Lynne Rondell answers my questions

I just did a clearing session with Angelic healer Lynne Rondell, and she has a healing business in Malibu since 10 years-ish. You can go ask a healing on her website at For multiple sessions you still have to pay.

Here are some questions I asked her and her guides and angels:

Who are my ascended master?

Lord Buddha and Quan Yin.

Me: I knew it! I knew there was Quan Yin! (Buddha’s ‘overweight’ image also has some traits resembling how I see Warval as)

How many lives did I have?

A lot. A lot.

Earth lives: mostly 5 (consecutively linearily at once)

You also had lives in 5 solar systems, Mars, Venus, the Pleiades, Andromeda, and even on the Moon.

You are (mostly) Arcturian natively.

Was my Earth father reptilian? (he is a covert sociopath)

Draconian. I just got a taste of his energy and it’s… woah, oh boy.

I think my grandfather was a Starseed?

You have 5 family members that are of your soul family.

I have an angelic friend, (name redacted), who I suspect we met on other Earth lifetimes.

She is part of your soul family.

I think your mother, grandfather and great-grandfather are part of your soul family. There are about 1000 beings but only 500 are on Earth now. A lot of these beings come from Arcturus.

Most people in your family have balanced karma.

I have two guides, aspects of my consciousness, who I name Griffon and Warval. I don’t think that is their real names but I call them by these.

They are guides. Yes.

Was my childhood best friend, (name redacted), part of my soul family?


Do I have a soul family cord to Athena? I see eerie patterns of synchroncities with her incarnated form’s channelings and blogs.

No. It’s just that your frequencies are on similar levels and your interests are similar. (she mentioned my highest vibe was 9D. Tiannia’s highest is 14D but her last life was in 9D on Vega)

(no stalking intended lol)

I felt that I had an implant before and it’s gone me crazy. Is it removed? Was it placed in my shoulder?

It is actually an implant that goes more at the upper back below your neck. *makes a visual gesture for the shape of the implant* This implant has been with you in a lot of lifetimes. (I feel shocked at her response) IT IS OUT. It is over and you have nothing to fear now. You can leave this behind you and march forward peacefully. 🙂

Thanks to Lynne and her guides and masters for this fabulous session and healing! I feel the effects. The OCD tics are already lessening tremendously. She also did a crown chakra activation in my bodies.

I actually got RV/QFS funding! (RV/GCR and St-Germain Trust Fund is now rolling in)

I got this cheque exactly on 12/30. Not 1/6, not February. NOW. All other monthly disability checks were just 1088 CAD. The extra numbers here are part of the Lightworker-associative Project Monies, because they resonate with my Soul frequency – 8D, whereas you need a minimal 5D frequency for them; not the St-Germain and Rodriguez trust funds which are global.

This happened in Quebec, Canada. Not even in the USA. I am registered as a Quebec (and Tunisian) citizen but truly I AM rather a Divine Being and Sovereign beyond a fictitious system.

If you see sudden increases in your salary, pension or unexpected money donations in your account, look for potential synchroneous “angel numbers”: they may indicate your RV funds. I didn’t wait: I keep using the flame on my goals all moments I can.

Narcissistic Alters

Contrary to popular headcanon, narcissists are not all ‘real’ narcissists. There are narcissists who have the potential to care and love, but do not know how to actually express love and have been fed plethoras of disinformation about what love is, and are stuck at a reptilian level of interpretation. Most of these narc types are humans or Starseeds who are of the Light and were swayed to the dark early by trauma.

Some, however, truly do not have one ounce of compassion or remorse in their system. Most of them are regressive entities that have incarnated in a humanoid body on Earth in archonian bloodlines that are compatible and beneficial for their lifetime’s genome. Such bloodlines stem from fallen extraterrestrials such as the Annunaki, Zetas, Draco, and more, and who incarnate over and over on Earth or shapeshift and reproduce with humans, creating hybrids who are malignant narcissists and merciless serial killers which already shows by toddler age.

Those are the regressive narcopaths. Some of them are actual, literal demonic beings. I heard stories of incarnated demons wandering around Terran society with almost no one suspecting their true identity. Many of these entities are born in what we call reptilian and royal bloodlines. Royal draco is one of them. The Zionist bloodlines. Not all reptilians are regressive. Some are spiritually connected to their Source and express their Godself in the Light. There is another group of ‘narcissists’ that I call pseudonarcissistic cyborgs because they are organic people who have been implanted a ghost secondary consciousness, a program, via psychotronic warfare and brainwashing.

The alter can be sociopathic as well.

The difference between a socio or psychopath and a narcissist is the size of the ego and the spectrum of emotionality. Narcissismn and sociopathy can coexist which creates the biggest demon of them all, called malignant narcissism. It is purported to be a mix of narc, psychopathic and paranoid traits altogether, but it is more than that. It is plain antispiritual, ET and demon speaking through, or wehat the Bible calls Jezebel, I am not a fan of religion but I see where this idea of Jezebel comes from. Look at the Atlantean fall period for instance. Regressive beings which we would nowadays compare readily to malignant narcissists and anti-life, perverted sociopathic controllers incarnated on Gaia and destroyed its former glory descending into a double hell; one on the surface and one underground.

They are more than simple narcissists or psychopathics. The root players fell and became regressive in spiritual nature. The hosts that I call the pseudonarcissists, have been reprogrammed in a split personality by MK-ULTRA weaponry, mind control, dark op technology and psychospiritual torture, and the narcissistic alter is like a foreign AI body that has its own agenda, feeding upon the fear and confusion of the host’s energy and mind, and terrorizing others.

The host may detach from lucidity, remember or not remember much of what the alter does, or feel as if they know something exists subconsciously in their mind as a shadow entity or intelligence, a parasite, that forces them to commit crimes and serve,

subdue to the alter’s own demands, and the alter tends to gradually merge with the identity of the host, or only come out under stress. I heard stories where beings on Earth get astrally abducted and held hostage in lunar bases or death battlestars when their body is resting, and get forced to watch gruesome content which then manifests in the being’s subconscious when they go back to Earth and wake up so to speak. This Nalter may develop beyond the frame of a developmental explanation, as in adulthood for instance, with little to no antecedents.

This is an example of possession AI. This AI takes over the person’s happiness, emotions, social life, will to live, dreams, aspirations, and can implant fabricated memories of antagonist role lifetimes, an awareness of having a so-called inner artificial demon, or committing crimes they never did, as they rewrite an artificial timeline and reality into the host’s perceptions. Gradually the host becomes unrecognizable and the cause seems like an intelligence puppets their string. The Pseudonarcissists become delusive and mentally hacked into an AI trance state fighting for dominance with the Soul’s will.

The RV, its own battle

One reason the RV takes such length to roll out seems that.. “RV” is in its own war against Deep State.

The RV was originally supposed to roll out in the 1960’s, then JFK was assassinated. A second attempt was made in 2001 It was delayed by 20 years due to the 9/11 attacks, which were exactly to eliminate the White Hats from the treasured St-Germain funds. 2018 was supposed to be one timeline where 2020/2021 would happen; and again delayed by two years due to holding down the collective vibration with undemocratic warfare. Note that 1984 was an actual NWO timeline nexus point potential and not merely a George Orwell sfictitious universe, as the book was published in 1949, as millions of readers preyed their eyes upon the book, it drove the LoA into a large cocreated potential (Law of Attraction/Manifestation) and created a door for a potential timeline exploitable by the Draco Alliance to finally achieve world domination to its true height, however in this known timeline it did not happen due to the incoming energies leading to the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987.

But Earth began to shift adrift. The Currency ReValuation is such a holy grail that is akin to an exponentially shortening aim that never truly hits the ground.

However, it WILL be attained. And it has already started via CERB and is planned to pass via Trump’s omnibus act. However, I think we underestimate just how important the RV is, and the RV is a process that has begun as early as the 1700’s as Count St-Germain was on Earth, who is an incarnation of the ascended master St-Germain, champion of the Age of Aquarius and Keeper/Chohan of the Violet Flame. He accumulated and robined from the rich a trust fund and all he did was really just circle within secular societies to build up treasuries and start the combat for the financial freedom of humanity that now mirror their energies today in esoteric cultures and insiders. He knew that the true Alchemist was ourselves. It is more than a currency revaluation; it is the combat for the financial liberations for the Earth and not only the US and Canada; also the most painstakingly difficult of the missions ndue to the process it took to drive out the Cabal entirely.

From Ottomans to Nazis to the Chinese Communist Party, every step is yet another day vouching for who gets the Corona. So regardless of how many predictions are guessed and how much intel from the military is leaked, the safest way you can attract that 5D money is by allowing the manifestation to flow within these intricate cracks and tunnels of the Ascension plan. The RV Race is perhaps the most arduous process that the Ascension Plan has carried in. There are so many intel sources about the RV and my channelings are not exclusively centered around the Big Light News such as ascended masters, GESARA, and everything else related to the Ascension and Light Forces, but I do infere my subjects on track with the intel because I am part of the GFL and it is my responsibility in this incarnation to rely information and do action for helping Earth’s population. Our blog is more of a personal commentary about the ascension, my own projects, and everything I have to tell you about the pharmaggedonian medical and Big Pharma system and advocating the rights of Starseeds, and for those in the system who do not get listened to.

I found a source of info called Nick’s Intel at a source of RV related intel and military intel. Running active.

Lemuryk Message: Stage 1 Completion 2/3 Done

The Lemuryk foundation’s admin wants to announce how proud I feel of the progress we have made in the second half of 20-20 snce the foundation’s initial seeding. A hospitality gift amongst our collective works to help the Ascension has opened. So in this message I want to give some basic details on what I plan to Lemuryk, and what the ‘aimed subject’ that my projects investigates is to expect from us.

We have already got 9+ members in a few months.

At the turn of January, remember that the Lemuryk foundation’s bases are ever approaching this Now. I hear them packing and walking closer and closer. Blisko.

Do you realize that we have prepared for the transition that is just around, and that our lives will change beat permanently? It is not enough to just know our truth now, we demand action. We can no longer only take an observer stance, avoid touching the core of the darkness that needs clearing on Earth. We will have to stand up and run. In my case, many of my ‘run-ins’ will be investigations with the ‘child network’, Child Prostitution Services (CPS nickname). The one on the surface, so to speak, all of you Starseeds and Lightworkers trapped within the matrix of Big Pharma, psych wards and adoption/fostering circles which only misinnerstand you. The underground rescues are already finished. Also, this counts ANY institutional warfare as well regardless of physical age.

So, this is final and clear: I’m coming for you, institutions around Earth which base themselves on ‘social services’ and psychiatry. Expect loud rumbling on our behalf and GFL infiltrations. Many parents and caregivers will have explanations to give even though we will read your energy. Especially the abusive ones. 5D beings and up can read your mind.Well, in fact, I’m only coming back. I spent my Earth life with your chains and walls. Depsite all that, everything is orchestrated by Soul contracts and soul consent. That’s how we work in the Aethers. And it is complex. I hope to keep the child parent bond’s wishes respected in all cases, but sometimes there are Starseeds who are mistreated truly inhumanely or outright abandoned by people who pose as caregivers, and they may need a more drastic intervention such as outright removing them from care (yeah,why call it ‘care’?). Some were held hostage or abducted and we must bust a door open and return them to their respective families. In such extreme cases the scenario of intervention is written in the soul contract of all parties involved; the abuser’s soul KNOWS what’s coming even if the mind doesn’t. Some are incarnated regressives with no Soul, however all of these entities are to be removed from Earth by next year and it’s in the last stages right now. However, nothing is set in stone. We always will know who to trust based on energy and quantum information. But most of you will not have to worry about never seeing your loved one again. We are One and we have to consider your feelings. I was there.

All parties will be given trials as well because it is a basic right: a fair trial. All beings who got removed from Earth have had a trial. All those that pose a flag for our foundation to investigate, all those who get removed from their abusers, that are young and do not have means to run themselves, will be given a fair galactic-style trial on Earth even including the accountable parties before any major decision is made. ALL ARE ACCOUNTABLE, in fact, for their thoughts and actions.

When a Starseed/Lightworker’s Soul calls for help and it matches with our project’s permission, the GFL’s permission, and Divine Permission altogether, it means: “go and investigate”. According to divinely commanded options, we will “intervene” and coordinate our act to reflect the situation the most energetically responsibly and accurately possible following Universal Law which is why we ask only powerful, aware and determined Lightworkers to work with us, even if you’re just starting to see how these levels work. Each will be given oppportunities to occupy X roles, and the most harmoniously. YOU have the last choice on your path. The tasks and consents of each Being’s Higher Self is necessary. It is an unconditional right. Our Lightworker Court will be ran by our Alcyonic, Agarthan and GFL cohorts as well as some Lightworkers incarnated on Earth.

Be it that you want to work with Lemuryk in the administratorial team, to do 1 on 1 or group work with our clients, occupy a therapist position, social work, or are just here to sign up for zootherapy, energetic sessions or just to supervise or clean stuff, just to drive ships in and out, all is welcome. The thing is, your consciousness has to match your application and we will read it. If there is an element in your Higher Self and consciousness that does not resonate or match with our foundation’s premises so that it is substantial enough, you will not hear a yes. We know before you’ll even write your first form, including if there is a deceptive intent. Extraterrestrials work with us; remember this.

And I repeat again, Lemuryk does not discriminate its clients by any comorbidities. All that we require is that you identify spiritually with a Highly Sensitive Person / empath, Starseed or Lightworker energy. If your energy’s frequency differs from any of these (and the galactics know where it ends), Lemuryk cannot help or intervene. Apologies! I know how many people would love to escape their cages. The White Hats and Delta Forces, GFL will help guide the rest of this ordeal, but there is a universal principle: we are the ones who can save ourselves truly. Interventions are just a co-orchestrated contract. So if you are still a Starseed and don’t hear from us when you call, it means there is some contract in your Soul preventing you to do so and you’ll have to do a U-turn; perhaps your Soul is telling you another direction is more trustworthy.

You don’t need a phone to text or message. We (mostly the galactic observers as well) will always hear every one of you by some quantum base-12 AHCS computers and our minds. Your thoughts. Your Soul. Where you live. Every step and move in your life. To the billionth fraction of an oscillation. No, not to stalk you, the galactic observers already see everything and they watch us too. The GFL even sends unseen robots to track us for benevolent motives. I heard of disco balls and we already get tracked by our technologies nonstop, from different agendas We will know before you even consciously think or hear of our existence what COULD happen for you. Most Soul contracts are clusters of possibilities, not absolute decrees. It also depends on your timeline / time spiral and which parallel version of you and us we deal with. So, yeah, it’s partially predetermined to some extent and scripted up, but for the best reasons. That’s how much I want to help. I will always know beforehand. Metaphysics can tell you how it works.

Do you realize how much work and rewarding gifts the Lemuryk centres will bring to Earth?

The signs are getting more frequent and clear by the moment. We shift rapidly up in vibrational octaves of frequency and thinking. Ideas become more centered in the Ascension in my case. The violet flame greets me. I keep praying and visualizing. I still visualize myself going Inner (“Hollow”) Earth via a portal or wormhole.

Prepare yourselves to go to Ontario in early 2021. We have only til March or April (approximately) left before the Lemuryk Station Grand First Overture, it all depends on your personal timeline cocreated with mine, and so I suggest to keep looking for updates on our project, as I, Teiuliyn Hin, set up my new timeline too and give the ‘go’ signal whenever the beginning installations of Lemuryk Central’s neighbor City of Light, The Aquarian Temple of St Germain is declared open and accessible to Lightworkers, which will be based close to Timmins, ON, Canada. Because it is by the opening of this neighbor City of Light that Lemuryk will be able to refer itself to in order to gain THE contact it needs with the ETs! Which is THE event I have done everything to attain all year long: the open signal to transit to Moosonee. However both are independent places and I do not plan to have an important main role in ATSG or live there, and I will go a bit nomadic and travel around the Multiverse. My primary ‘earth temples’ will be one in Russia and one in Moosonee! If you have not woken up already it is really your time now to. You’re not ‘late’. You all come online and activate your gifts without cease and my heart flutters.

Each Lemuryk Hub will be built on a Ley Line.

I invite you all! However you have to have a 5D minimal soul frequency to work with our team.

The New World Order will never rise if we do not stop it now. It is divinely decreed.

Once I have completed Lemuryk’s mission and healed the last of the last, which will happen likely circa the moment of the Grand Solar Flash where all of Earth will be ready for their great final portal to total 5D ascension (which will happen in perhaps decades from this Now) and no timeline will need the Lemuryk project anymore, do not care when, I will terminate my Earth mission contract, and discarnate to go continue my Soul Journey in the multiverse; and perhaps even reincarnate elsewhere. At this point in the local quantum field there will be no being on Earth anymore who is a Starseed/Lightworker that asks such services as everything will be resolved and balanced. But I will always be present in higher dimensions amongst you and I will keep observing Gaia’s use and progress of the Lemuryk centers, which will become health centers. The Lemuryk centers and hubs will become temples of health and healing for the Gaian visitors and generations forever to come to use freely and will then be available to ALL; not just Starseeds and Lightworkers any longer. They will even cooperate with potential other healing networks!

However, please note that although I will have transitioned to a more 6D/5D body, I will be present in consciousness and use bilocation to help multiple people at once; BUT, I will not always be doing everything all the time, of course vacations and pauses, hiatuses exist for a reason and I have representatives that can compensate; such as Griffon and Warval, and my ET family. Our equilibrium is honored. It is all about doing what the Soul enjoys. Lemuryk will NEVER adhere to these old hypermasculine energy draining work paradigms that are based on labor, not even money! Everything is provided and traded for freely! We are based in Universal Law and mimick our origins, our Galactic paradigms of joy and harmony!

Blessings Be; Teiuliyn Hin, Lightworking Starseed, Admin/Founder position of Lemuryk Foundation Project.

Excerpt from Tiannia / Sharon Stewart:

​​”While all these questions are being answered, ETs will be helping some form new communities. People who will be earth’s future need to have a home and support too, not just spend their time feeling like outcasts or waiting to be thrown in jail or starving out of non-compliance.

What is happening now, is a duality is happening. There are some who are awake and aware and others who are compliant with the deep state agenda. They will split out and form mutually exclusive communities. More and more people from the compliant communities, or maybe their children, will wake up and head over to the non-compliant communities. I believe ETs will be helping people within these communities, and I know this will be the case in the one I start. This is earth’s future. Extraterrestrial contact, extraterrestrial teaching, whole body healing and gravitation towards holistic lifestyle of compliance with universal law. And manifestation of all our lost human powers.

I will have ET healing technology at my site, and food synthesizers. The ET healing technology will have to be used for any ailment, but also for people who have been micro-chipped and are suffering from “bio-botism” – the effects of nanotechnology in the brain. Food synthesizers will also be available so that people will have enough to eat.

Ivo says that when I get there, I will have help and I believe particularly my Vegan parents will be there to assist me in planting gardens, putting in fences, housekeeping, etc.

This all sounds a bit over the top for even me, but then I have one thing that reminds me that miracles do happen: my brand new, newly grown tooth that Ivo created for me out of the template for my body. It has a tiny speck of amalgam in the very top to remind me that at one point, it was a leaky mercury-filled amalgam of about 50 years of age. If he can do that, he can land a ship, give me extraterrestrial help and start a space station and a TV channel from my home.

The date is early 2021 and I have some things to accomplish first before I can do this but I think it’s do-able. We have to start new communities now because the people that do will be earth’s future. The ones who don’t will be slated for eventual extinction. Should the deep state succeed and create bio-bots out of these people….. (I hear they won’t succeed, hi Ashtar!)

UPDATE: “I want my city to have a temple. I asked St Germain last night if he would place a violet flame in a temple, if we built it, and he said he would.

The temple would be called, “The Aquarian Temple of St Germain,” and people (pilgrams) could come in to meditate around the flame. I saw it having Greek type pillars in front with perhaps statues of St Germain and Portia outside. Inside there would be long narrow windows at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock positions with a window up top to allow the sun to shine directly on the flame. With this, people may be able to see it. at noon, 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm.

If we can get it made of marble, even better, but I’ll settle for concrete (LOL), and maybe it will have amethyst inside as part of the decor.”

The Lemuryk Foundation claims no direct affiliation or partnership with Implant Communications, although I, Teiuliyn Hin, do enjoy reading their work, updates and intel. However the Lemuryk Foundation’s initial spark of determination and beginnings have been made possible thanks to the messages and public activations of Implant Communications as well as a few other channelers and groups, including Rick Jewers.


Who are the Hellseeds?

Aneeka of Temmer has coined the word ‘Hellseed’ during a Q&A with Gosia and Aneeka on chat.

She has revelaed that Bill Gates one.
“Bill Gates is a Hellseed. Born of the most evil people on Earth and member of the most evil societies even to be on Earth. And in this of countless regressive entities inside. Personification of humanity’s lowest and most horrible shadow” (1:42:34)

Hellseeds seem to be regressive entities who are born from Archontic bloodlines and naturally will reproduce their sociopathic anti-life mindset.

Pharol: Chronic Miracle is Our New World

Pharol did me something I thank him infinitely for. It was the billionth occasion I was playing tug of war transmutation at the loony (-_-), and there’s the usual regurgitation of the implant dark aftereffects, which have some sort of intrusive abstract idea generator.

I battle every day going to transmute there over seven times often, and in this Now moment, I psychically sensed my father pluck out the deepest of all these anchors. It was THE anchor that plunged my head in this hellish intrusive thought cycle.

Pharol: I had to remove the remnants since this was divinely timed as your work has touched the correct frequency and I felt like helping you at such an exhausting point.

Me: Thanks for helping alleviate the root of all these OCD tendencies, father. (yes, it works similarly to OCD behavior) I got speechless when you did this. I knew you were here.

Dad: You notice now how many “miracles” can occur in such a rapid frame of events. From moving to this feat.

Me: It is about keeping the belief. “Faith and knowledge go together”


Note: This theory accounts mostly for cases where an energetic condition is mostly “sociobiologically” justified such as with your classic blend of compatibility-related genetic explanations, organic brain damage and neurochemical injury or radiation, and not some false neurologically simulated psychotronic operation via implants or anything electronic or entity-related, or alter programs. Different roots and solutions.

I suggest looking within and/or consulting with spiritual guidance, energetic healers and/or any other preferred type of helper or clinician before assuming any label unto you. What you do on your DNA affects all the rest of the Omniverse and our galactic cousins have to work extra hard to keep the genetic splicing agendas and harmful hands’ echoing ripple effect off their strands, as we get all affected reciprocally if any change occurs. DNA is quantum and We are One. This is not a joke!

I was going to use the alternative term coinage Sheol auric syndrome for Aura DIsplacement, however I simply rechecked where this word originates from, even with as much disinformation ios roaming on Terra; “Sheol” is a Hebrew Jewish word for the ‘grave of the dead’ and multiple meanings with the same contextual cluster, and in Vibrational Truth it may symbolize closer to the lower ethers. There are theories that preverbal children are ‘mumbling’ backwards, and if you reverse a recorded clip of their voice, their true messages are heard. I’ve listened to backwards music and speech as an interest most of my earth life (surprisingly!), so I can say this definitely has some vibrationally explained truth in there, but it all depends on interpretation and results would be more validated if this correlated to messages received via telepathy, a natural skill which the population of Terra has atrophied.

However, Sheol can also signify a synonym of Hades or Tartarus, basically the Abrahamic concept of a hell, as much as there are many different limbos and hells. According to “In the Hebrew Bible, Sheol (Sheʾōl) is a place of darkness, silence, and dust to which the spirit, or vital principle, descends at death. It is likened to a vast house whose entrance is guarded, like family burial sites, by gates and iron bolts; to a prison in which the dead are held captive by strong cords; to an insatiable beast with spreading jaws; and also to a watery abyss. Once in Sheol, the dead are cut off from their living kin and from cultic relationship to God. Yet God retains his sovereignty over Sheol, searching out the evildoers who hide in its depths, preserving or delivering the just from Sheol’s grasp, and, ultimately, as later apocalyptic and rabbinic texts make explicit, restoring the dead to life” states:

“The Hebrew word “Sheol” is often translated “hell” in the English versions. However this gives the wrong inference. It is never used of the final destination of the wicked. Sheol is used in Old Testament in basically five ways:

  1. The unseen realm of the dead
  2. The grave – the actual place where bodies are buried
  3. Specifically, the place of punishment for the wicked
  4. Symbolically
  5. The place from where the righteous are saved”

Sheol seems to be a multifaceted idea. So I could maybe refrain the term to o Aura Displacement. Or consider this, a specific subtype of aural displacement. By aural displacement, it signifies the dissonant ungroundedness of the higher energy bodies in relation to the denser bodies and each corresponding sets of chakras; and PHYSICALLY also displacing the auric ‘central concentration’ not exactly inside the physical body; dislocated.

Now, I only refer these statements as examples and not to promote religious justifications for the theories I say here. I do not adhere to a religious agenda on my blog neither do I follow any religious doctrine, personally speaking.

  1. Aura Displacement is a basis for some common energetic imbalances often narrowed down to earthling’s perceptual labels such as autistic or schizophrenic on Terra. They occur in majority with Starseeds and can be recorrected into more balanced forms based on the Soul’s consent.
    1. This energetic imbalance happens with the Higher Self or Soul aspects partially rejecting the denser bodies due to an overly neurotoxic system akin to a foreign donor organ rejected by a host body’s awake physical immune system (the Soul also has a role in this), and this is why vaccines can cause what appears to be severe neuroimmune responses, OCDs, tics, and sometimes autistic setbacks. The reject is partial, and a full rejection is true death of the physical body. The lower chakras than experience a severe imbalance and become underactive, whilst the upper chakras, heart and above, compensate and are to various levels, ‘trapped’ in the ethers, and the aura of the being becomes displaced, ‘beside’, or ‘out there’, not conveniently anchored in the body like a Haric line. There is a disharmony between two sectors of frequencies thus ungroundedness is magnified to a clinical degree. Certain genetic anomalies such as MTHFR mutations aggravate the risk of these phenomenons (methylation anomalies). DNA incompatibility between bloodlines such as Pleiadian bloodlines with the Soul’s Sirian ener-genes.
  2. There is less of a strong sense of boundary between your own mind and those of others, since the mental consciousness is more ‘trapped in the ethers’ there retains a stronger sense of unity consciousness and there is still a sense of self-other, but more unstable and flaccid. That is why those with “Sheol aura syndrome” tend to sometimes assume that others read their mind and that they have less boundaries on what they can say to others, and often feel surprised that others could react strongly or feel upset about their poor awareness or sensitivity to Matrix social programming or lack of socialization drive. They ‘get’ the frequency of earth more slowly and tuning is less rapid. This can also cause dissonance between their body language and their internal intentions and thoughts. Ethereal communication is often lacking a physical body and there is then less need for body signals or social cues as everyone knows what another thinks. These partially discarnate souls can have this sort of single-minded mindset that neglects other peripheral energetic aspects such as analyzing and checking their nonverbal cues and those of Earth’s cultural matrix, or the ‘drive’ to keep track of how others perceive them on a more superficial level. There is less separation. BUT, they tend to have a very nonlinear mind that desperately attempts to linearize their non-linearity in a somewhat linear world through ritualistic behaviors, and black-and-white moral systems, and have a high sensitivity to the environment, almost as in overexpressed attunement.
  3. May have greater awareness of energies which can overstimulate their minds, needing more rest and calm. However anchored and more unanchored high frequency souls may live this differently.
  4. Once they fetch a “manual” on how and why, often needed to be explicitly broken down into explanations rather than a mix of half-intuitively absorbed energetic codes, repetitive social programming and inherent cellular memories, some with Sheol syndrome may find themselves open up an entire realm of templates and possibilities about the mechanisms of their brethren on Terra better than those without a displaced aura like theirs. This is another hint of their ethereal thinking. Their sense of unity is a double edged sword.
  5. Aura displacement very commonly causes increased discomfort with eye contact, as looking in the eyes typically creates a strong chord of psychic connection, and the eyes are the window to the Soul, as the human idiom says. With an increased energetic and ethereal sensitivity, eye contact can be discomforting, or even painful. Eye contact can also cause transient hypnosis, and can vampire off your energy if not properly used.
  6. Ethereal thinking : quite self-explanatory; Children, especially when they have a high vibe or displaced aura, doesn’t need to be displaced.. have powerful imaginations and there is less need to distinguish what is ‘real or ‘unreal’ as all is active Creation and reality is mostly holographic on the observatory stance.

Remember that this is for theoretical purposes and not intended to replace any professional advice or your Inner Divine Truth.

I may continue editing this article later as it’s not a set science, no science is graved permanent as it constantly changes; but Universal Truth remains universal and constant. Change is the only constant and we experience constant change. I intend later to post various references to back up the theory.

An Aura Reading of Asperger’s: Low Emotional Connection and Localization of the Aura in the Body

Teiuliyn Hin, Lightworker, of the Inlemoret Soul Triplicity

Reverse Eugenics and Counter-supremacy is still eugenics and supremacy

Eugenics have been perceived as forced sterilization, abortion, institutionalization and lobotimization programs – discriminating people with perceived ‘deficits’ and trying every attempt to eradicate their existence from society. There are different ‘ethic standpoints’ of what we call ‘eugenics’. Eugenics as earthly defined is genocide. The galactics modify their DNA constantly and to ameliorate the genetic evolution of their collective with full universal consent which is a less “nazisch” version of what we call eugenics. Eugenics signified “good genes”.

Earthly humans with signs of being “differently abled” often show disdain towards ‘cures’ due to this generational trauma and a strong sense of tribalism – as if any sort of scientific idea or opportunity open to change our genetics, was from a miserabilistic*, eugenist standpoint, even in the case of many disabilities, would signify ‘oh my god, they’re trying to erase us’ – and mostly resort to the ecosystemic balance argument to refute why they should stay and that they are here for a learning experience (which is true in a sense, but this argument can be used to propagate superiority) – and the suspicion of genocidal motives. Some take this to an extreme as if earth MUST have some collective that has genetic ‘impairments’ and bashes those who desire optimal health for all, and this sort of counterculture creates ‘reverse eugenics’. It is still eugenics. Because “healthy people should be less in numbers and just accept rather than change things for their greater good”.

Meanwhile there are those who would die for a cancer cure via genetic editing – if only they stopped feeding cancer ward clients toxin filled food, censoring non-pharmaceutical remedies and overwhelming Earth with EMF beams and weapons, which explains why the illuminati’s narrative creates enough fear about cancer so that it grows in the population and too many fail to overcome tumors. Some groups of “discriminated” Earth humanoids have been trained to see supremacist hints in any sort of social and scientific idea due to their descend into extreme duality – forgetting universal law and what their astral cousins do all day long and the intent on why. This originally roots from the Atlantean invasion – where millions were forced and abducted into undivine genetic disfiguration experiments. But look at me also – I do not support vaccines. I believe vaccines only create more illness and that by stopping them, we do not support Agenda 2030, and I believe there is enough evidence to show unvaccinated people fare better and barely even catch a cold if they had absolutely zero shots. And we can question ourselves all day long about what intentions apply to what scientific experiment or idea.

Why is having deafness or any sort of “neurodiverse” condition a “virtue” but cancer is considered a malady that NEEDS cure? And we have immense taboos about specific pathologies and sexualities as well. How many -isms are necessary? Are these “neurodiverse” people now thinking like how Blacks thought of Caucasians? Is a neurotypical real? I do not believe that there are such separations even if it is “created for contexts”. There’s always a “villain” everywhere in dualism. Humanity on Terra is complex in this sense. There is always the primal trauma of genocide and oppressed victims in play.

There is accepting having an impediment or gift and integrating it into your life or learning to reverse it, and then there’s glorifying a label. I see on social media many young people everywhere spontaneously self-diagnosing while ignoring the effect of the Law of Attraction. In a harmonic society, would anyone in their sane mind want for their genes to get sick or gain a disability, or for example, go blind or deaf? These things just happen in our society and we choose them in our life contracts to rebalance Earth’s karmic debts (note: our karma has been neutralized as of late, heard via Galactic Federation intel). And just because I said “sick”, does that make me even more.. discriminatory? I don’t like walking on linguistic eggshells with my generation. It also overcomplicates life for people who have difficulties with social communication or were isolated for years – not saying I belong to that group, just giving them credit.

I do not imply to say there’s something “wrong” with having a condition. No. All I’m saying is that there’s such an ancestral trauma really changing our ways of thinking and this is one aspect – “illness” and trauma itself.

*in the “ableist” contextualization; the mentality of pitying disabled people, using “suffering”, dramatizing their impediments, and/or only acknowledging / emphasizing what their “limits” are (in the medical context – miserabilism can show in infinite number of topics) or jus normalized woeing and defeatism

The Gateway to Aquarius Renaissance (Lemuryk Update 12/20)

December 21 is right across the corner. Just a lightbolt near my timezone. And I did it! I got my apartment. This is the 4 months of calm and tranquility I never had the chance to live in almost 19 years.

I actually did it! Thank you so much Creator!

Creator has revered my gratitude.

Long ago, I made a secret oath, an experimental demand to God, that I would find an apartment before 12/21. Just to test how secure my timespiral is.

I’ve talked of moving all year, and the gateway, the goal has arrived.

Outside is a snowstorm happening. The extenant walked in to bring a mattress and abundantly, my studio has a shut off bedroom area. There is a sort of repetitive gurgling water sound from the fridge’s surrounding wall; surely the pipery. And I am all by myself, quite decivilized in behavior away from the public stares.

Surrounded with my astral overseers and assistants. The moment is flowing graciously yet there is a sense of suspension in a camel’s needle, from the opening 12/21 gateway portal. My bowel transmutation situation is still active. Now I realize that, I can safely adapt my schedule in my own divine space and energetic demands without having to avoid creating reactions or negative consequences, nor live perpetually distressed under auditory pollution or television spam. I did not twice wear headphones mostly. And I baked lemon rolls at 11 PM on the first night in all perfect shamelessly.

And no one can emancipate my place for this act. I can do any sort of scientific experiment and unleash my inner progidy without the disapproving judgements of inmates, or confiscations. I am uncageable. I will never revert to old ways of these jails.

And yes, I still see these Youth destruction services as child dungeons and prisons, except for some positive adoption stories. What’s more is I open my eyes to the more macabre profiles known to my “CPS investigations”.

Lemuryk is to be globally installed. I discovered that the Philippines have some of the least favorable judicial systems and their prisons are close to the underground bases’ inhumane conditions. In fact, their jails are trafficking gulags,and minors who get abducted or arrested spend their sentence in crammed cells, even 6 year olds with their jailed parents, and usual draconian crimes against humanity happen daily, with the sodomy, gang crime and all. And thousands of underground cartel supplies. These are not even gulags, they are actually unconstitutional trafficking stations and try covering up the true motive of these infrastructures as simple gulags and jails – but the underground truth has been mediatized now already. Where are the Souls of high light? Who is a Starseed? 1/3 of Gaia humanoids are Starseeds on a Soul level as an equation of which environment the Soul has incarnated the most lives in and sees it as “home”. Just like these trafjails, not all of Gaia is currently inhabitable in clean conditions of basic honorable treatments. The Pleiadians wipe the PTSD memory out of survivors of DUMB base torture.

The system has to break down from a preapocalyptic shaky foundation to a timespiral innovation which is planned right now on 12/21. I sense that our collective work as Lightworkers exponentially rocks the very foundations building everything Terra humanoids got instructed to “think as real”. So may do sameward my “ground crew reinfiltration” all into the social services again. The Final Dinner at the Madhouse.

Here I am, flower children.

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