Lemuryk Message: Stage 1 Completion 2/3 Done

The Lemuryk foundation’s admin wants to announce how proud I feel of the progress we have made in the second half of 20-20 snce the foundation’s initial seeding. A hospitality gift amongst our collective works to help the Ascension has opened. So in this message I want to give some basic details on what I plan to Lemuryk, and what the ‘aimed subject’ that my projects investigates is to expect from us.

We have already got 9+ members in a few months.

At the turn of January, remember that the Lemuryk foundation’s bases are ever approaching this Now. I hear them packing and walking closer and closer. Blisko.

Do you realize that we have prepared for the transition that is just around, and that our lives will change beat permanently? It is not enough to just know our truth now, we demand action. We can no longer only take an observer stance, avoid touching the core of the darkness that needs clearing on Earth. We will have to stand up and run. In my case, many of my ‘run-ins’ will be investigations with the ‘child network’, Child Prostitution Services (CPS nickname). The one on the surface, so to speak, all of you Starseeds and Lightworkers trapped within the matrix of Big Pharma, psych wards and adoption/fostering circles which only misinnerstand you. The underground rescues are already finished. Also, this counts ANY institutional warfare as well regardless of physical age.

So, this is final and clear: I’m coming for you, institutions around Earth which base themselves on ‘social services’ and psychiatry. Expect loud rumbling on our behalf and GFL infiltrations. Many parents and caregivers will have explanations to give even though we will read your energy. Especially the abusive ones. 5D beings and up can read your mind.Well, in fact, I’m only coming back. I spent my Earth life with your chains and walls. Depsite all that, everything is orchestrated by Soul contracts and soul consent. That’s how we work in the Aethers. And it is complex. I hope to keep the child parent bond’s wishes respected in all cases, but sometimes there are Starseeds who are mistreated truly inhumanely or outright abandoned by people who pose as caregivers, and they may need a more drastic intervention such as outright removing them from care (yeah,why call it ‘care’?). Some were held hostage or abducted and we must bust a door open and return them to their respective families. In such extreme cases the scenario of intervention is written in the soul contract of all parties involved; the abuser’s soul KNOWS what’s coming even if the mind doesn’t. Some are incarnated regressives with no Soul, however all of these entities are to be removed from Earth by next year and it’s in the last stages right now. However, nothing is set in stone. We always will know who to trust based on energy and quantum information. But most of you will not have to worry about never seeing your loved one again. We are One and we have to consider your feelings. I was there.

All parties will be given trials as well because it is a basic right: a fair trial. All beings who got removed from Earth have had a trial. All those that pose a flag for our foundation to investigate, all those who get removed from their abusers, that are young and do not have means to run themselves, will be given a fair galactic-style trial on Earth even including the accountable parties before any major decision is made. ALL ARE ACCOUNTABLE, in fact, for their thoughts and actions.

When a Starseed/Lightworker’s Soul calls for help and it matches with our project’s permission, the GFL’s permission, and Divine Permission altogether, it means: “go and investigate”. According to divinely commanded options, we will “intervene” and coordinate our act to reflect the situation the most energetically responsibly and accurately possible following Universal Law which is why we ask only powerful, aware and determined Lightworkers to work with us, even if you’re just starting to see how these levels work. Each will be given oppportunities to occupy X roles, and the most harmoniously. YOU have the last choice on your path. The tasks and consents of each Being’s Higher Self is necessary. It is an unconditional right. Our Lightworker Court will be ran by our Alcyonic, Agarthan and GFL cohorts as well as some Lightworkers incarnated on Earth.

Be it that you want to work with Lemuryk in the administratorial team, to do 1 on 1 or group work with our clients, occupy a therapist position, social work, or are just here to sign up for zootherapy, energetic sessions or just to supervise or clean stuff, just to drive ships in and out, all is welcome. The thing is, your consciousness has to match your application and we will read it. If there is an element in your Higher Self and consciousness that does not resonate or match with our foundation’s premises so that it is substantial enough, you will not hear a yes. We know before you’ll even write your first form, including if there is a deceptive intent. Extraterrestrials work with us; remember this.

And I repeat again, Lemuryk does not discriminate its clients by any comorbidities. All that we require is that you identify spiritually with a Highly Sensitive Person / empath, Starseed or Lightworker energy. If your energy’s frequency differs from any of these (and the galactics know where it ends), Lemuryk cannot help or intervene. Apologies! I know how many people would love to escape their cages. The White Hats and Delta Forces, GFL will help guide the rest of this ordeal, but there is a universal principle: we are the ones who can save ourselves truly. Interventions are just a co-orchestrated contract. So if you are still a Starseed and don’t hear from us when you call, it means there is some contract in your Soul preventing you to do so and you’ll have to do a U-turn; perhaps your Soul is telling you another direction is more trustworthy.

You don’t need a phone to text or message. We (mostly the galactic observers as well) will always hear every one of you by some quantum base-12 AHCS computers and our minds. Your thoughts. Your Soul. Where you live. Every step and move in your life. To the billionth fraction of an oscillation. No, not to stalk you, the galactic observers already see everything and they watch us too. The GFL even sends unseen robots to track us for benevolent motives. I heard of disco balls and we already get tracked by our technologies nonstop, from different agendas We will know before you even consciously think or hear of our existence what COULD happen for you. Most Soul contracts are clusters of possibilities, not absolute decrees. It also depends on your timeline / time spiral and which parallel version of you and us we deal with. So, yeah, it’s partially predetermined to some extent and scripted up, but for the best reasons. That’s how much I want to help. I will always know beforehand. Metaphysics can tell you how it works.

Do you realize how much work and rewarding gifts the Lemuryk centres will bring to Earth?

The signs are getting more frequent and clear by the moment. We shift rapidly up in vibrational octaves of frequency and thinking. Ideas become more centered in the Ascension in my case. The violet flame greets me. I keep praying and visualizing. I still visualize myself going Inner (“Hollow”) Earth via a portal or wormhole.

Prepare yourselves to go to Ontario in early 2021. We have only til March or April (approximately) left before the Lemuryk Station Grand First Overture, it all depends on your personal timeline cocreated with mine, and so I suggest to keep looking for updates on our project, as I, Teiuliyn Hin, set up my new timeline too and give the ‘go’ signal whenever the beginning installations of Lemuryk Central’s neighbor City of Light, The Aquarian Temple of St Germain is declared open and accessible to Lightworkers, which will be based close to Timmins, ON, Canada. Because it is by the opening of this neighbor City of Light that Lemuryk will be able to refer itself to in order to gain THE contact it needs with the ETs! Which is THE event I have done everything to attain all year long: the open signal to transit to Moosonee. However both are independent places and I do not plan to have an important main role in ATSG or live there, and I will go a bit nomadic and travel around the Multiverse. My primary ‘earth temples’ will be one in Russia and one in Moosonee! If you have not woken up already it is really your time now to. You’re not ‘late’. You all come online and activate your gifts without cease and my heart flutters.

Each Lemuryk Hub will be built on a Ley Line.

I invite you all! However you have to have a 5D minimal soul frequency to work with our team.

The New World Order will never rise if we do not stop it now. It is divinely decreed.

Once I have completed Lemuryk’s mission and healed the last of the last, which will happen likely circa the moment of the Grand Solar Flash where all of Earth will be ready for their great final portal to total 5D ascension (which will happen in perhaps decades from this Now) and no timeline will need the Lemuryk project anymore, do not care when, I will terminate my Earth mission contract, and discarnate to go continue my Soul Journey in the multiverse; and perhaps even reincarnate elsewhere. At this point in the local quantum field there will be no being on Earth anymore who is a Starseed/Lightworker that asks such services as everything will be resolved and balanced. But I will always be present in higher dimensions amongst you and I will keep observing Gaia’s use and progress of the Lemuryk centers, which will become health centers. The Lemuryk centers and hubs will become temples of health and healing for the Gaian visitors and generations forever to come to use freely and will then be available to ALL; not just Starseeds and Lightworkers any longer. They will even cooperate with potential other healing networks!

However, please note that although I will have transitioned to a more 6D/5D body, I will be present in consciousness and use bilocation to help multiple people at once; BUT, I will not always be doing everything all the time, of course vacations and pauses, hiatuses exist for a reason and I have representatives that can compensate; such as Griffon and Warval, and my ET family. Our equilibrium is honored. It is all about doing what the Soul enjoys. Lemuryk will NEVER adhere to these old hypermasculine energy draining work paradigms that are based on labor, not even money! Everything is provided and traded for freely! We are based in Universal Law and mimick our origins, our Galactic paradigms of joy and harmony!

Blessings Be; Teiuliyn Hin, Lightworking Starseed, Admin/Founder position of Lemuryk Foundation Project.

Excerpt from Tiannia / Sharon Stewart:

​​”While all these questions are being answered, ETs will be helping some form new communities. People who will be earth’s future need to have a home and support too, not just spend their time feeling like outcasts or waiting to be thrown in jail or starving out of non-compliance.

What is happening now, is a duality is happening. There are some who are awake and aware and others who are compliant with the deep state agenda. They will split out and form mutually exclusive communities. More and more people from the compliant communities, or maybe their children, will wake up and head over to the non-compliant communities. I believe ETs will be helping people within these communities, and I know this will be the case in the one I start. This is earth’s future. Extraterrestrial contact, extraterrestrial teaching, whole body healing and gravitation towards holistic lifestyle of compliance with universal law. And manifestation of all our lost human powers.

I will have ET healing technology at my site, and food synthesizers. The ET healing technology will have to be used for any ailment, but also for people who have been micro-chipped and are suffering from “bio-botism” – the effects of nanotechnology in the brain. Food synthesizers will also be available so that people will have enough to eat.

Ivo says that when I get there, I will have help and I believe particularly my Vegan parents will be there to assist me in planting gardens, putting in fences, housekeeping, etc.

This all sounds a bit over the top for even me, but then I have one thing that reminds me that miracles do happen: my brand new, newly grown tooth that Ivo created for me out of the template for my body. It has a tiny speck of amalgam in the very top to remind me that at one point, it was a leaky mercury-filled amalgam of about 50 years of age. If he can do that, he can land a ship, give me extraterrestrial help and start a space station and a TV channel from my home.

The date is early 2021 and I have some things to accomplish first before I can do this but I think it’s do-able. We have to start new communities now because the people that do will be earth’s future. The ones who don’t will be slated for eventual extinction. Should the deep state succeed and create bio-bots out of these people….. (I hear they won’t succeed, hi Ashtar!)

UPDATE: “I want my city to have a temple. I asked St Germain last night if he would place a violet flame in a temple, if we built it, and he said he would.

The temple would be called, “The Aquarian Temple of St Germain,” and people (pilgrams) could come in to meditate around the flame. I saw it having Greek type pillars in front with perhaps statues of St Germain and Portia outside. Inside there would be long narrow windows at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock positions with a window up top to allow the sun to shine directly on the flame. With this, people may be able to see it. at noon, 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm.

If we can get it made of marble, even better, but I’ll settle for concrete (LOL), and maybe it will have amethyst inside as part of the decor.”

The Lemuryk Foundation claims no direct affiliation or partnership with Implant Communications, although I, Teiuliyn Hin, do enjoy reading their work, updates and intel. However the Lemuryk Foundation’s initial spark of determination and beginnings have been made possible thanks to the messages and public activations of Implant Communications as well as a few other channelers and groups, including Rick Jewers.

Author: teiuliyn

Ancient Lightworker originally born in Saturn and from the Avian collective. I bring my contribution to Shan with all the active Starseeds.

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