Some False Premises of “the Great Triggers of Humanity””

Contents: Pedophilia, racism, incest and more.

This is like, the worst and best topic for me to introduce during the Storm, because it runs the pinnacle of human trauma and sensitivity. More than one thing, and I just cry internally every single day because of all the unreasonable ideologies that grow of these sprouts.

This is just a general topic that pokes the feelings and thoughts of everyone.

It’s just a common thought pattern in the dark subconscious of Earth’s humankind. Every day of my life, these inserted negative thoughts resurface in my awareness like nothing. Ruminations about every major sting that humanity has grown angsty of.

I do not approve that people could have gotten their self-control so low. I prefer to live in a mindset of Soulality, one of unity and Love.

Fear, and its children like anger, hate, depression, are illusions of separation.

Everyday, I get hindthoughts about rape. Narcissism. Pedophilia. Gang crime. Lolcows. Political madness. All the big drama trends. he future of humanity. I have talked to and met people who actively tried to mature spiritually and not let their sexual or discriminative traumas bring them down in victim anger and misery, but the same sentiments varyingly torture them all in their dreams and thoughts: disgust, confusion, “denial” (note that you can metaphysically, truly rewrite your history and denial can variably be from real to a loaded gaslightung weaponized word), Gollum levels of mistrust, internal haunting, and the genocidal fantasy. And, dissociation: a big fiasco.

. Especially the rapist/pedo part. There are people with “POCD” fears who contunually dread of contracting pedophilia. Actually, they’re cursing themselves. Fear, or want, thoughts manifest. They could likely eventually develop it, but Soul can always intervene. The more attention, the more likely. This is why nightmares come true. The more you obsess in fears, the more you are likely to contract an energy or illness.

I firsthand dealt with so many of these transfirmation or contamination fear ideas. You may feel that hypernormalized social media urge to “cancel” an user and smite my soul all you want for this, I dealt with this on Quora and other communities before.., but I do not hate anyone. I cannot. Even molesters, pedophiles and genociders. And during the Storm, this same rape or pedophilia, and satanism subjects is amplified to its pinnacle in the attention of humanity in 2020. I refuse to even buy into the “kill all sexual abusers and pedos” mindset.

Listen here. The Galactic codex recommends against murder. Elimination of all pedophiles, eugenicists and murderers, killing someone for political or sexual feelings they just have and do not necessarily have full control on (hopefully not violating anyone’s boundaries) is way too radical, orwellian fuel, and (quite) unfortunately a trendy ideology system because of human trauma, and exactly what demonics and archons wish for you when you subscribe to their matrix of control: to step down to their level. Murdering the entire cabal is similarly radical. The actual demonics themselves are thrown in the central galactic sun and it once really saddened me how Source can completely erase the existence of a (soulless, reprobate) being, then recycle its energy into Light. But they made a choice, and Source has its choices. Whether humanity wishes to eliminate its “oppressors” and feed the archons their own negativity, it collectively revents everyone from a faster ascension.

I believe that whilst we have to stand up to our Divine Right and Sovereignty, protect the future of our children.. it is also useful to realize we are One, and STOP demonizing whoever or whatever “dark” it may be for a sexuality, urge, habit, temptation, and whatever is classified as “unholy”. And guess what? That includes pedophilia, incest, homosexuality, and all fetishes, sexualities or kinks some or a lot of you hate with passion. You can throw a trigger tantrum, a cancel campaign or unleash in fury all you want but my idea is my idea, and your reaction is exactly my point. Also, you would therefore try to threaten a substantial workshop of information and services all by your offended ego and squish my spreading Light out of the world. You would burn books of the Alexandria Library. It does not signify you have to support anything. It’s a dualistic emotional logic trap your controlled ego develops. The war of sex/gender, racism wars and other cultural ideology chaos rooms are already buzzing around mine and everyone’s (not very) peripheral mental images year round. Love is not lust consciousness, it is even beyond its word. Unconditional acknowledgement of the nature of Source.

How much energy did you spend getting triggered on political subjects, trying to “win” your last word or drown in the global shadow of humanity? Watching news and getting triggered?

Compassion for the suffering and needs of your brethren and family as One. Please, it’s not an issue about whether you put the P in LGBT, whose lives matter, acting politically correct, or strictly a cabal situation. Politics mixing with trauma. Does these traumas really have to make people find more justifications to cultivate that “joke” and create wars? Excuse my rather “un-PC” speech, but I find this whole social justice and “big taboos” war to really be an unintentionally half-egotistical joke, a narrowened distraction or distorted given of what is really the core issue. I suggest that if one wants to truly protect children, or stop rape, or stop genocide, they have to show compassion for the inner child of all beings, and not feed its original creators with further wrath, because you enable their phantom matrix… instead of participating in a childish “acceptance” or “you’re part of the problem” debate game that I feel could minimize the real issue, using your fingers on a keyboard. It actually hurts more the ones who were affected by the acts or energies of the ones who had the experiences you all dread and run to cry for Jesus about. But according to the current state of consciousness in the majority of Gaia, Source had not many options. These joke wars only causes one-sided takes on issues popularized as “serious” debates, using anger driven action but ignoring some crucial spiritual manifestation tools, which creates only more miserability as far as I see. Is this a cracked high school? The real homework is yourself here.

Yes, I knoooowww these are learning opportunities given by Divine choice, and this is what I see humanity needs to see and change.

Because when you react in anger and discompassion, you stray from your Oneness and Soul, staying in your hacked lower mind. Light and dark need to coexist. Otherwise, we would make no distinction of objects, energies, without hues (darkness) but only see a pure white blank canvas, for example. The key is EQUILIBRIUM.

I want to add further opinions in this topic, but I am not going to disable comments here since anyone could take a shortcut to any of my comment sections. I can however, pray that Earth sees more of themselves in their siblings. I am you and you are me. Your pain is reciprocally.. mine.

I only respond to comments who wholesomely respond and express opinions rather than an angry ego trigger acting self-righteous. Blocking is not even worth my attention. Blocking users constantly seems like energy wastage.

My patience for this “joke” is null. Null.

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