The More You Seek to Unite, the More they Seek to Divide

Teiuliyn here. This is going to be a very important article on my website blog.

Just thisb very day, I tried to go visit a welfare organization seated a few kilometers away from my place. I knew it was not going to be easy due to my “obsessive-neurotic” triggers, and my feet walked so far that I could not proceed to walk all alone and vulnerable under a bridge. So I froze. I asked the clerk at the gas station to find someone to give me a lift, but I could not find anyone, even with my symbolic thumb out to hitchhike.

Turning back home, I only could walk about 500 meters until, I truly froze. Everything seemed agoraphobic, with all the uncanny angles and flat tall building walls, I felt the old fear that I would suddenly “levitate” and fall into the empty skybox. I could barely walk without crouching and anchoring my hands to the ground. I even tried a few times, to cross that road under the bridge, but I always froze before even crossing. The last attempt, I froze halfway.

I signaled a lady going to her car, that I was having a “panic attack”, I was frozen on the spot and clinging to a tree for grounding. It’s a gradual buildup of terror and stress. Clinging on a tree, I could only pray to my archangel guides. Fear is illusory, but the illusion and deep seated triggers can be very strong. It is the first time I have an episode this awful.

Now, some might fear ending up injected by force when they call an ambulance in 2021, but I didn’t. I knew to manifest higher timelines.

That incident, was my Higher Self’s way to create more unity consciousness with the locals.

So they dropped me off close to home, and as I waltzed my way down to the shelter, I asked for a takeout. Last time, I had to wait outside. Now they will not even let me stay in, even outside of the basement entry, with my scarf on. So reluctantly, I put on the mask. Then threw it in the trash angrily when I got my takeout. I had enough. This is the last time I allow myself to wear it. Next time, I’ll coerce them to comply with my refusal to wear it, and that I either wait outside or leave. That is what the 4D matrix does. And it also depends on who you interact with. But they all seem to know now. I want this to stop.

The archons are rearing all of their ugly heads right now. They are becoming perhaps the most agitated I’ve seen in my own timelines.

Waltzing and strutting back home, still picking up trash beyond my control, I encountered a wild vegan who was also doing the same thing as me. Picking up litter. Adamantly, I turned to him as he was walking off and said in my Quebec French “Finally, someone is caring enough to delitter the streets, I’m not alone!”

This string of words turned into a fun conversation about eco-responsibility, ranting about the negligence of locals, veganism, and the problem with masks and the pland**ic.

When I was literally at home, which I don’t really feel like home but I adapted a little, I had the idea to give three of my bag’s items to my neighbor, but she was absent so I walked downstairs and donated them to the supervisor. He’s generally a very altruistic person and has often saved my butt especially since I lost my phone due to it being stolen out of my timeline in January when I traveled to Ontario. My plan was to wait and watch the developments of the space port while in a shelter and do my rent remotely via phone – it backfired so I wasted hundreds for a taxi. The shelter’s organisation paid my VIA Rail. Even then, my second tickets was also “vanished” in the bus.

I unite by nature – even if I often cycled between victimizer and victim, and rescuer. But I know better now. I was mind controlled against my nature.

And I unite people so much here, that some local organisations seem to ampen up the division the more I unite. There is an inversely proportional correlation. Thankfully, I move (again) next month and will go on a long car voyage with my dear earth angel friend to finally start the real job.

You do not need to go in the fields and jungles to create abundance communities. The big metropoles are in very high demand for some fresh air, especially those non-compliers who could starve and die under the governmental regimen of agenda 2050. (depending on their timeline). By doing this, I kindly and courageously save shopaholics like my neighbor from going bankrupt in resources, and also, help those with pensions live.

Okay, Archons. I get it. You showed me all the signs you hate our guts. Can you leave me alone now? Yeah, you won’t. That’s why the GFL is removing you away. When I start secret abundance networks with my twin soul and my neighbors and locals, I start seeing how much I really control my own life. Completely. You can only control you.

Gradually, I hope that my local city adopts, promotes and spreads my free-giving empath ways, although I do have limits because the needs of self always come first. Especially since it is an important Earth grid node. Our cohesive full union is their death and nightmare (the cabal). If everyone in my apartment bloc joined the free sharing network I do currently for a short period until I leave, the remaining cabal would rat out – and we would transition to freedom faster. How many urban cities do this exactly? It tends to get irritating to walk back and forth to a shelter with such tightening opinions and protocols!

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