Tact and Communication

I always “believed” in tact. I know what it is like to be called fake, dishonest, or any other label. know the feeling of making you have read what someone wants from you with no clear communication and obsess over what you have possibly done wrong.

And 40% of my interactions with people have had a high risk of torning the both of us up, and sometimes even more.

Tact is not dishonesty; that is different. It is not a “white lie” either (although there is overlap). Tact, in my perspective, is a way of conveying messages with an awareness of our own faults and merits, and emotionally balanced energy.

I find myself quite sensitive to rejection especially when done so in an upfront, brief way. Most dysfunctional families stem from a mix of abuse and lack of communication and quality bonding (intimacy issues) – and also some marital problems.

The best way to communicate verbally on my own behalf is honestly, but not in an aggressively straightforward way. Leave the space open for consideration. You can do it straightforward, but I can’t just tell you to scram off except if I’m threatened physically.

Sometimes people turn me down for any number of reasons, and they don’t warn me. They just do it. Maybe they are too scared to be ridiculed, their limits breached, or disrespected if they show the slightest “kindness” in their affirmation and have lost all patience;

They just send me to the door with no explanation. No second chances. I have not been given many second chances in my life by angry people. Or maybe yes. Who knows exactly how many?

And it makes me angrier, distrustful, and paranoid.

Yes, I am responsible for my emotions. Assuming you are responsible for people’s states can equate to the vice-versa: that they ought to be responsible for yours, your joy, your sadness, everything you feel or think of life. And it creates blame and codependent patterns.

For instance, you could use a “next time, remember to avoid doing that thing because it compromises what I do or work for“.

I really love when someone thinks of those little things. I feel respected and heard and I don’t have to make the person alter or lie about their true intentions, motives, feelings and thoughts. I don’t have to remain extra paranoid and mildly vindictive for a day.

Not to be a mommy/dad (expect if it’s your child), compliant or a rug, but simply as a principle of tactfulness.

I have the abstract feeling that people tend to react acutely when they “find out something hidden”.

As if I had blood on my hands.

You would not tell a narcissistic person exactly that they are narcissistic, right? We can be hypnotized to do defamatory statements before even healthy negotiation happens. I hear from my clients that calling out people so bluntly only worsens their targeting.

Part of tact is allowing someone to go at their pace and not overwhelm their mind with too much information that may throw them off balance fast, particularly in respect to how they function. It is also why some words such as victim, or spineless, can trigger a lot of people – there are situations where they could use the argument that “you’d react the same if you were tin their shoes”.

Tact is also knowing you don’t have to feel guilty for things you say but still acknowledge your energies. I do not enjoy the use of the negativized word “guilty” for “accounted”. It’s on Earth a part of why people avoid responsibility.

But tact can become obsessive when you base it on the fear of being reprimanded. You stumble on every word or half sentence, making sure it is right and has the least offensive risk and sounds the most delicate or non-harsh possible. I feel like that with many people. And that’s part of why I have a problem with poor hospitality. Hospitality and tact are similar energies.

Tact is also allowing people to feel.. they have the right to open up and be vulnerable, and see the whole picture of things.

The biggest factor of tact is when you presumably honor and respect your own needs and want to have the right to be vulnerable and authentic with yourself and others; and still able to communicate with pre-observation and consideration, without self-sabotage for talking or being you. You want to feel like you can “anytime” speak your truth without walking on eggs or a minefield, and humanly welcomed and make the other feel human and honored even if you resent them to the abyss.

Tact recognizes the being and the message as a whole.

No, it’s not “sugarcoating”.

Sugarcoating is the fearful insecure twin of tact – when you FEAR – become very ritualistic and insecure over how you present yourself or speak, and lie to people about important facts or perspectives that could help them.

It is a very downer feeling for me to strut and walk on eggshells. It worsens the stress hormones and tends to generalize in social paranoia.

True tact is love-based.

Tact also doesn’t react angrily or with fear. It innerstands that the other fears reactions, and only wants honesty with love and wisdom with power.

It is not easy to 100% describe my vision of tact.

However, they do NOT imply allowing yourself to be used or being submissive because you feel “bad”. This is sugarcoating, too. They are just more balanced communication methods. Or, the art of it. Not “king’s servant” speech, not “deceptive politician speech”, nor “Aspie level honesty” speech. just, balanced.

Sometimes you just have to stop telling these 1st graders Santa is unreal and allow the experience of graceful divine process unfold by itself.

Of course.. you do not fully know the being firstly.

This Art is really a “from experience” thing. Wait until they show interest in knowing. It’s not easy to fully see where and when for anyone but it’s an art and that’s why.

Examples of poor tact:

“No one likes a whining brat. Stop being so negative!” (my favorite ego injury.. it hurts me real)

“Stop trying to be better than me!”

“You’re not mature”

“You have been the worst students I ever had in my life!!”

“You’re fake”

“One day, you’ll regret what you did”

“What if I die tomorrow?” (classic one of abusive parents)

I also had this experience for a long time. I empower myself by using tact but with honesty. Yes there are ways.

Not everyone has keen social awareness either, emotional empathy, or agile mouths. Seeing this is also part of tact and empathy.

Words hurt, even if you don’t mean to. They do. They are energy. Use them wisely. And there’s also the personalizing issue but this is another topic soon to be looked upon. But also there’s a point where you have to stop obsessing on not offending the person. Just let it be. Letting them do their meltdown is part of tact as well.

I abhor this practice of “call out culture”. Some things need to be dealt with in private and not used to influence your ego with drama fuel and self-righteousness. Verbal language is limiting.

Pleiadian and Sirian Starseed DNA: Low compatibility, Autism Relation

Mixing strong Pleiadian coding with a Sirian starseed’s coding can be dangerous and susceptible to causing autism. I know of two families where this is the case.

One is reportedly moderate, and my own brother has the severe, nonverbal phenoype.

My mother has Pleiadian, Sirian energies, and my sibling mostly Sirian, or at most I heard from Angelic healer Lynne Rondell during our second session.

I have neglected alone my Fae DNA study, but I think we will recap and continue on this on Divine Timing, and especially once I Activate my DNA library in the Light Healing Centers.

CMbP psyop at its last pulls

In expanding my awareness, facing the contrasts of the Universe that shape me by experimenting by the contrasts who I AM and who I AM not, and who WE ARE and not,

I seem to get a lot of downloads these days and there seems to be a pushing back of the collective or some of its energies by the Collective Munchausen by proxy psyop. this is a cautionary warning for the population with personality charts such as the MBTI, personality tests, promotion of self-diagnosis using DSM labels, and now you have many other new neuro-labels such as hyperphantasia / aphantasia and whatever other state of being or condition you experience. State of being, Maybe, but I hear this rationalization a lot.

I figured my mother had Pleiaidan and Sirian energies. I don’t pin her down or categorize her as Pleiadian or Sirian. We don’t have strict file and steel and categoric systems with these beings. Have you ever heard of Pleiadians using birth certificates?

Red thread, please.

Do they spend their lives checking into their egos and resisting soul introspection in fear of the inner void? No?

Then what made us have this horrible, youngly programmed morphic field make us seek within by going with-OUT and creating dozens of profiles and masks just to survive? with extreme self-destructive falsification of our character via mind programming and merging with alters and a False Self and a False God?

Do you seehow many terrans actually have alters, some even unawakened and waiting to be surfacing, coming out the moment they hit a specific life point or gain enough emotional energy, often negative, and trauma, to snap and flip a 360 and end up in the newspapers as another casualty of the Draconianmined control, and anothe rone for Gen Z to make videos about?

We the Galactics, we are them. We are not weak. You are what you spell. Spells and words are the same. they contain frequency signatures tghat we attribute to them. The F word creates duality and division of the Divine Masucline and Divine Feminine archetypyes and forces or principles.

Because the CMbP psyop controllers have put machinery into my astral fields so many a case, my personality has expressed itself differently, like someone not me, become alike a nutcase. Living through a lie and a false self is already insane although normalized by the narcissistic matrix. The Asylum Hell or Purgatory Loop, recycling your life from one psych jail to another. And I broke out of it with my guides, before my lower mind even knew what astral implants are.

Your gender identity is not political. Why do you think social media outlets constantly ping new labels into the young somewhat awakened but misinformed collectives mental matrix of my own generation and polarizing the Starseeds and Terrans into “ill” versions of themselves? A shadow of sickness reflected of their glorious Christ self merged with an Anti-Self and mimicking mind controlled collective values?

Where is the line between self-introspection and edgy insanity? Where is the end of humans and the beginning of ETs?

Nowhere? Where is the line between truth and self-delusion? Where is the line between toxic acceptance of illusory trendy social identities that show faux concern through flanderization,

panoramas of poster children program patterning, and authentic soul searching?

What is hyperphantasia.. What are these thousands of news syndromes? What is dyslexia? Why is there a contrast limited by language and not Recognizing we are closer alike to patterns of Source consciousness and Light coding?

How much of you do you control, whether you are in a coma, or fully awakened?

Without judgement from my part, is it that rewarding to be a neurodiversity (“brain game”) poseur or influencer or do you feel this simply just burdens your societal expectations the more you “know”? Have you sought for an energy healer once?

Is is that abhorrent, or rewarding, to think uniquely from the crowd, or do we all have our own contributions and do not need to seek such ego and originality?

What is on the next level that we haven’t explored yet? Do you dare to entirely rewrite your definition of Self and Life and Source?

Has the medical information you read ever truly made sense for you? How much would you PAY UP to see your very own condition be portrayed in the media, or cured?

Dare you to serve Source by building Light centers around the world for quantum med beds and healing? Work as a spy in a double life to overthrow governmental corruption and release med beds? Do I have to keep making more in your face reality checks? How about a corruption check? Create plant fusions and give them to people with weaker immune systems? Find the newest cause of modern neurodevelopmental symptoms?

Disprove ADHD?

Do you sometimes feel like a “benefitree” and a commercial in a Truman show? Do you see yourself as the link that links the medical community and Earth closer together for some reason that you may not fully see or even agree with if you do?

What are all those new labels for? Do they have nothing in common?

When does what you focus on, or fear, become almost, your overlay 3D/4D expression?


I have never felt more concerned in this life.

Archange Michael – Contact Extraterrestre, via Lynne Rondell

Je suis l’Archange Michael, et je vous contacte aujourdhui par cette canalisatrice.

Ceci est un message à propos de la communication extraterrestre, la raison de son recommencement, et ses motifs; comment cela apportera une Évolution avec votre espèce, etre un complémentaire galactique, reconnaitre votre role dans la galaxie et se mémoriser de votre véritable Être.

Le Contact Extraterrestre commence déjà avec quelques Élus, des énergies multiples sont conçues pour devenir assimilées sur Terre lorsque la majorité se réveillent, les masses, sont assez éveillés pour Sortir de la peur, la matrice 3D de la peur et le controle mental, vivre en dehors, et vraiment garder une fréquence assez élevée pour que les ET, collectifs extraterrestres; collectifs galactiques ET, de lumière;

Vivre sans cela, et être vraiment capable à se garder une vibration haute pour que les ET viennent s’installer ici et vous parler personnellement et physiquement ainsi de suite.

Il existe un système formé d’une grille;;

Une grille de peur pour vous diviser entre les ET et vous, vous garder apeurés; pour que vous refusez leurs interventions.

Pour Vous rendre tous et vous garder en état défensif envers tous les Conseils Galactiques, que vous les percevez comme des choses effrayantes, hostiles, les “Envahisseurs”.

Beaucoup d’étapes sont nécessaires, cette Grille est en dissolution pour pouvoir réellement remanifester l’interface entre vous et les conseils de lumières galactiques, et créer une interface très différente avec Royaume des Anges

Énormément de préparation est demandée pour un contact ET eventuel et pour que les “positifs” descendent et asistent les Humains dans beaucoup de choses qui ont besoin d’aide. Ce système de grille, draconienne, grise et marron de nature, presque une ceinture autour de Gaia; un autre niveau de la peur pour garder les Humains apeurés et ces ET positifs séparés.

Pour que vous croyez que ces extraterrestres et Conseils Galactiques de lumière veulent vous éliminer.. un mensonge complet.

Les “négatifs” s’assurent de garder une distance entre vous et les positifs – vous allez sans répit apprendre votre vraie histoire apres que vous avez été submergé en ignorance pour si longtemps!

La Planète Terre a été submergée dans un règne reptilianesque pendant longtemps, pour la sortir de la troisieme dimension, de la vibration et “la frequence” 3D et la replacer dans la fréquence 5D, pour non seulement la rééquilibrer mais aussi lui redonner sa droiture, sa vraie identité, son controle écologique.

Elle (Mere Terre) est un Être très généreux, une gentille et tres, tres sage femme, elle refuse de continuer a ce que les negatives forces continuent leurs actions, elle dirige ce qui ce passe et ce qui doit se produire maintenant, immédiatement, et elle est celle qui désire remonter toute l’humanité vers une vibration bien plus élevée.

Nécessaire pour vous garder en dehors des densités plus basses, et sombres. Libérer la planete et toute lhumanité des ténebres!

Le contact va commencer, il commence deja maintenant; avec quelques elus qui ont ravaillé avec la GFL longtemps, s’cocupent de s’assurer que certains checkpoints séquentiels se produisent avant une contact plus large; tout est positif dans ce but, bien des choses doivent se produire sur votre planète et beaucoup de techniques de guérison doivent etre accessibles; Mere Terre a besoin de beaucoup d erenouvellement sur son sol et différentes zones également.

Le contact vaste se produira seulement lorsque le systeme de la grille pourra etre enlevée de la Mere Terre et la peur sera éradiquée.
La réalité sur les ET et les conseils galactiques “positifs” de lumière, leur identité réelle, le fait quils sont parmis nous depuuis tres longtemps, et que l’humanité pourra s’élever vers un Niveau de participation plus complexe avec la famille galactique de lumière.

Les Anges aident également avec la sécurisation de la Planète, le processus de guérison de nombreux et de Gaia, et servent deliaison entre vous et le royaume angélique, pour vous informer sur ce qui se produit avec des actualités inconnues!

Traduit par Lasarka Teiuliyn Hin en français –translated by Lasarka Teiuliyn Hin in French

Chris-chan is an MK-Ultra Beacon and my alter was hooked up to him/her

OK, think it’s time to disclose this. Trolls GET OUT.

Chris-chan is an autistic-identifying man who was one of the biggest MKUltra survivors and still is today.

I’m going to get personal, for some reason I think Chris was used (covertly) as an MK-Ultra beacon and has been set up from birth to be a targeted individual. I have my reasons. There’s just too much evidence. the kind of actions he does sometimes evoke what MK-Ultra alters do like in a trance. e.g. comuplsive spending, and his sort of transgender switch (not that all trans people do it out of pure mind control). My mind was split when I was little and my alter was like Chris and, it happened after I was severely bullied and targeted. I talk often to targeted individuals, some have been stolen everything, some identify on the spectrum – my best friends have a targeting history especially with CPS and the medical industry, like I –

and the patterns are all interrelated, very deeply. Just go on deviantArt and you’ll see to what extent he’s being hooked up. I used to even have beliefs only Chris-chan would have and they seemed to be implanted. His energy has been connected to something beyond what we can understand and it seems to affect certain groups of children who are sensitive to this. Like when he talked about the merge because some troll used him, it was deliberate. The truth may be leaking as he ages. You’re starting to see signs of his brain deteriorating from the mind control and the real source leaking its face slowly. This is possibly not real autism. this is just..

an AI hooked really early in his life, and MK-ultra is always activated through making a person go through intense fear and trauma so their energy fits.

And you know how AIs can be so realistic? I started experiencing my own when I was around 7-8. It’s almost like some of them are paid to further exploit him by spreading this virus. When I used to look at myself in the mirror I saw myself like Chris and it terrified me because it just wasn’t me. When I watch videos of people who have been used in mk type operations speak out many details are similar to Chris but his targeting is very overt and publicized. I was one of those children so this really resonates with me and it has founded the core of my trauma.

I still avoid anything related to Sonic the Hedgehog or Angry Birds lore like the plague because my alter will resurface. (cringe!!) Very few can comprehend. so far I have met one other person who has went through this specific targeting and has awoken.

I did too!..

He has had some small rather controversial recognition before. I have went to energy healers and I had an implant on my back. Chris has spoken of having symptoms of seizure like sensations. I did too.

His most embarrassing actions, definitely a trance. He is very dissociated and even his posture in some photos seems almost like he’s being controlled even for autism standards. There’s more to Chris than anyone will ever see. Possibly CIA level darkness or beyond. I have seen too much. I was in MK-ultra and hooked up to this energy that is super sick and disturbing. There’s a large amount of “autistic people” who are not actually autistic but their symptoms are artificial and they’ve been hooked up.

There have been many people who thought something more than autism was with Chris. As an empath I can sense a mile away this stuff. It cost me almost my entire family and friends and life once I woke up. Whatever you see in Chris, that’s not the real guy. He seems far gone. Like how they brainwashed Britney Spears but 1000x worse.

KiwiFarms and ED are targeter/handler websites and most here don’t realize the mind control that’s hypnotizing them into this. I don’t care how credible my statements sound, but this is something that needs to be disclosed so I can get justice and closure. I can’t stand this anymore. I have really tried to speak up about this and its time people know. I relate perhaps too much to people like Chris and it makes me uncomfortable.

He’s not the first public MK-Ultra gangstalking lab rat but perhaps the most overt one yet.

I also left behind any affiliation with the neurodiversity community because I saw too much and I did not want to be controlled anymore through this complex trap. My opinions got me in trouble. Whatever’s up there, we have to drive it away urgently.

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