Avertissement par un moine chrétien en Italie, janvier 2021

French translation:

Nous sommes dans une ère très sombre, et les gens ont besoin de connaitre la vérité. Je vais vous dire, en anglais, ce qui se passe vraiment. La domination masonique du monde. Toute ce qui est mal, perverti, sadiste, masochiste, satanique, qui s’est infiltré dans la loge masonique et dans les coeurs de ses dirigeants, ne s’est pas révélé au public. Ils ont créé cette loge en 1717, ont infiltré globalement des institutions du gouvernment, surtout les monarchies catholiques de la haine; les églises et institutions ecclésiastiques; les cavaliers de Colomb..

ils ont fondé les banques de New York City, cherché Manhattan, JP Morgan… Brown Brothers Heremin.. City Bank.. ont pris le contrôle des partis républicains et démocrates; ils ont enclenchés les deux guerres mondiales, ils ont contrôlé chaque côté. Ils ont détruit l’Autriche en raison que l’Empereur a osé questionner l’élection de Rampolla del Tindaro, candidat masonnique pour la papauté en 1904. Les cardinaux ont sélectionné Pius X et pour ce crime, les masonniques ont détruit l’Autriche. La seul;e nation disparue après la 1ere guerre mondiale. Maintenant nous voyons leur ultime plandémie – Bilderbergs, Rockerfellers, ils désirent le totalitarianisme globale – le contrôle de chaque individu, nous rendre esclaves. Ils ne veulent pas nous enchainer, mais nous rendre à leur image, aussi vile – nous emmener en enfer avec eux. Ils veulent nous transmettre la passion pour le vice, ils y a des pédos dans le pire sens, ils désirent que nous devenons tous pervertis, tous investis dans la débaucherie. Ils veulent nous faire suicider, nous faire suffoquer jusqu’à la mort en portant une couche sur notre visage.

C’est pourquoi ils veulent te faire étendre le bras pour t’injecter des produits chimiques pour te détruire, changer ta nature et te transformer en créature OGM.

Et pourquoi ils sont si excités d’installer toutes sortes d’installations technologiques avancées bien plus loin que le nécessaire pour de simples communications par cellulaire. Je ne peux même pas le nommer, ma chaîne sera bloquée – mais ils veulent contrôler, à partir de leurs ordinateurs, quelques centaines de familles et individus-

toutes les automobiles, machines, emplois, et éventuellement, nos pensées. Ils ont créé l’internet pour nous contrôler davantage, en sachant que en nous communiquant au travers de ce moyen, comme je le fais maintenant, cet internet finit par nous programmer et nous contrôler encore plus profondément. Rien de réel. Ce qui est réel, serait quelqu’un serait à côté de moi. Je prie devant la basilique depuis presque 10 moisen train de transmettre de l’information. La raison pourquoi personne ne vient est que j’envoie de l’information.

C’est pourquoi y’a personne, je ne crois pas que les gens le remarquent. Vous croyez que ceci est réel, alors vous restez chez vous. Vous croyez que vos activités web sont réelles, alors vous ne faisez rien du tout.

L’ultime déception satanique.

Alors voila pourquoi je fais un live complètement politiquement incorrect en ce moment, et je leur souhaite bonne chance de supprimer ma chaine. J’espère bien qu’ils vont me censurer, puisque c’est leur façon de contrôler. Ceci n’est pas la vraie vie, Nous devons aller dans les ruelles et détruire ces gouvernements corrompus contrôlés par ces figures corrompues. Le vaccin va te tuer, ne le prend jamais. Pas le premier, mais le deuxieme. Il existe un principe important que le dilemme d’un petit vaccin toxique ou pas. Le principe, c’est que vous accepter de mettre vos vies entre les mains de tueurs massifs. Les loges masonniques ont causé le génocide de centaines de millions de gens, ils font passer Hitler pour un enfant de choeur. Je pense qu’il était bel et bien un “enfant de choeur”. Ces gens sont profondément malicieux, ne leur faites au grand jamais confiance pour n’importe quelle chose, c’est un péché de faire confiance aux corrompus que les gens aux intentions plus honnêtes. Peu importe qui a fait confiance à Jésus Christ, ces même gens font confiance à ces mondialistes. Dieu nous teste dans une situation entre la vie et la mort. Croire mieux à Jésus et vivre sa vie avec les valeurs de l’honnêteté, vivre naturellement, avec la morale pure, ou bien devenir des marionnettes totalement perverses de quelques centaines de familles autour du globe. Si manipulés et corrompus qu’on se prend pour des gens libres pendant que l’on s’auto-massacre.

La décision arrive vite, car en janvier ils ont un plan de vacciner tout le monde en Italie, que vous le voulez ou pas. Les États-Unis viennent d’annoncer qu’ils ont désormais le droit de vacciner chaque personne présente dans leur pays en 24 heures. Ils ont reçu le contrat de préparer ce plan par Donald Trump. , pas Joe Biden, mais les deux vont l’ordoner quand ils entrent au pouvoir. A moins qu’un des deux est converti, je crois que seul un va probablement se convertir, Donald Trump.. l’autre a perud son âme il y a des ères.. s’il en a encore une. Voici tout ce que notre planète encontre en ce moment, nulle petite nouvelle, c’est un scénario vraiment apocalyptique, peut-être bien la dernière, celle que Jean a décrit.

Ne prenez pas le vaccin, vous avez le droit d’utiliser la force pour empêcher la vaccination, même la force fatale, c’est parfaitement léitime.. le droit d’autodéfense, si quelqu’un essaie de vous tuer et que votre seule moyen de défense et de tuer cette personne, parfaitement légitime. Enseignement catholique, ceci a toujours été un enseignement de l’Église.. n’acceptez pas le grand mensonge masonnique, que nous les chrétiens n’avons pas ce droit d’utiliser la violence, ou que la violence est toujours un péché.. pourquoi se réserver le droit de génocider des centaines de millions, mais nous n’avons aucun droit de nous auto-défendre? Voyons voyons..

Les Chrétiens ont toujours eu leur foi au principe que, on a besoin de se débarasser de la rouille avant qu’elle répand. Si vous rencontreriez un de ces gens masonnique au moyen âge, ils seraient pendus et mis au sec avant le coucher du soleil au milieu du village.

Tous sauraient que ces gens sont des sorciers complètement maléfiques, on ne veux rien avoir avec ces gens, on ne les tolère pas, et surtout ne leur donnez jamais une chance. Ne leur donner pas l’oportunité de propager leurs maléfiques illusions. C’est une chose d’exprimer sa tête, un autre d’utiliser la liberté d’expression piur planifier et préparer le massacre de centaines de millions de personnes. Maintenant des milliards, ils veulent tuer des milliards. Nous, le Peuple, devons les arrêter, impossible de les laisser nous faire endurer ce délire, de le tolérer, et de demeurer calme devant cette situation. Oui, nous devrions surtout prier à Dieu, nous ne pouvons pas gagner sans Lui, mais nous devons nous battre, ok? On est énormément plus nombreux qu’eux. Presque 8 milliards de notre côté et quelques milliers du leur. Ils ne pourrons jamais survivre si nous nous levons debout et réclamons notre nature. Hélas, des milliards sont assez cons pour se laisser faire massacrer pendant les quelques prochaines années par ces maniaques. On peut réveiller quelques uns mais y’en a qui n’en veulent rien entendre, totalement aveuglés. On doit voler nos propres âmes contre ce qui pourrait se passer. On va perdre nombreux de gens que l’on aime, puisqu’ils vont se faire vacciner et en périr. Et puis se demander pourquoi c’est arrivé quand on les a prévenu, on doit prévenir le monde autant que possible. Les événement vont être accélérés en ce moment puisque ces gouvernment ne changent point, pour le mieux mais pour le pire. Plus maléfiques, plus obsédés par ce truc machin. Ils ont peruds toute lumière et adorent l’obscurité, on doit demeurer les Enfants de la Lumière et se comporter différemment d’eux. Nous devons nous presser pour la liberté du Peuple, mais cela ne signifie pas qu’il nous est impossible de se battre, ok? Nous devons comprendre notre devoir, mission en cette heure immédiate. Le plus je dis la vérité, moins la lumière parait dans ma vidéo, si vous l’avez remarqué. Je vous salut, restez libres, auprès du Christ, priez, restez vigilants, les choses vont devenir très laides.. ne faites pas comme si rien ne se produit à présent. Préparez-vous.

– Moine chrétien en Italie, janvier 2021

Ways to Get Death Thoughts and Suicide Out of your Mind.. for real (according to us)

There is plenty of info on how to crush depression out fo your life for good, but here is my version as maybe some will resonate better with that. Note: we do not condone policing or forcing our views and never do so in anything we say, publish, merely offer suggestions and present comments.

There are many ways to recover your faith in life and humanity. Oftentimes suicidal thoughts and ideations happen when there is a significant burden that you pass onto your energy and overwhelms your life, most commonly being overly exhausted of a certain pattern happening constantly, losses, shame or guilt, and a sense of powerlessness over your circumstances. There are better ways to deal with suicide than the usual “your family and friends will miss you” guilt trip which clearly never helps, or almost, as it may increase a feeling of being a burden onto many suicidal ones.

This guide is not designed to encourage people to choose whether they should sign the death pact or abstain nor to incriminate the ‘right to terminate our lifetime’ as we are all free to choose what’s our next saga and we have responsibility for all our actions and thoughts. It is merely the author’s perspectives on ideas and suggestions that can perhaps make life easier and pinpoint the possible root causes of death obsessions or suicidality, and how to take our sovereign power back, develop more responsibility and control in our lives so we can feel more fulfilled, motivated and whole, as well as considering a broader spectrum of options.

It’s not you. You are not defined by your thinking. It can shape you, but they never define your whole. To feel whole again, you need to know you are never broken – you are already complete. You may think you are inherently incomplete, flawed or fragmented because your energy and thinking pattern has been fragmented and you have been taught lies about life. Attaching to some beliefs may further handicap your ability to thrive, especially if you circumscribe your sense of identity over their content.

Detox. Identify potential sources of toxicity in your life which drag you back down into pessimistic cycles and break them off the most that you can. This may include shattering old belief systems, shifting to new paradigms of consciousness, minimizing or cutting all contact with certain persons, throwing away your television, stop watching the newscast, nutritive changes, changing the way you heal yourself, cutting cords of many kinds, and even perhaps moving to another place where energy is higher in frequency and less polluted. At your own pace. How do you feel around them? Do you feel more “down”, or on a higher vibe? By discarding what drags your energy down, life shows you what to exchange them for naturally if you allow it.

Some things you may feel like you can overcome them fast, some more slowly. Your conscience will tell you what’s best and what’s not for you right now.

Practice an energy maintenance and release routine. By changing your sources you will also have to emotionally and psychically release many, many blockages and it may be quite intense, even painful. New things will “activate” in you. If you are a highly empathic or sensitive type, it can be even more strenuous because much of your emotional energies are absorbed from those of the collective and are not strictly your own. You may be in fact a “transmuter” anchor.

Do not attach to these feelings, let them purge. Release symptoms and growing pains, mentally and physically may pass. Yes, it will hurt. A lot. There are ways to stabilize the ‘purging’ however without losing your sanity of mind, and this can be done via monitoring your energy and not overdo your efforts. The purging may add to the feeling of overwhelm already present in suicidality, but the end result is.. a more empowered you.

Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks

The energetic scale model. For those who are open to the idea that life is energetic, your emotions and psychophysical states resonate via a scale of different vibrational frequencies. You are never fully solid (except in a hypothetical 0 Kelvin degrees state) as all vibrates, atoms vibrate, and it is proven science since long enough. The lower and slower is your overall vibration, the more sad, angry, apathetic, hopeless you feel and your energy can leak all over. People can often sense it and even exploit that for their own dependencies and desires. The higher up the scale and the faster your vibration, the more empowered and content you feel, plus the more open and perceptive of reality you get, and the clearer you seek truth within.

Pick your battles. A person in a state of lower frequency may feed, “vampire” upon your higher frequencies to feel content such as complaining, controlling and/or harassing, and this is how disempowerment and energetic vampirism works; they throw their murky energies on you like spreading a disease so they don’t have to carry its burden; or at least temporarily. If you want to really repolarize yourself to a more empowered state, this is why I say, choose your battles wisely.

That doesn’t mean you have to cut off EVERYONE from your life and entirely stop caring about people you love in fear of getting contaminated or drained at every little thing they do or say. The message here is that you do not have to be their emotional stress ball or punching bag, neither do others have to be yours, and there are more balanced ways to seek assistance.

For example, on an energy scale, euphoria is very high on the scale. However, it is worth noting that too elevated vibrations, even regarding secrets or news, can overload your mind with information you were not supposed to know, and worse, going too high too fast through some means can zap your energy and create a state of psychotic thinking, such as ecstasy on drugs, or feeling very “floaty” and ungrounded. Ascending up the scale is a gradual process with a logical sequence and not done overnight.

Learn about codependency and the risks involved in therapy. It is all too easy to recommend help and therapy to a person dealing with a huge loss of faith in staying alive, but for someone as hopeless as a suicidal person, their low energy may be easily taken advantage of by giving away their power to another person’s views if they are not attentive to what their conscience tells them. Caution is needed.

Life is not so linear. Ask yourself: is life really a “born, suffer, die” cycle? Your conscience, is your greatest asset and GPS. It guides you in the right direction yet society has been hijacked in a way that makes many tend to ignore its messages. Once you follow your conscience you will begin to see the messages that life is trying to tell you. It may be completely unexpected. There are more facets to existence than you may have believed before.

Figure who you are. Many people turn towards death as they have forgotten a lot of who they really are. This also stems from learned codependency, which makes you seek validation through third parties and not from your natural conscience, which can analyse your ego. Not everyone has access to some “higher conscience”, however. Some truly only have an ego active and lack the ability for extensive introspection. They live mostly with their reptilian brain and consciousness, and do not fit well with humanity. They are often described as psychopaths and narcissists. (not insulting the reptiles, anyhow)

Become the change you want to see. As stated above, trauma-based, codependency conditioning has disempowered you to consensually give your sovereign power away to sources of energetic vampirism that leave you feeling incomplete, inadequate, powerless, low and haggard, living rather unconscious of the dynamics of how life really works; through victimist programming. You were not born a victim, nor racist, nor a bully, nor a criminal or any type of “slur”, or disempowered. Those are limiting ideas. You were born perfect. Recovering from suicidality is a very transformational process and one of the first lessons is to learn to overcome learned helplessness – you are far more in control of your circumstances than you believe or can even possibly imagine at this present moment. It all begins with believing you can do it.

Recognize that there is a death culture. Symbolism and messages of survivalism and death have been spread everywhere in society, or for the more spiritually open ones, the matrix, and so, learn to fire the Grim Reaper out of your sacred space. You can start by honouring life, in small steps, and you may even feel blessed and honoured back by Life in respect on a large scale. Everything is one. Does one really need to suffer excessively to learn or evolve?Death is not your savior. Most of the time.

Death means rebirth. Frequent thoughts, dreams and nightmares of death may be a signal by your mind that there is a huge burden that you have to let go of in order to allow a new YOU to birth and transform your sense of self and reality for the better. The old you is done and wants to leave for this new you to take the commands. You always change and “you” are never the same as a moment ago.

Suicidal thoughts do NOT always imply someone truly wants to die. Sometimes they may merely be fleeting intrusive ideas, that become obsessive-compulsive. There is a difference, although not always clear, between the two levels. This is the same thing as someone who has obsessive-compulsive thoughts about the fear of one day murdering their family.

Learn the power of mercy rather than pity.Mercy is sacrificing what no longer serves you and knowing that all is worthy, Life has a plan for everything and that you always have the power to choose better circumstances for yourself as you manifest them into reality. Pity is a powerlessness energy that is a distorted version of compassion lamenting an illusion of helplessness and a victimized view of life as a persecutor who has forsaken your worth.It keeps you in the same pessimistic loop of thought over your own learned disempowerment.

New Planetary (Gaia+) Laws

This is a compiled resume of a new law that Gaia has willed to implement divinely on herself in this Now moment and is the reason behind the archon purge and mass arrests of the illuminati.

Planetary Law of Instant Karma and Energetic Sovereignty

Each being of Light on Gaia (Earth, Terra, Eden, Urantia, Shan..) has the right to remain safe in their energetic layers; and all negative ETs and any regressive incarnated beings, and satanic witches, are instantly given very severe karmic charges for their infringements of the human sovereign birthright; ETs participating in the AI warlord’s activities are to be removed immediately from Gaia’s body and permanently banned from re-entering. “Darkworker” incarnated humans are permanently banned from reincarnating on Gaia after their transition.

Ecosystem Safety Law

No being has the right or permission to interact with Gaia herself in a violent, otherwise negative way.

Earth Grid Law

a. Any vortex, stargate, tunnel, gateway, wormhole, grid node, doorway, portal or any interdimensional access point on Gaia are only now allowed to be used for non-harmful purposes, and practices or domination of these portals for abusive, divinely illegal agendas and based in anti-divine consciousness are forbidden.

b. Ships must travel and land at specific points, coordinates and follow the lines in the Circle of Life Earthgrid to prevent space traffic and are always monitored as they enter and exit the solar and planetary areas. NONE can take over these grids and portals for their own selfish purposes nor imbalance, block or destroy them.

Human-ET Contact Safety Law

a. No being from outside of Gaia is allowed to interfere with humanity abusively and in deceptive ways, nor enter the Earth without permission.

b. Regressive astral entities are forbidden from using an incarnated regressive human to harm a fellow human of Light or any being on Gaia.

Sources: Multiple, including Ashtar Sheran, the GFL, the High Angelic Kingdom, and COBRA. Through Lynne Rondell, Rick Jewers, etc.

The Law of Deus Ex Machina

ETs of Light are allowed to intervene where it is Divinely appropriate and serve in helping Earth remove all forms of control and manipulation.

How to Hack the Plandemic

I was starting to really get annoyed at how I overconsume the errands I buy, then go back to again, spend around 30 or more CAD at the green stores.

But today, Griffon was fervently communicating with me new ways to ‘esquive’ the regime of Agenda 21. Life hacks. As I was walking inside the vegan store.

Griffon: Do you notice how they push, really push, all of these sugary cookies, and premade meals right on the counter and in the freezer? Teiuliyn, you may have to stop overbuying them. It gets addictive, because it’s sugar and it tastes good. You see so many people in line end up hypnotized by these specials. do you know how they are special? By the dark magic mass rituals placed into them and the priorities which are considered by the illuminati’s interests. There is more than the foods that are toxic for you; the carefully embedded buying patterns and timing of each trend so that it follows a clear precise direction towards self-disempowerment and submission to the Archontic regimen.

And I emphasize the word “interest”. But guess what? Beware of fake meat. (Teiu’s note: Yes, I know, I tend to take them with me), but be careful of what symbolism and energy it has been attributed. It catches your attention because it’s synthetic meat and vegans often miss meat, but because it is still meat-like, it is perhaps of lower projected vibration. I do not want to dish out carnivorous beings in this society but eating flesh is draconian in origin and it is all a ritual. Yes. Eating meat is a ritual because you eat yourself. And fake meat reminds us of that ritual. Careful of what rituals have been energized into mass trends. The food industries and restaurants have been mega-advertising synthetic meat all over the nations as if to trend veganism in a satanic way. Since the last 2 to 4 years. Teiuliyn felt something was off when restaurants like The Cage and others started glorifying fake meat burgers. As if it was a joke and a mockery of the vegan community’s worth in half of the veganism trend warp that occured. A belittling as if to say ‘we hate vegans and would rather see humanity eat each other cannibalistically’. You are still eating what resembles a hamburger and what has been placed with the same intentions and image as a real hamburger. It is still a hamburger. Think Hamburg. Masonic.

Me: I will try to purchase less of it now on. Tofu is okay.

Point number 2 for non-maskers: if you still feel an urge to wear a face covering or mask, go inside the store and do your stuff very quickly so you do not have to wear your covering so long. Because the longer, the more you energize the agenda 21 plan. Secretly breathe out of your mask on moments. Or in front of everyone. Either way. You may do things differently than I.

Yes, there are tips on buying more online to minimize mask or face covering wearing time.

Griffon: I also suggest going to the store during moments when there’s the least number of clients, like very early or late in the afternoon, or whatever pattern you observe around locally.

If you see a premade ‘vegan’ meal with ingredients, or even aspects that look meaty or have a mush of low vibrational colors, these are foods I would personally avoid.

Me: Even with hot chocolate. I just bought one, then imagined that they want you to ‘drink their crap’. Brown. Mine was still soy-based. Same thing with the poop emoji propaganda. And their parody of the unicorn. That is rather demoralizing as for the Pleiadian Unicorn races..

Griffon: Look at which services are touted as essential, and try to study neurolinguistic programming. Starve the cabal where they push it. And they can also blend so many ingredients together and lace them and make them look appetizing such as these subways with synthetic meat or falafels, as to overtake the essential parts of your stores. It doesn’t end at ‘essential’. Some ‘classics’ are darker than you may believe. Manifest less corrupt trend patterns and economics. Flow with the Divine Will.

These are suggestions and we do not condone forcing people to follow our road. We all do things differently. We create a better reality for ourselves by the mind’s will. All that is said above is just an interpretation and a cautionary message.

Besides I found a papercrane on the streets with my manifestation skills. My guides are communicating with me and congratulating me for the Lightwork I do so passionately for you all. This also symbolizes my Avian heritage for me.

Regards, Griffon and Teiuliyn Hin

The Effects of Indoctrination

Griffon has been accused by a bible thumper recently of being a demon simply because he resembles one. And it is not the only moment this has happened. This is the same type of reptilian consciousness thinking that fears black cats superstitiously.

Look, I have spent most of my short 19 years long Earth life trying to identify myself through a couple of religious frames of thinking and they all made me feel like I was losing my sanity. Islam, which was indoctrinated upon me and my mother when I was little, made me opened to a lot of implant control, or part of it, and I discarded that faith at 14 due to feeling like I was going crazy, again. Also, I wanted to eat pork. I switched over to Christianity but it did not last very long; I went to bed each night terrified of an apocalyptic trumpet sound and getting left behind. I even used to watch Emmanuel TV.

By my sixth Earth life now I can say I don’t fall so easily for these consciousness traps anymore after arduous learning of lessons.

The lesson for YOU here, bible thumping person, is to realize that the world does not revolve around you and your religion. We now live in an age where all of our taught beliefs have to be questioned fervently. Even Yeshua knew this. His messages have been distorted by the Cabal of the times of the Council of Nicea. That is why he has returned to channel messages of clarification and the lies were so severe that his grandmother, Anna, channeled a BOOK. Nowadays Yeshua goes by his spiritual name, Sananda, or Ananda. Why the S or no S? You tell me, Jesus.

And also many of you still carry an old book from the 17th century written by King James. I respect that, but I wince at how outdated it is to our current ascensional situation. And there’s Muhammad’s “book” with the 72 virgins, Allah, and the Torah as well. I don’t want to scoff but, it’s really inconvenient for 5D.

All Abrahamic religions. All under what I perceive as one False God archetype. A conditionally loving, narcissistic prime creator construct. Who do you really worship? WHY do you even worship, make yourself submissive? Why kill sovereignty?

I have heard so many classic arguments for or against religion, but I have my own side as well. If you want to attain 5D or ascend, we have to drop all divisive judgement towards others and realize we are One. We have to know our true history. And bible thumping us is never going to help except expose what we have to stop doing.

Griffon is not a demon! That is our reality. You can believe whatever you want, but this is our Truth. Even Lynne Rondell has confirmed this in a session. She comes from the Angelic Realms and is one of the least distorted channels I know of. She’s activated and clear a fragmentation in my auric field.

My guides have NEVER harmed me in any way. They even wait until I am ready to channel and sometimes this has taken a week or more. They follow my Higher Self’s free will. I have seen blatant examples of demonic attacks before my physical eyes on the spot, live, and I can assure Griffon had nothing to do with these events. They’ve helped me get out of the roughest barrels of traps. They have empowered my consciousness and sovereign right. Would I be starting the Lemuryk Hubs project if they never introduced themselves in my psyche? They even began to introduce themselves by having me believe they were fictional brainchildren!

Also, he does not have the obligation to alter his appearance for you. It is all holographic façade. The internet right now is one of the few places I feel comfortable revealing my astral life to the open public eye.

I have an entire article on my site menu, “A Message for Bible Thumpers” because this is such a widespread reptilian attitude. Opinion policing. This is fear-rooted. We want to visualize and manifest a world without hatred or separatism. New Earth, Eden.

Please realize the potential long term effects of trying to indoctrinate someone.

By doing this you are subscribing to the matrix of power over others. You react in fear. You stoop down to where the fakestream media want you to be at: censorship of people from fear and opinion policing, as I said.

Sure you can ask stuff like “what do you believe in? why do you believe in this? I beg to differ” but anything that just goes in the territory of bible thumping and medieval ecclesiastical behavior, that I do not approve here.

We in human bodies on Gaia have our free will and it is to be honored.
One has to go within. To transmute their shadow. And within you seek validation from your soul. The ego cannot validate itself. Why continue to act out of codependency and having a largely external reference of life? You all have a choice.

Ascend or crumble.

Regards, the Inlemoret Triad

They Wanted to Prevent You from turning into… or did they?

I currently lurk on videos of Dr Ramani and begood4000, two of YouTube’s greatest narcissistic abuse insiders. Dr Ramani has her license to do therapy but James, or begood4000, is just a concerned individual bringing his experiences to the table; originally, he wanted to support men who experience abuse; because abuse does not discriminate gender identity or sex, he gives the message to all but he wanted abused men to feel heard because of the cultural co-created stereotypes of abusive machistas which originate from the Draconians and the first dark magic Sirian practitioners.

I can identify many high dark tetrad characters in my history who enacted some very clear examples if narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies. My father, who was a Draconian fraudster type and womanizer – and a few ones in the foster system as well and at school. I want to use one example of a very reptile-washed 13 year old boy that has really triggered almost every one of my buttons and who helped me try changing certain perspectives, of course since living in the child prisons opens your eyes a little more.

He had every sort of projection attitude imaginable and zero chill, as well as very selective and manipulative. He was diagnosed with something like RAD. (reactive attachment disorder).

Many behaviors he exhibited bring me a picture of the chaotic torture narc abuse survivors experience, although because he was so young he can be prevented from this.

He had no idea what the world was trying to save him from.

The system’s employees could have tried to prevent him from becoming a fully developed narcissist. That’s right. In my opinion right now this is what I SEE.

These attempts rarely succeed and there are multiple factors;

  • There is one big issue; the foster system is ran and favored, financed by narcissistic and psychopathic Draco and reptilian types themselves. It is also a breeding ground for more narcissists, and avoidants. Control freak type employees come in and out all decade round and there is the same cycle every year of the ‘really bad patch’ of children flooding in the homes and centers when school starts and winter. I don’t subscribe to believing in good/bad/evil; this is for simplification.
  • They get reprogrammed to believe they are inherently destructive, ill, defective or criminalized and this only reinforces the urge for revenge and self-pity.
  • Few people in there, especially staff, have a complete picture of the true circumstances co-created by Earth and the Archons.
  • I also see how difficult narcissistic tendencies are to heal other than by fervent spiritual means, and even then, that seems to be quite rare with full NPD because a majority are hybrid souls with dark lineage. I would see this boy literally throw week or day long ego meltdowns. He would also listen to plain satanic music at night which I do not recommend.
  • Shamans and healers rarely are seen in these systems, and I was one. They could just come here and clean the entire mess, and transmute it. Indigos and Lightworkers/warriors do it unconsciously as children in the system (some ARE aware). This one tenet is the entire basis for me creating Lemuryk. Will I stop talking about my project? Negative.

One of my sisters was like this as well. She was not as wild as him in attitude, but she had a big shadow. She has barely learned to master her anger, thanks to 3 years of foster care. She was also born with a genetic predisposition. I cannot count the amount of moments she has deeply hated and envied her mom’s boyfriend, and bossed people around. And hit her mom. Started big arguments over trivialities that are maybe just trivial in my perception.. She is now also 13.

Both were immense scapegoat roles in the community and family. Well, in the community they probably showed differently; it is mostly about the familial attachment. The first one was abandoned in infancy by his bio mother and suffered the attachment wound from it, and he also endured paternal abuse. Severe kinds. My sister, well, just neglect on a socioemotional level. But we did fight a lot. And I mean a LOT.

The foster system, in my perception in a 5D world is designed to prevent someone from becoming a straight up narcissist or psychopath. Or end up in jail. Even jails are… tricky and draconian. VERY draconian. Actually, it’s maybe not the jail that is draconian but the Archontic agenda and belief system that has been tagged on incarceration. It’s not the cage, but the usage of it. The mentality. The culture. The true human nature is love and peace, and light. Not condemnation, punishment and darkness. But everything has been infiltrated and I would sometimes even feel the need to coach staff members to get them out of a pickle. As a resident. Really, yes.

The Lunar Matrix is no longer allowed in my reality. It is and has always been highly responsible for co-creating the temporary fall of Gaia’s peace and beauty as well as hijacking our own consent, rather forcedly but with adagio, slowly.

Griffon: Beyond Belief

I, Teiuliyn Hin, now resonate with the idea that we live in a Co-reality where there is always talk of needing to believe in some idea or construct. Believing is manifesting= you see what you believe, and not “you believe what you see”, as in Antiuniversal Laws.

As early as we enter into our more perhaps “individualized” existence and self-awareness, and particularily within societal systems, we are made to adopt certain belief systems. We convince ourselves, I gotta believe this. You have to believe. Just keep believing. I do not believe in X or Y. Believing in many lies and truths. Believing in childhood mystical figures who have a dualistic lesson giving legend to them. Believing in the fae, life out there, whatever it is. I resonate with the notion that reality is more than believing. It is possible to go beyond beliefs. Isn’t that beyond belief??

I resonate with the idea that believing is attaching your consciousness to filters, “limiting” frames of perception and manifesting them, like a wish or dream come true.

As soon as one wants to think beyond believing, experiencing the ultimate oneness with all that is and all that is not, alias the Alpha-Omega, Reality, that is to me, freedom from the mental box.

Maybe, believing is majorly a mental concept. This means it can free as much as limit you but it feels quite limiting to live only from a ‘believing’ reality. I, Teiuliyn, could consider my consciousness node as wanting to be at One with CoReality. Although, it already is to its Christ Level.

It feels more relieving and less ideologically vulnerable to remain this way. Reality is so malleable and changes constantly, that what you believe to be true one minute becomes an incorrect opinion the next. We face our truth and mistruths as an inevitable lesson of Life.

Notice how I use the expression of resonance to an idea. This is closer to the reality I want to manifest. Yes, I am aware that it is still “belief” in an intellectual sense, and honestly, there is a way of thinking beyond the mental aspect. We often talk of beliefs as spiritual nature. It is not necessarily a spiritual thing to adopt beliefs. It is just an angle of manifestation of holographic results and a filter of reality. The most “antispiritual” beings I know also have beliefs. You can be a super-humanitarian, ethical CEO of a company related to engineering, yet have no interest in spiritual belief systems and have little empathy towards animals, believing they have no consciousness. Someone in my soul family had this sort of life. You can be an atheist gamer who is heavily invested in ayurveda and believes there is some kind of origin to everything or lifeforce. Those are just many angles of looking at the same thing: Source.

Sometimes you will not resonate with certain domains of belief as they would sway you out of your designed life path. That is why X of my family was never resonating or interested in religion, spiritual beliefs or anything of the sort, instead he focused on space exploration and science, engineering and martial arts. That is part of his life path. For a guy as smart as him, he fell for the anti-Trump narrative 4 years ago even if he reads WikiLeaks. I think we almost all did. And honestly I can see how that would have swayed him off. We needed balance between me and him, even if we resonated on many things. It is our contract on Gaia together. It would have maybe swayed him off as to become lost and scatterbrained in spiritual ego.

I consider my node as one with reality now, as I look at the concept of belief, and I feel some kind of unresonance. I resonate that I do not really need the lesson of switching constantly to belief systems and ending up with chronic disappointment or frustration any longer. It has only caused me fear, anxiety and what not to attach myself to ideas like that so hard.

Griffon comments:

Believing is saying the “Eve of Being and Lies”. It is an eve because it is the foundation of manifesting anything you desire. You are in BECOMING, TRANSFORMATION and may go in a direction of deceptions easily.

Beliefs are the edge which can form the shadow. IT always stems from this. Beliefs can stem from fear or love. Fear, trauma-based beliefs, accumulate and shape your personal shadow of the ego.

What is nefarious is when a belief becomes a mental cage, an addiction and a distraction. T does not matter what the belief is. You may believe that you will go to the underworld, Hades/hell or Heaven, or limbo after your physical body dies and this life contract is terminated, sometimes prematurely. And that is what you will receive if you strictly believe so. But maybe the origin of this manifested reality will not be what you believe it is. God cannot interfere because you have free will, even if you regress out of the soul matrix. This is what implies when it is said that “the ones without love or God in the heart shall not be saved”. The truth is, you can only save yourself regardless of your personal moral alignment and frequency. It is called balance and non-interference. Also, you are a part of God. All is. God cannot save you because you ARE God. In saving you, God saves itself. So be it.

“Why me?” is the number one existential lament and question of humanity since millennia. Yet no one has been able to find a satisfying definitive answer. What do you think that means, Humanity? I can let you ponder on this one.

Thank you for your stated perspective, Griffon.

Onimous synchronicities

My Avian father, Pharoliynin, may literally have a Bakugan named after himself; or that tapped into his energies.

I remember taking a brief interest in Bakugan in 2nd grade.


Some synchronicities happen with my Soul name; I get YouTube ads that say “Taylin”. And I learn there’s an ET somewhere named Thaylin. My Soul name, as you know, is Teiuliyn Hin.

BTW yesterday’s first attempt to go to Ontario was averted because I forgot my phone just before finding the tramway.. I will try over until I get it. Second attempt: now.

Starseed Heritability

Anéeka of Temmer stated that most Starrseeds on Gaia carry 24 non-sexual chromosomes or more, with the extra ones after the 22nd weakened by the Matrix at birth or early childhood, and once activated, they become the cabal’s greatest threats, and remember their higher skills, activate advanced consciousness and faculties forgotten from other lifetimes, and become empowered to be their galactic selves again. Some are already born with mild activations but then experience shutdowns and upgrades. Note that 24 is the double of the sacred divine number twelve (12). All galactic races count in base twelve maths but us, of course. We may have ten fingers but base 10 seems unnatural to even my galactic ener-genes.

She states that “activated” Starseeds cannot reproduce with Terrans”, 99.99% having 22 chromosomes (beside X and Y) and 1 in 1000 having 23, being Terran humans with “higher activations and consciousness”, more awakened to reality. These are the rarest human karyotypes on Gaia.

The number of Starseeds on Gaia is 1 in 3 to 1 in 5 depending on sources. The Terrans, 2 in 3 to 4 in 5. Most Terrans are what are called “unreal humans” due to their karyotype being downgraded to unnatural harmonic ratios and two-stranded DNA, and being disempowered children of former Humanseeds who descended from several HUman root races like the Hyperboreans, Lemurians and Atlantean bloodlines; some are reincarnated from these races, some are just products of the Lunar Matrix and have a “soul deficiency”. There is not a lot of actual soul essence in them as they are programmed inherently with a script and hardware of a 3D matrix. They are merely NPC’s formed to induce emotional reactions in Starseeds and awakened 23-karyotype Terrans (I call them Terran-23’s or Homo23). The starving children and laboring children we see on media, most are unreal humans.

Suppose you have a Sirian Starseed father and a mother with Hopi and Lemurian bloodlines. This would work if she comes originally from the stars and/or simply has Starseed bloodlines. If one of your parents is a genetically certified Starseed, the other HAS to carry a Starseed karyotype; galactivated or not. That means you, to be compatible with your body, you have to inherit 25 chromosomes in total from each parent, and the levels of galactivations in each determines your own quantum gifts and ancestral knowledge; the Soul itself carries energenes as well in the Etheric template layers.

One human on Earth can have eother two Starseed bloodline (Homo24/25) parents, or two Homo22 (Terran or Unreal Human) progenitors. It is biologically impossible for even a Homo23 and a Homo24/25 to match. The 24th and 25th would not meet its “diploid” copy. In very uncommon cases a Homo23 and a 23-karyotype Starseed can reproduce safely.

However, it is a possibility all humanoids on Earth, even in 3D have all 24 chromosomes, but Terrans function on only 22 or 23 active ones, with the remaining signature DNA suppressed, deactivated. All Starseeds are 5D in frequency and beyond

-Starseed encephalons are unispheric in energy, have 12, 13-stranded (or in some rare races, 14 or more) genomic structures, and are often born with only 2, 3 active or a few more active or partially activated strands, and receive upgrades constantly.

  • Terrans use largely bihemispherically differentiated “split brains”, and most live with 2 or 3 out of 12 strands activated at birth.
  • The Soul births the child, not just the body.

If your parents are Starseeds, you are highly likely to be also a Starseed!!! A 22-karyotype Terran almost cannot be made from a Starseed couple, but there are cases in which unactivated or already galactivated parent Starseeds can have a Terran soul come in and “inherit” new DNA activations because it’s all about deactivated parts.. One parent can be underactivated or dormant exogenetically, and the other more galactivated, and then in this case, it is more of a recessive phenomenon.

Templates and engrams, energenes are quantum and so it is maybe in some aspects, more complex than usual translocations and transmissions.

1 in 3-5, everyone. A third to a fifth of your community may be aliens! Exceptions do apply and it depends on how your Soul lineage can adapt and how galactivated your parents are.

My father in this life was a sociopathic Draconian, with likely 24 chromosomes; my mother, and her father, and his own father, are all in my Spiritual bloodline and Soul family. Thankfully we have had interference on the Astral level to dissipate potential unhealthy activated energenes from the paternal side, all us four siblings. I’m not sure about my brother though; he is left with a severe neuroimmune disability (aura displacement syndrome) as well as cerebral damage. Dark Starseeds often can have crippled offspring due to their low frequency genes being paired with high vibe ones. Most of us did not inherit them; our Soul frequency and maternal genome is too high vibrational. Morphogenetics, Quantum physics.

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