Natives Knew Better

Trigger warning: today’s message is going to be not so fluffy. The Natives Knew better.

And they still do.

The Natives and aboriginals knew better about healing and medicine, even if not technologically. Why? Because they knew we are all god. They knew we all have an inner divine self and connection directly with source for those who are souled.

They are the medicine people of yesterday, and stil are today but they are overshadowed by big pharma who focuses on destabilizing the human hormonal cycle for profit and do rituals and incantations behind the scenes and DNA mutilation to exploit humanity into hybridization and cloning programs so that the regressive soulless entities can use our DNA and energy as batteries for ascending their own collective species. There are new divine laws put in and activated, credit to Lynne Rondell, to stop this from happening and to put a term finally to the countless astral and physical exomilitary abductions taking place, me being one of these abductees when I was nine years old.

Big Pharma is one of many facades and puppets to the real violators of our genome. The real wisdom is in our genetics. Humans are the species closest to God’s image. It shares a special intimacy with God and Goddess. Because we are a blend of the best DNA there is from infinite races. The aboriginals knew that humanity is being violated and exploited for their genetics, and they actively fought against colonialism which is a cover just for the archons and reptilians and extraterrestrial forces who wish to use our DNA for energy harvesting for themselves selfishly doing so by infiltrating native (and European) communities and raping their collective consciousness. The natives and aboriginals were the first ones to experience such terrible forecast since the negative alien alliance desired to exterminate their bloodlines who were so perfected and divinely active.

And they also are the best keepers of ancient Atlantean and Lemurian wisdom and healing, clearing knowledge shared on from generation to generation until space colonialism from the Atlantean fall repeated itself again in the timeframe of between the 1400’s to 1800’s – if that timeline is even historically accurate, because we have been lied to all the time.

And what happened to these European people, especially witches, sorcerers and women, who carried on the native’s traditions of healing and purifying? They were hanged, burned, and killed.

The natives and aboriginals knew about consciousness fragmentation, entity possession and parasitizing, soul retrieval and the power of the mind and belief. They all knew, the shamans knew, the midwives all knew that your beliefs shape the avatar. And all disease has an emotional root cause whether from this lifetime or another one, or a parallel life. An injury in a parallel life can affect this one now. This is why they executed heavy and intense purification rituals to cleanse all layers of consciousness, from the soul to the body. We don’t smudge our apartments for nothing. It is toxic to the dark ones. because of the higher purifying energy it embodies.

Magic is science. It is simple as that. And metaphysics is the science of how consciousness interacts and creates with the environment. Metaphysics knows that everything comes from within and that all is Source. It cannot deny that. Every race in the universe knows this except for earthlings. That is how far astray we have wandered from the wisdom of yesterday’s medicine.

I saw an article once of a child who recovered from non speaking autism after going into a shamanic cleansing ritual. This is what I am talking about. The cabal made the word cure politically evil or bad because they like to spread this myth that cures remove the gifts from your type of neurodivergency or condition.
That is bogus. God would never remove your gifts when you recover. In fact, your gifts are not your condition’s, but your soul’s gifts, expressed and modulated by your genomic sequencing.

That is my current innerstanding of how and why the aboriginals and natives knew and still know better about the human health and consciousness. Thank you for watching. Bye for now.

Author: teiuliyn

Ancient Lightworker originally born in Saturn and from the Avian collective. I bring my contribution to Shan with all the active Starseeds.

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