Ritually Relevant Ages

The average life of a targeted or abducted person

Ages 2-3: Two means duality, three means holy trinity. These ages, as a toddler, are some of the most energetic and abductions as well as extraterrestrial experiments may happen often around this period.

4-6: The child starts to slowly be introduced into the matrix of society and enters the schooling system. Their entry into the education system and their moving beyond the toddler intellectual phase can make them vulnerable to extraterrestrial abductions. Their perception of the world begins to expand beyond family. Many SSP children are taken at this period, some were subjected to drowning torture.

9 or 10: This was the age at which I was abducted astrally in my sleep and my implant activated. 9 means completion, and 10 can be a binary code for “2”.

13: Start of puberty. Extraterrestrial phenomena can happen like crazy due to hormonal changes.

16: The sweet sixteens. I heard of someone having been subjected to a murder attempt on behalf of the Deep State at this age. My sixteens were also very difficult and I was starting to truly awaken to my Lightworker mission and galactic nature at that age period.

27: Beginning of your Saturn return. Club 27. Many celebrities were murdered at age 27.

33: Thirty three Masonic degrees. Some people are subjected to big “sacrifices” around that age period when they are targeted. Many people also have children in their late twenties to age 33. The early thirties can be a unique form of difficulty in the system, and spiritually, there is an upgrade of consciousness.

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