Earthling and Extraterrestrial instincts

Here’s a psychological question..

Actually many questions, about human vs ET instincts.

Can someone explain the internal concept of “cheating” in a relationship if you can inherently innerstand it on a raw level? I know it has to do with a sense of expectation betrayal and fear of abandonment on some level, like they made false promises you got so hooked onto them, and suddenly they just turn away and show they “like someone else more than you”, but the inherent core of it, evades my alien consciousness and mind on a raw emotional level, and it’s probably because where I come from, we don’t have this concept in our societies – or not a lot. I’m so used to the Oneness of it all. I just see it as reptilian childish control.It’s like I can innerstand this intimate relational cheating cognitively but not instinctively, like it’s foreign. Nothing comes up but fear of losing a best friend platonically.I come from the Auramuri – maybe I’m not so unique amongst them.

It’s just not the same like on Terra. When your soulmate goes away, you don’t ask questions. You don’t nag them on who they’re going to see, and provoke and test their so-called loyalty to you which I find to be pure ego and childish control. You just already know.

It does not worry me who they like, or feel curious about. Love is unconditional is universal. Cheating and jealousy are based on envy and fear of separation and loss. It’s the most I know. I have never felt it strictly from within myself, this is the data I see from people.

No one can force me to “like” just one consciousness node.

I have never based my intimate relations this way. I have felt abandoned and have had many plain old rejection related insecurities, but not this. The problem here is that if some Earthlings end up knowing this, some would assume I use this as an excuse to rationalize what they would perceive as irresponsible “thottery” like it’s dirty or something.

Many of their relations have a lot of “benefits” value to it, is benefits part of why cheating is so hated upon?

Earthlings talk of cheating like you would talk about stealing?? Up here we seek firstly Hieros Gamos for a reason, but I remember deep down, that I could have many polygamous relations, and it’s still the same. We just honor each other’s sacred space and energetic sovereignty. But there are degrees of relations. Sometimes it’s just for experimentation and fun.

Yes some ETs do this. Not all races or societies in the galaxy are strictly monogamous for their twin soul like for example major Pleiadian values. Maybe my original peoples are a bit more flexible..

It seems that for the regressive beings and for many Orions on 3D or 4D planets, “love” is all about lust and harvesting cheap sacral energy…. body slamming..

I feel that to some degree, cheating is a concept mostly transmitted by beings who think divisively as an excuse to control their friends and partner…Studying humanity.. for the 7th time or so. This is proof I was never truly human lmao. I’ve been more like an Avian and Arcturian from day 1. I have a lot of hybrid consciousness in my energy signature. I’ve always known.

Anyone else experience this, your native soul consciousness just has certain instincts completely different, or even missing from the earthling consciousness?? Especially emotionally or spiritually? Like either totally foreign, or you can somewhat read its image by others energies or studying em, but it feels unnatural to your nature?

I once heard a potential Starseed state that he does not naturally comprehend grief or most human emotional instincts. But he was diagnosed with autism in this life and his specific form of it severely narrowed down his ability to connect telepathically with humans, even most Starseeds.

That one shocked me wide eyed because I could not fathom how someone could not comprehend what grief is. I don’t even have autism. I thought I did but that was MK-U*** related and it was artificially simulated by a neuralink.There are so little studies done on Starseeds and those who are born with instincts so different from the rest of humanity that it almost appears clinical to someone who doesn’t realize the cause. Like Draconians and psychopathy.

Maybe he was for many lives a grey, Zeta or a super emotionally pure or limited kind of ET/consciousness. Idk.

They’re really not used to earth natures. Maybe he had an implant as well from birth? I mean, he was quite an isolated case and almost off the charts for the difference in emotional relatability compared to the rest of his community..

Or maybe he just knows what humans emotions look like but doesn’t get it very well because he was used to a very different spectrum of emotions that depends not on physical bodies?

Have any of you Starseeds focused more on energies than nonverbal signals, appearance, and language? Plus dealing with a dense body that doesn’t always move nicely to the vibrations here?

On topic again, That’s why I just quit Earthly dating, honestly. It’s all just part-draconian, harvesting and really mainly utilitarianism, old envy and across all relation types it’s enticing, manipulating the partner or friend, or family, or child.. and your interests…. people come to you with so many expectations…. astral realms are so much simpler if you’re not around dark energies. Brutal. I can’t tolerate feeling their envy cords on me. Some of these frequencies are merely too low for my brain to process. They’re not fit. And if someone sees this as a sign of me enabling people who have more reptilian dating instincts to “mess around” that’s not my problem. But yes, your energy is still something to be careful of sharing where and with who..We are not made equal. We have equal sovereign rights but no one is made equal to another or we would be clones. Eons of genetic experimentation has led to such a diverse humanity, that I think that, even if some core emotions are universal, or for 99.5% of us all, but no one has exactly the same socioaffective profile and most cases it’s not even clinical but soul/ET-related. Next time you question why someone reacts so atypically to what’s culturally expected emotionally, maybe they’re just a hybrid and that’s part of their consciousness from above that they carry.

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