Transhumanism on Animals

Considering no vaxxine is safe, could we find a natural remedy to treat rabies in the 24h period following contamination other than the Milwaukee protocol? Immunity comes from DIvinity, but really, is it really true that your higher vibration level can outbeat the pathogen?

We need to create an animal and familiar adoption website that does NOT oblige transhumanism done on every newborn animal!
I am strongly opposing forced vaxxination, microchipping and sterilization of ALL animals and familiars, whether they are domestic or not! As well as maybe “tagging” cattle on their ears.
People have to learn how to sharpen their intuitive skills, then tap into their animal’s consciousness, higher selves, and gain permission from them!
Microchips have the possibility to make animals more easily controlled by EMF tech. There are medications with a tracking chip inside of them too.
Cats intuitively know where to find you when they go away, most commonly pregnant cats.
There are indeed stories of the rabies vax causing serious problems in dogs.
And most of all, since Source or God provides for every being, Earth is NOT overpopulated. That is a Jesuit lie to propagandize depopulation. Gaia is a literal Archangel, listen to what she can create and do for all of us!

If animals were really that dangerous and pathogen launching machines when “pure”, no vax, no chip, no sterilization, then we would be all dead by now because that proves the govern-ments have created a profound understatement of our true immune system’s powers.

Each being is born with an immune system, biological and spiritual, godgiven. I do acknowledge that some are born with weakened immune systems but this is a different issue to tackle.

What keeps them alive in their bodies? Their divinity energy. Every newborn is born perfect, even the ones with severe deformity, but we enter in a soup of toxicity called the matrix.

Remember the sterilizing campaign done onto people thrown in asylums in the 20th century. They are (70% of the time) not a danger to society, eugenics is though.

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