Freedom from Micromanaging

Going back to school, going to work, things that are part of the cycle of the system.. yes, I signed up to continue high school, but, there is one catch as always.

Today, I realize even more that I have listened to close people attempting to micromanage my life for too long. I realized there is a downside to having friends and people who care about you, and it is that they think they can dictate what you can and can’t do in your life based on their perspective of what is right and bad. Worst part is, they sometimes joke about it. Sure, you have spirit guides, even at this point use your free will and discernment!

I just got off from a meeting with my curator and my social worker. SW was worrying I would end up in a cult (like she always did) because I participated in “spiritual groups”.

Which is always how someone from a matrix perspective will see things; they have fears and preconditioned ideas about “spirituality” that is broadcast by the media, old, weary belief systems. It is certainly stigmatizing and a prejudice.

One friend of mine kept whining about the fact that I had an inverted sleep cycle. I could explain that it’s just part of my galactic consciousness, until I put the phone away at night. Computers and phones have always been a distractor for my brain. Some starseeds and Earth Angels sleep very little since their biological energy transmutation is so different. The more up there you are, the weirder your sleep is.

Why isn’t it that simple? Why can’t I explain to these people that I am a galactic and my needs are not the same as earthling needs (partly)? Not saying that they are superior, they just are what they are meant to become. All my life, people have told me I need to sleep, eat and live like them, or at least partially. From my grandfather violating my former religious morals and trying to make me eat pork, to my mother flat out describing me as a nutjob on the phone with my SW just because of my belief in Ascended Masters and everything spiritual.

Because they react in fear, and then they try to dictate what I’m “supposed” to be like. Frankly, I am tired of this cycle. I must do something to end it now.

I’m also at a double-crossed end with school. On one end, school here is about indoctrination and memorization. On the other hand, I’m testing myself and my galactic updated mind to see how I solve their equations and problems quickly.

But don’t worry, because once I get my foot onto a ship, I’ll simply quit that school and go to a mystic one. This is my current update on my life.

Catch yourself trying to control other people’s lives. You may have genuinely benevolent intentions, but however, the key is that there is such a thing as advice someone doesn’t ask for. Face it. 1 in 3 people on Earth is a starseed, you don’t know their true needs unless you are one and can relate to them.

Oh wait, my mother is a starseed, and even she doesn’t get it even though she says she does. I will still respect you if you have an “inverted sleep cycle”, sleeping through the day and wakey at night time.

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