/4D level that your lower mind doesn’t always get? Sometimes, my awareness would develop complexes based on potential timelines,

as if they tried to tell me something with the MK-Ultra playing with my reception of the higher selves.

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